remove yajs
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
### Version 1.3
- Add ServiceWorker
- Some code refactor
- Lots of bug fix
- Nesting block
- Multiline template string
- Negative integer
- Syntax not load second time
- Comment in object literal
- Reserved word not in all string type
### Version 1.2
- Embed JS in html/erb/haml
- fetch
- sendBeacon
- Improve init performance
### Version 1.1.1
- Function brace in new line
- Web Crypto
### Version 1.1
- JSDoc 3
- ECMA-402: Intl
- async, await
- Event name
- String bugs fix
- Minor bug fix
### Version 1.0
- New name
- Refactor Web API and DOM
- Remove old definitions
- Supports partial ES6
- Work with js lib syntax
### Version 0.9
- Add HTML interfaces
- Add CustomEvent
- Add custom element api
### Version 0.8
- Use javascript as group name prefix, which makes SyntaxComplete can work for JavaScript
- Better support for JSDoc
- Support [closure compiler JSDoc annotation](
- Support [Typed Array]( and [File API](
The same as Vim
@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
# vim:filetype=make:foldmethod=marker:fdl=0:
# Makefile: install/uninstall/link vim plugin files.
# Author: Cornelius <>
# Date: 一 3/15 22:49:26 2010
# Version: 1.0
# Copyright (c) 2010 <Cornelius (c9s)>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
# conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# }}}
# {
# version => 0.2, # record spec version
# generated_by => 'Vimana-' . $Vimana::VERSION,
# install_type => 'auto', # auto , make , rake ... etc
# package => $self->package_name,
# files => \@e,
# }
# }}}
README_FILES=`ls -1 | grep -i readme`
WGET_OPT=-c -nv
TAR=tar czvf
record_file = \
PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
echo $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1) >> $(2)
# }}}
# Usage:
# $(call install_git_sources)
install_git_source = \
PWD=$(PWD) ; \
mkdir -p $(DEPEND_DIR) ; \
cd $(DEPEND_DIR) ; \
for git_uri in $(GIT_SOURCES) ; do \
OUTDIR=$$(echo $$git_uri | perl -pe 's{^.*/}{}') ;\
echo $$OUTDIR ; \
if [[ -e $$OUTDIR ]] ; then \
cd $$OUTDIR ; \
git pull origin master && \
make install && cd .. ; \
else \
git clone $$git_uri $$OUTDIR && \
cd $$OUTDIR && \
make install && cd .. ; \
fi; \
done ;
# install file by inspecting content
install_file = \
PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
cp -v $(1) $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1)
link_file = \
PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
cp -v $(1) $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1)
unlink_file = \
PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
rm -fv $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1)
# fetch script from an url
fetch_url = \
@if [[ -e $(2) ]] ; then \
exit \
; fi \
; echo " => $(2)" \
; if [[ ! -z `which curl` ]] ; then \
curl $(CURL_OPT) $(1) -o $(2) ; \
; elif [[ ! -z `which wget` ]] ; then \
wget $(WGET_OPT) $(1) -O $(2) \
; fi \
; echo $(2) >> .bundlefiles
install_source = \
for git_uri in $(GIT_SOURCES) ; do \
OUTDIR=$$(echo $$git_uri | perl -pe 's{^.*/}{}') ;\
echo $$OUTDIR ; \
# fetch script from github
fetch_github = \
@if [[ -e $(5) ]] ; then \
exit \
; fi \
; echo " => $(5)" \
; if [[ ! -z `which curl` ]] ; then \
curl $(CURL_OPT)$(1)/$(2)/raw/$(3)/$(4) -o $(5) \
; elif [[ ! -z `which wget` ]] ; then \
wget $(WGET_OPT)$(1)/$(2)/raw/$(3)/$(4) -O $(5) \
; fi \
; echo $(5) >> .bundlefiles
# fetch script from local file
fetch_local = @cp -v $(1) $(2) \
; @echo $(2) >> .bundlefiles
# 1: NAME , 2: URI
dep_from_git = \
D=/tmp/$(1)-$$RANDOM ; git clone $(2) $$D ; cd $$D ; make install ;
dep_from_svn = \
D=/tmp/$(1)-$$RANDOM ; svn checkout $(2) $$D ; cd $$D ; make install ;
# }}}
# }}}
# ======= DEFAULT CONFIG ======= {{{
# Default plugin name
NAME=`basename \`pwd\``
# Files to add to tarball:
DIRS=`ls -1F | grep / | sed -e 's/\///'`
# Runtime path to install:
# Other Files to be added:
FILES=`ls -1 | grep '.vim$$'`
MKFILES=Makefile `ls -1 | grep '.mk$$'`
# ======== USER CONFIG ======= {{{
# please write config in
# this will override default config
# Custom Name:
# NAME=[plugin name]
# Custom dir list:
# DIRS=autoload after doc syntax plugin
# Files to add to tarball:
# Bundle dependent scripts:
# bundle-deps:
# $(call fetch_github,[account id],[project],[branch],[source path],[target path])
# $(call fetch_url,[file url],[target path])
# $(call fetch_local,[from],[to])
-include ~/
-include $(CONFIG_FILE)
# }}}
# }}}
# ======= SECTIONS ======= {{{
all: install-deps install
# check required binaries
[[ -n $$(which git) ]]
[[ -n $$(which bash) ]]
[[ -n $$(which vim) ]]
[[ -n $$(which wget) || -n $$(which curl) ]]
$(call install_git_sources)
@if [[ -n `which wget` || -n `which curl` || -n `which fetch` ]]; then echo "wget|curl|fetch: OK" ; else echo "wget|curl|fetch: NOT OK" ; fi
@if [[ -n `which vim` ]] ; then echo "vim: OK" ; else echo "vim: NOT OK" ; fi
@rm -f $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo "NAME=" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo "VERSION=" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo "#DIRS="
@echo "#FILES="
@echo "" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo "bundle-deps:" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo " \$$(call fetch_github,ID,REPOSITORY,BRANCH,PATH,TARGET_PATH)" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo " \$$(call fetch_url,FILE_URL,TARGET_PATH)" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
@echo "AUTHOR=" > ~/
bundle: bundle-deps
dist: bundle mkfilelist
@$(TAR) $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '.git' $(DIRS) $(README_FILES) $(FILES) $(MKFILES)
@echo "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz is ready."
