@ -66,18 +66,10 @@ bind p paste-buffer
bind -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
bind -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
bind -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
bind -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash"
# integrate with system clipboard
bind C-c run 'tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i -sel clipboard'
bind C-v run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel clipboard)\"; tmux paste-buffer"
# Make switch session shortcut repeatable
# Make switch session shortcut repeatable
bind -r ( switch-client -p
bind -r ( switch-client -p
bind -r ) switch-client -n
bind -r ) switch-client -n
bind P pipe-pane -o "cat >> ~/#S-#W.log" \; display "Toggled logging to ~/#S-#W.log"
# Reload config with prefix r
# Reload config with prefix r
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded"
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded"
@ -102,4 +94,3 @@ bind -r L resize-pane -R 5
bind -r C-h select-window -t :-
bind -r C-h select-window -t :-
bind -r C-l select-window -t :+
bind -r C-l select-window -t :+