@mkdir -vp $(VIMRUNTIME)
@mkdir -vp $(VIMRUNTIME)/record
@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type d | while read dir ; do \
mkdir -vp $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$dir ; done ; fi
if [[ -n `which vimup` ]] ; then \
@echo "Using Shell:" $(SHELL)
@echo "Installing"
@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
cp -v $$file $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file ; done ; fi
@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
$(call install_file,$$vimfile) ; fi ; done
install: init-runtime bundle pure-install record
@echo "Uninstalling"
@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
rm -fv $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file ; done ; fi
@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
$(call unlink_file,$$vimfile) ; fi ; done
uninstall: uninstall-files rmrecord
link: init-runtime
@echo "Linking"
@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]]; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
ln -sfv $(PWD)/$$file $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file ; done ; fi
@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
$(call link_file,$$vimfile) ; fi ; done
@echo $(NAME) > $(RECORD_FILE)
@echo $(VERSION) >> $(RECORD_FILE)
@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
echo $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file >> $(RECORD_FILE) ; done ; fi
@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
$(call record_file,$$vimfile,$(RECORD_FILE)) ; fi ; done
find $(DIRS) -type f > .tmp_list
vim .tmp_list
vim .tmp_list -c ":%MkVimball $(NAME)-$(VERSION) ." -c "q"
@rm -vf .tmp_list
@echo "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).vba is ready."
find $(DIRS) -type f > .tmp_list
vim .tmp_list -c ":%MkVimball $(NAME)-$(VERSION) ." -c "q"
@rm -vf .tmp_list
@echo "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).vba is ready."
@echo "" > $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "fun! s:mkmd5(file)" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " if executable('md5')" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " return system('cat ' . a:file . ' | md5')" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " else" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " return \"\"" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " endif" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "endf" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "let files = readfile('.record')" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "let package_name = remove(files,0)" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "let script_version = remove(files,0)" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "let record = { 'version' : 0.3 , 'generated_by': 'Vim-Makefile' , 'script_version': script_version , 'install_type' : 'makefile' , 'package' : package_name , 'files': [ ] }" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "for file in files " >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " let md5 = s:mkmd5(file)" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo " cal add( record.files , { 'checksum': md5 , 'file': file } )" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "endfor" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "redir => output" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "silent echon record" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "redir END" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "let content = join(split(output,\"\\\\n\"),'')" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "let record_file = expand('~/.vim/record/' . package_name )" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "cal writefile( [content] , record_file )" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "cal delete('.record')" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@echo "echo \"Done\"" >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
record: mkfilelist mkrecordscript
vim --noplugin -V10install.log -c "so $(RECORD_SCRIPT)" -c "q"
@echo "Vim script record making log: install.log"
# @rm -vf $(RECORD_FILE)
@echo "Removing Record"
@rm -vf $(VIMRUNTIME)/record/$(NAME)
clean: clean-bundle-deps
@rm -vf $(RECORD_FILE)
@rm -vf $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
@rm -vf install.log
@rm -vf *.tar.gz
@echo "Removing Bundled scripts..."
@if [[ -e .bundlefiles ]] ; then \
rm -fv `echo \`cat .bundlefiles\``; \
@rm -fv .bundlefiles
@echo "Updating Makefile..."
@URL= ; \
if [[ -n `which curl` ]]; then \
curl $$URL -o Makefile ; \
if [[ -n `which wget` ]]; then \
wget -c $$URL ; \
elif [[ -n `which fetch` ]]; then \
fetch $$URL ; \
@echo version - $(MAKEFILE_VERSION)
# }}}
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
YAJS: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax
Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim. Key differences:
* Use 'javascript' as group name's prefix, not 'javaScript' nor 'JavaScript'. Works great with [SyntaxComplete](
* Recognize Web API and DOM keywords. Keep increase.
* Works perfect with [javascript-libraries-syntax.vim](
* Remove old, unused syntax definitions.
* Support ES6 new syntax, ex: arrow function `=>`.
### Differences from jelera/vim-javascript-syntax
I start a new project instead of send PR to jelera is because: jelera/vim-javascript-syntax is not so active.
And I want to do lots of changes, including ES6 and other not confirmed standard support.
Also, one of my goal is produce 100% correct syntax.
But it hurt performance, so I prefer to create a new one instead of merge back.
- Jose Elera, [Enhanced Javascript syntax](
- Zhao Yi, Claudio Fleiner, Scott Shattuck (This file is based on their hard work)
- gumnos (From the #vim IRC Channel in Freenode) (Who helped me figured out the crazy Vim Regexes)
Report Issue
Please send issue report to [github]( Provde sample code to help me debug.
### Version 1.5
- Lots of bug Fix
- Support semantic highlight
### Version 1.4
- Better Array Comprehesion support
- Better Template highlight
- AngularJS JSDoc module
- Fix object literal syntax
- Don't break vim-jsx
The same as Vim
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$(call fetch_url,FILE_URL,TARGET_PATH)
@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
# - A
# - :active
# - ::after (:after)
- align-content
- align-items
- align-self
# - all
# - <angle>
- animation
- animation-delay
- animation-direction
- animation-duration
- animation-fill-mode
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-name
- animation-play-state
- animation-timing-function
# - attr()
# - auto
# - B
- backface-visibility
- background
- background-attachment
- background-blend-mode
- background-clip
- background-color
- background-image
- background-origin
- background-position
- background-repeat
- background-size
# - <basic-shape>
# - ::before (:before)
# - <blend-mode>
# - blur()
- border
- border-bottom
- border-bottom-color
- border-bottom-left-radius
- border-bottom-right-radius
- border-bottom-style
- border-bottom-width
- border-collapse
- border-color
- border-image
- border-image-outset
- border-image-repeat
- border-image-slice
- border-image-source
- border-image-width
- border-left
- border-left-color
- border-left-style
- border-left-width
- border-radius
- border-right
- border-right-color
- border-right-style
- border-right-width
- border-spacing
- border-style
- border-top
- border-top-color
- border-top-left-radius
- border-top-right-radius
- border-top-style
- border-top-width
- border-width
- bottom
- box-decoration-break
- box-shadow
- box-sizing
- break-after
- break-before
- break-inside
# - brightness()
# - C
# - calc()
- caption-side
# - ch
# - @charset
# - :checked
# - ::choices
# - circle()
- clear
- clip
- clip-path
# - cm
- color
# - <color>
- columns
- column-count
- column-fill
- column-gap
- column-rule
- column-rule-color
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-width
- column-span
- column-width
- content
# - contrast()
# - <counter>
- counter-increment
- counter-reset
# - @counter-style
# - cross-fade()
# - cubic-bezier()
- cursor
# - <custom-ident>
# - cycle()
# - D
# - :default
# - deg
# - :dir()
- direction
# - :disabled
- display
# - @document
# - dpcm
# - dpi
# - dppx
# - drop-shadow()
# - E
# - element()
# - ellipse()
# - em
# - :empty
- empty-cells
# - :enabled
# - ex
# - F
# - filter()
# - :first
# - :first-child
# - ::first-letter (:first-letter)
# - ::first-line (:first-line)
# - :first-of-type
- flex
- flex-basis
- flex-direction
- flex-flow
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-wrap
- float
# - :focus
- font
# - @font-face
- font-family
- font-feature-settings
# - @font-feature-values
- font-kerning
- font-language-override
- font-size
- font-size-adjust
- font-stretch
- font-style
- font-synthesis
- font-variant
- font-variant-alternates
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-east-asian
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-numeric
- font-variant-position
- font-weight
# - <frequency>
# - :fullscreen
# - G
- grad
# - <gradient>
# - grayscale()
- grid
- grid-area
- grid-auto-columns
- grid-auto-flow
- grid-auto-position
- grid-auto-rows
- grid-column
- grid-column-start
- grid-column-end
- grid-row
- grid-row-start
- grid-row-end
- grid-template
- grid-template-areas
- grid-template-rows
- grid-template-columns
# - H
- height
# - :hover
# - hsl()
# - hsla()
# - hue-rotate()
- hyphens
# - hz
# - I
# - icon
# - <image>
# - image()()
- image-rendering
- image-resolution
- image-orientation
- ime-mode
# - @import
# - in
# - :indeterminate
- inherit
# - initial
# - :in-range
# - inset()
# - <integer>
# - :invalid
# - invert()
# - isolation
# - J
- justify-content
# - K
# - @keyframes
# - khz
# - L
# - :lang()
# - :last-child
# - :last-of-type
- left
# - :left
# - <length>
- letter-spacing
# - linear-gradient()
- line-break
- line-height
# - :link
- list-style
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style-type
# - M
- margin
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin-right
- margin-top
- marks
- mask
- mask-type
# - matrix()
# - matrix3d()
- max-height
- max-width
# - @media
- min-height
# - minmax()
- min-width
- mix-blend-mode
# - mm
# - ms
# - N
# - @namespace
# - nav-down
# - nav-index
# - nav-left
# - nav-right
# - nav-up
# - none
# - normal
# - :not()
# - :nth-child()
# - :nth-last-child()
# - :nth-last-of-type()
# - :nth-of-type()
# - <number>
# - O
- object-fit
- object-position
# - :only-child
# - :only-of-type
- opacity
# - opacity()
# - :optional
- order
- orphans
- outline
- outline-color
- outline-offset
- outline-style
- outline-width
# - :out-of-range
- overflow
- overflow-wrap
- overflow-x
- overflow-y
- overflow-clip-box
# - P
- padding
- padding-bottom
- padding-left
- padding-right
- padding-top
# - @page
- page-break-after
- page-break-before
- page-break-inside
# - pc
# - <percentage>
- perspective
# - perspective()
- perspective-origin
- pointer-events
# - polygon()
- position
# - <position>
# - pt
# - px
# - Q
- quotes
# - R
# - rad
# - radial-gradient()
# - <ratio>
# - :read-only
# - :read-write
# - rect()
# - rem
# - repeat()
# - ::repeat-index
# - ::repeat-item
# - repeating-linear-gradient()
# - repeating-radial-gradient()
# - :required
- resize
# - <resolution>
# - rgb()
# - rgba()
- right
# - :right
# - :root
# - rotate()
# - rotatex()
# - rotatey()
# - rotatez()
# - rotate3d()
# - S
# - s
# - saturate()
# - scale()
# - scalex()
# - scaley()
# - scalez()
# - scale3d()
# - :scope
# - ::selection
# - sepia()
# - <shape>
- shape-image-threshold
- shape-margin
- shape-outside
# - skew()
# - skewx()
# - skewy()
# - steps()
# - <string>
# - @supports
# - T
- table-layout
- tab-size
# - :target
- text-align
- text-align-last
- text-combine-horizontal
- text-decoration
- text-decoration-color
- text-decoration-line
- text-decoration-style
- text-indent
- text-orientation
- text-overflow
- text-rendering
- text-shadow
- text-transform
- text-underline-position
# - <time>
# - <timing-function>
- top
- touch-action
- transform
- transform-origin
- transform-style
- transition
- transition-delay
- transition-duration
- transition-property
- transition-timing-function
# - translate()
# - translatex()
# - translatey()
# - translatez()
# - translate3d()
# - turn
# - U
- unicode-bidi
- unicode-range
# - unset
# - <uri>
# - url()
# - <user-ident>
# - V
# - :valid
# - ::value
# - var()
- vertical-align
# - vh
# - @viewport
- visibility
# - :visited
# - vmax
# - vmin
# - vw
# - W
- white-space
# - widows
- width
- will-change
- word-break
- word-spacing
- word-wrap
- writing-mode
# - X Y Z
- z-index
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
# - URL
- activeElement
# - alinkColor
# - anchors
# - applets
# - bgColor
- body
- cookie
- defaultView
- designMode
- dir
# - domConfig
- domain
- embeds
# - fgColor
- forms
- head
# - height
- images
- lastModified
# - linkColor
- links
- location
- plugins
- postMessage
- readyState
- referrer
- registerElement
- scripts
- styleSheets
- title
- vlinkColor
# - width
- xmlEncoding
# - async
- characterSet
- compatMode
- contentType
- currentScript
- doctype
- documentElement
- documentURI
- documentURIObject
- firstChild
- implementation
# - inputEncoding
- lastStyleSheetSet
# - mozFullScreen
# - mozFullScreenElement
# - mozFullScreenEnabled
# - mozSyntheticDocument
- namespaceURI
- nodePrincipal
- ononline
- pointerLockElement
- popupNode
- preferredStyleSheetSet
- selectedStyleSheetSet
- styleSheetSets
- textContent
- tooltipNode
# - xmlVersion
- caretPositionFromPoint
# - clear
- close
- createNodeIterator
- createRange
- createTreeWalker
- elementFromPoint
- getElementsByName
# - releaseCapture
- adoptNode
- createAttribute
- createCDATASection
- createComment
- createDocumentFragment
- createElement
- createElementNS
# - createEntityReference
- createEvent
- createExpression
- createNSResolver
- createProcessingInstruction
- createTextNode
- enableStyleSheetsForSet
- evaluate
- execCommand
- exitPointerLock
- getBoxObjectFor
- getElementById
- getElementsByClassName
- getElementsByTagName
- getElementsByTagNameNS
- getSelection
- hasFocus
- importNode
- loadOverlay
# - mozCancelFullScreen
# - mozSetImageElement
- open
- queryCommandSupported
- querySelector
- querySelectorAll
- write
- writeln
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- accessKey
- clientHeight
- clientLeft
- clientTop
- clientWidth
- id
- innerHTML
- length
- onafterscriptexecute
- onbeforescriptexecute
- oncopy
- oncut
- onpaste
- onwheel
- scrollHeight
- scrollLeft
- scrollTop
- scrollWidth
- tagName
- classList
- className
- name
- outerHTML
- style
- getAttributeNS
- getAttributeNode
- getAttributeNodeNS
- getBoundingClientRect
- getClientRects
- getElementsByClassName
- getElementsByTagName
- getElementsByTagNameNS
- hasAttribute
- hasAttributeNS
- insertAdjacentHTML
- matches
- querySelector
- querySelectorAll
- removeAttribute
- removeAttributeNS
- removeAttributeNode
- requestFullscreen
- requestPointerLock
- scrollIntoView
- setAttribute
- setAttributeNS
- setAttributeNode
- setAttributeNodeNS
- setCapture
- supports
- getAttribute
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- addEventListener
- removeEventListener
- dispatchEvent
- waitUntil #ServiceWorker
- AnimationEvent
- AudioProcessingEvent
- BeforeInputEvent
- BeforeUnloadEvent
- BlobEvent
- ClipboardEvent
- CloseEvent
- CompositionEvent
- CSSFontFaceLoadEvent
- CustomEvent
- DeviceLightEvent
- DeviceMotionEvent
- DeviceOrientationEvent
- DeviceProximityEvent
- DOMTransactionEvent
- DragEvent
- EditingBeforeInputEvent
- ErrorEvent
- FocusEvent
- GamepadEvent
- HashChangeEvent
- IDBVersionChangeEvent
- KeyboardEvent
- MediaStreamEvent
- MessageEvent
- MouseEvent
- MutationEvent
- OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
- PageTransitionEvent
- PointerEvent
- PopStateEvent
- ProgressEvent
- RelatedEvent
- RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
- SensorEvent
- StorageEvent
- SVGEvent
- SVGZoomEvent
- TimeEvent
- TouchEvent
- TrackEvent
- TransitionEvent
- UIEvent
- UserProximityEvent
- WheelEvent
- bubbles
# - cancelBubble
- cancelable
- currentTarget
- defaultPrevented
- eventPhase
# - explicitOriginalTarget
# - originalTarget
- target
- timeStamp
- type
- isTrusted
- isReload #Fetch Event
- initEvent
# - preventBubble Obsolete since Gecko 24
# - preventCapture Obsolete since Gecko 24
- preventDefault
- stopImmediatePropagation
- stopPropagation
- respondWith #Fetch Event
- default #Fetch Event
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- attributes
- baseURI
- baseURIObject
- childNodes
- firstChild
- lastChild
- localName
- namespaceURI
- nextSibling
- nodeName
- nodePrincipal
- nodeType
- nodeValue
- ownerDocument
- parentElement
- parentNode
- prefix
- previousSibling
- textContent
- appendChild
- cloneNode
- compareDocumentPosition
- contains
- getUserData
- hasAttributes
- hasChildNodes
- insertBefore
- isDefaultNamespace
- isEqualNode
- isSameNode
- isSupported
- lookupNamespaceURI
- lookupPrefix
- normalize
- removeChild
- replaceChild
- setUserData
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- sessionStorage
- localStorage
# - globalStorage
- length
- getItem
- key
- setItem
- removeItem
- clear
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- Intl
- Collator
- DateTimeFormat
- NumberFormat
# - CanonicalizeLocaleList
# - BestAvailableLocale
# - LookupMatcher
# - BestFitMatcher
# - ResolveLocale
# - LookupSupportedLocales
# - BestFitSupportedLocales
# - SupportedLocales
# - GetOption
# - GetNumberOption
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- Array
- from
- isArray
- of
- concat
- copyWithin
- entries
- every
- fill
- filter
- find
- findIndex
- forEach
- indexOf
- join
- keys
- lastIndexOf
- map
- pop
- push
- reduce
- reduceRight
- reverse
- shift
- slice
- some
- sort
- splice
- toLocaleString
- toSource
- toString
- unshift
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- Date
- now
- parse
- getDate
- getDay
- getFullYear
- getHours
- getMilliseconds
- getMinutes
- getMonth
- getSeconds
- getTime
- getTimezoneOffset
- getUTCDate
- getUTCDay
- getUTCFullYear
- getUTCHours
- getUTCMilliseconds
- getUTCMinutes
- getUTCMonth
- getUTCSeconds
# - getYear
- setDate
- setFullYear
- setHours
- setMilliseconds
- setMinutes
- setMonth
- setSeconds
- setTime
- setUTCDate
- setUTCFullYear
- setUTCHours
- setUTCMilliseconds
- setUTCMinutes
- setUTCMonth
- setUTCSeconds
# - setYear
- toDateString
# - toGMTString
- toISOString
- toJSON
- toLocaleDateString
- toLocaleFormat
- toLocaleString
- toLocaleTimeString
- toSource
- toString
- toTimeString
- toUTCString
- valueOf
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- Function
- apply
- bind
- call
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- parse
- stringify
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- Map
- WeakMap
- size
- clear
- delete
- entries
- forEach
- get
- has
- keys
- set
- values
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- Math
- E
- LN10
- LN2
- LOG10E
- PI
- SQRT1_2
- abs
- acos
- acosh
- asin
- asinh
- atan
- atan2
- atanh
- cbrt
- ceil
- clz32
- cos
- cosh
- exp
- expm1
- floor
- fround
- hypot
- imul
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- max
- min
- pow
- random
- round
- sign
- sin
- sinh
- sqrt
- tan
- tanh
- trunc
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- Number
- NaN
- isFinite
- isInteger
- isNaN
- isSafeInteger
- parseFloat
- parseInt
- toExponential
- toFixed
- toLocaleString
- toPrecision
- toSource
- toString
- valueOf
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- Object
- create
- defineProperties
- defineProperty
- freeze
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor
- getOwnPropertyNames
- getOwnPropertySymbols
- getPrototypeOf
- is
- isExtensible
- isFrozen
- isSealed
- keys
- preventExtensions
# - __defineGetter__
# - __defineSetter__
# - __lookupGetter__
# - __lookupSetter__
# - eval
- hasOwnProperty
- isPrototypeOf
- propertyIsEnumerable
- toLocaleString
# - toSource
- toString
# - unwatch
- valueOf
# - watch
- seal
- setPrototypeOf
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- Promise
- resolve
- reject
- all
- race
- then
- catch
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- Proxy
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor
- getOwnPropertyNames
- defineProperty
- deleteProperty
- freeze
- seal
- preventExtensions
- has
- hasOwn
- get
- set
- enumerate
- iterate
- ownKeys
- apply
- construct
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- RegExp
- lastIndex
- global
- ignoreCase
- multiline
- source
- sticky
- exec
- test
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- Set
- WeakSet
- size
- add
- clear
- delete
- entries
- forEach
- has
- values
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- String
- fromCharCode
- fromCodePoint
- anchor
# - big
# - blink
# - bold
- charAt
- charCodeAt
- codePointAt
- concat
# - contains
- endsWith
# - fixed
# - fontcolor
# - fontsize
- includes
- indexOf
# - italics
- lastIndexOf
- link
- localeCompare
- match
- normalize
# - quote
- repeat
- replace
- search
- slice
# - small
- split
- startsWith
# - strike
# - sub
- substr
- substring
# - sup
- toLocaleLowerCase
- toLocaleUpperCase
- toLowerCase
# - toSource
- toString
- toUpperCase
- trim
# - trimLeft
# - trimRight
- valueOf
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- Symbol
- create
- hasInstance
- isConcatSpreadable
- isRegExp
- iterator
- toPrimitive
- toStringTag
- unscopables
- for
- keyFor
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
- animationend
- animationiteration
- animationstart
- beginEvent
- endEvent
- repeatEvent
# javascriptBatteryEvent:
# - chargingchange
# - chargingtimechange
# - dischargingtimechange
# - levelchange
# javascriptCallEvent:
- CssRuleViewRefreshed
- CssRuleViewChanged
- CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked
- transitionend
# - abort
- blocked
- complete
- error
- success
- upgradeneeded
- versionchange
- DOMLinkAdded
- DOMLinkRemoved
- DOMMetaAdded
- DOMMetaRemoved
- DOMWillOpenModalDialog
- DOMModalDialogClosed
- unload
- DOMAttributeNameChanged
- DOMAttrModified
- DOMCharacterDataModified
- DOMContentLoaded
- DOMElementNameChanged
- DOMNodeInserted
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- DOMNodeRemoved
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- DOMSubtreeModified
- drag
- dragdrop
- dragend
- dragenter
- dragexit
- draggesture
- dragleave
- dragover
- dragstart
- drop
- invalid
- overflow
- underflow
- DOMAutoComplete
- command
- commandupdate
- blur
- change
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- focus
- focusin
- focusout
- reset
- submit
# - mozbrowserclose
# - mozbrowsercontextmenu
# - mozbrowsererror
# - mozbrowsericonchange
# - mozbrowserlocationchange
# - mozbrowserloadend
# - mozbrowserloadstart
# - mozbrowseropenwindow
# - mozbrowsersecuritychange
# - mozbrowsershowmodalprompt
# - mozbrowsertitlechange
- DOMFrameContentLoaded
- click
- contextmenu
- DOMMouseScroll
- dblclick
- gamepadconnected
- gamepaddisconnected
- keydown
- keypress
- keyup
- MozGamepadButtonDown
- MozGamepadButtonUp
- mousedown
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- mousewheel
- MozMousePixelScroll
- pointerlockchange
- pointerlockerror
- wheel
- audioprocess
- canplay
- canplaythrough
- durationchange
- emptied
- ended
- ended
- loadeddata
- loadedmetadata
- MozAudioAvailable
- pause
- play
- playing
- ratechange
- seeked
- seeking
- stalled
- suspend
- timeupdate
- volumechange
- waiting
- complete
- DOMMenuItemActive
- DOMMenuItemInactive
- datachange
- dataerror
- disabled
- enabled
- offline
- online
- statuschange
- connectionInfoUpdate
# javascriptNotificationEvent:
# - AlertActive
# - AlertClose
# javascriptPopupEvent:
# - popuphidden
# - popuphiding
# - popupshowing
# - popupshown
# - DOMPopupBlocked
# javascriptPrintingEvent:
# - afterprint
# - beforeprint
- abort
- error
- load
- loadend
- loadstart
- progress
# - progress
- timeout
- uploadprogress
# - abort
- cached
- error
- load
- afterscriptexecute
- beforescriptexecute
- compassneedscalibration
- devicelight
- devicemotion
- deviceorientation
- deviceproximity
# - MozOrientation
- orientationchange
- userproximity
- pagehide
- pageshow
- popstate
# javascriptSmartcardEvent:
# javascriptSMSEvent:
- change
- storage
- SVGAbort
- SVGError
- SVGLoad
- SVGResize
- SVGScroll
- SVGUnload
- SVGZoom
# - tabviewsearchenabled
# - tabviewsearchdisabled
# - tabviewframeinitialized
# - tabviewshown
# - tabviewhidden
# - TabOpen
# - TabClose
# - TabSelect
# - TabShow
# - TabHide
# - TabPinned
# - TabUnpinned
# - SSTabClosing
# - SSTabRestoring
# - SSTabRestored
- visibilitychange
- compositionend
- compositionstart
- compositionupdate
- copy
- cut
- paste
- select
- text
# - MozEdgeUIGesture
# - MozMagnifyGesture
# - MozMagnifyGestureStart
# - MozMagnifyGestureUpdate
# - MozPressTapGesture
# - MozRotateGesture
# - MozRotateGestureStart
# - MozRotateGestureUpdate
# - MozSwipeGesture
# - MozTapGesture
# - MozTouchDown
# - MozTouchMove
# - MozTouchUp
- touchcancel
- touchend
- touchenter
- touchleave
- touchmove
- touchstart
- checking
- downloading
- error
- noupdate
- obsolete
- updateready
# - broadcast
# - CheckboxStateChange
- hashchange
- input
# - RadioStateChange
- readystatechange
# - ValueChange
- fullscreen
- fullscreenchange
- fullscreenerror
# - MozEnteredDomFullscreen
# - MozScrolledAreaChanged
- resize
- scroll
# - sizemodechange
- close
- error
- message
- open
- DOMWindowCreated
- DOMWindowClose
- DOMTitleChanged
# - MozBeforeResize
# - SSWindowClosing
# - SSWindowStateReady
# - SSWindowStateBusy
# - close
- beforeunload
# - localized
- message
# - message
# - message
# - MozAfterPaint
# - moztimechange
- open
- show
- install
- activate
- fetch
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
for file in $files; do
node p.js $file > ../syntax/yajs/$file.vim
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# - Object
- Function
- Boolean
# - Symbol
- Error
- EvalError
- InternalError
- RangeError
- ReferenceError
- StopIteration
- SyntaxError
- TypeError
- URIError
# - Number
# - Math
- Date
# - String
# - RegExp
# - Array
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
- Int16Array
- Int32Array
- Int8Array
- Uint16Array
- Uint32Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- ParallelArray
# - Map
# - Set
# - WeakMap
# - WeakSet
- ArrayBuffer
- DataView
# - JSON
- Iterator
- Generator
# - Promise
- Reflect
- Proxy
# - Intl
- arguments
- eval
# - fetch
- uneval
- isFinite
- isNaN
- parseFloat
- parseInt
- decodeURI
- decodeURIComponent
- encodeURI
- encodeURIComponent
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- global
- process
- console
- Buffer
- module
- exports
- setTimeout
- clearTimeout
- setInterval
- clearInterval
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
/*jslint node: true, stupid: true, forin: true */
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
var fs = require('fs');
var camel = require('camel-case');
var isUpper = require('is-upper-case');
// Get document, or throw exception on error
try {
var file = process.argv[2];
var i = 0;
var yml = {};
var group = '';
var rules = [];
var rule = '';
var defs = [];
var predef = '';
var def = '';
var contained = true;
var contains = false;
var hilink = true;
var statics = [];
yml = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(file + '.yml', 'utf8'));
var globals = {};
for (group in yml) {
if (/Global/.test(group) || /Cons$/.test(group) || /BOMWindow(Prop|Method)/.test(group) || /BOM$/.test(group)) {
rules = yml[group];
for (i in rules) {
rule = rules[i];
globals[rule] = [];
} else {
if (/Static/.test(group)) {
for (i in rules) {
rule = rules[i];
if (group.toLowerCase().indexOf(rule.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
for (group in yml) {
contained = true;
contains = false;
statics = [];
if (/Global|Cons$/.test(group) || /BOMWindow(Prop|Method)/.test(group) || /BOM$/.test(group)) {
contained = false;
rules = yml[group];
rule = rules.shift();
defs = [];
predef = 'syntax keyword ' + group;
if (contained) {
predef += ' contained';
def = predef;
while(rule) {
// if (!isUpper(rule.substr(0,1))) {
statics = globals[rule];
if (statics && typeof statics !== 'function' && statics.length) {
console.log(predef + ' ' + rule + ' nextgroup=' + group + rule + 'Dot,javascriptFuncCallArg');
console.log('syntax match ' + group + rule + 'Dot /\\./ contained nextgroup=' + statics.join(','));
} else {
if (/Style/.test(group)) {
rule = camel(rule);
if (rule !== 'contains') {
def = def + ' ' + rule;
} else {
contains = true;
if (def.length > 80) {
if (/Method/.test(group)) {
if (/Event/.test(group)) {
def = def + ' nextgroup=javascriptEventFuncCallArg';
} else {
def = def + ' nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg';
def = predef;
rule = rules.shift();
if (def.length > predef.length) {
if (/Method/.test(group)) {
if (/Event/.test(group)) {
def = def + ' nextgroup=javascriptEventFuncCallArg';
} else {
def = def + ' nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg';
if (contains) {
console.log('syntax match ' + group + ' contained /contains/');
if (/Prop|Method/.test(group) && !/Static/.test(group)) {
console.log('syntax cluster props add=' + group);
if (file === 'event') {
console.log('syntax cluster events add=' + group);
hilink = true;
if (group === 'javascriptGlobal' && file !== 'javascript') {
hilink = false;
if (hilink) {
if (file === 'event') {
console.log('if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink ' + group + ' Title');
} else if (contained) {
console.log('if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink ' + group + ' Keyword');
} else {
console.log('if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink ' + group + ' Structure');
} catch (e) {
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- Blob
- BlobBuilder
- File
- FileReader
- FileReaderSync
- URLUtils
- readAsArrayBuffer
- readAsBinaryString
- readAsDataURL
- readAsText
- error
- readyState
- result
- abort
- readAsArrayBuffer
- readAsBinaryString
- readAsDataURL
- readAsText
- item
- append
- getBlob
- getFile
- hash
- host
- hostname
- href
- origin
- password
- pathname
- port
- protocol
- search
- searchParams
- username
- createObjectURL
- revokeObjectURL
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- console
- count
- dir
- error
- group
- groupCollapsed
- groupEnd
- info
- log
- time
- timeEnd
- trace
- warn
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- crypto
- encrypt
- decrypt
- sign
- verify
- digest
- subtle
- getRandomValues
# javascriptCryptoAlgorithm:
# - RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5
# - RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
# - ECDH
# - AES-KW
# - HMAC
# - DH
# - SHA-1
# - SHA-256
# - SHA-384
# - SHA-512
# - PBKDF2
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- Headers
- Request
- Response
- fetch
- append
- delete
- get
- getAll
- has
- set
- method
- url
- headers
- context
- referrer
- mode
- credentials
- cache
- clone
- type
- url
- status
- statusText
- headers
- clone
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- length
- current
- next
- previous
- state
- back
- forward
- go
- pushState
- replaceState
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- href
- protocol
- host
- hostname
- port
- pathname
- search
- hash
- username
- password
- origin
- assign
- reload
- replace
- toString
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- battery
- buildID
- cookieEnabled
- doNotTrack
- maxTouchPoints
# - mozAlarms
# - mozApps
# - mozContacts
# - mozFMRadio
# - mozMobileConnection
# - mozMobileMessage
# - mozNetworkStats
# - mozPower
# - mozSettings
# - mozSms
# - mozTCPSocket
# - mozTelephony
# - mozTime
# - mozWifiManager
- oscpu
- productSub
- push
- serviceWorker
- vendor
- vendorSub
# - id
# - mozSocial
- addIdleObserver
- getDeviceStorage
- getDeviceStorages
- getGamepads
- getUserMedia
# - mozHasPendingMessage
# - mozIsLocallyAvailable
# - mozPay
# - mozSetMessageHandler
- registerContentHandler
- removeIdleObserver
- requestWakeLock
- vibrate
# - id.get
# - id.getVerifiedEmail
# - id.logout
# - id.request
- watch
# - mozNotification
- registerProtocolHandler
- sendBeacon
- register
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- controller
- ready
- register
- getRegistration
- Cache
- match
- matchAll
- add
- addAll
- put
- delete
- keys
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- applicationCache
- closed
- Components
# - console
# - content
# - _content
- controllers
# - crypto
# - defaultStatus
- dialogArguments
# - directories
- document
- frameElement
- frames
- fullScreen
- history
# - globalStorage
- innerHeight
- innerWidth
- length
- location
- locationbar
# - localStorage
- menubar
- messageManager
# - mozAnimationStartTime
# - mozInnerScreenX
# - mozInnerScreenY
# - mozPaintCount
- name
- navigator
- opener
- outerHeight
- outerWidth
- pageXOffset
- pageYOffset
- parent
- performance
- personalbar
# - pkcs11
- returnValue
- screen
- screenX
- screenY
- scrollbars
- scrollMaxX
- scrollMaxY
- scrollX
- scrollY
- self
# - sessionStorage
- sidebar
- status
- statusbar
- toolbar
- top
- window
- alert
- atob
# - back
- blur
- btoa
# - captureEvents
- clearImmediate
- clearInterval
- clearTimeout
- close
- confirm
# - disableExternalCapture
- dispatchEvent
# - dump
# - enableExternalCapture
- find
- focus
# - forward
- getAttention
- getAttentionWithCycleCount
- getComputedStyle
- getDefaulComputedStyle
- getSelection
# - home
- matchMedia
- maximize
# - minimize (top-level XUL windows only)
- moveBy
- moveTo
# - mozRequestAnimationFrame
- open
- openDialog
- postMessage
- print
- prompt
# - releaseEvents
- removeEventListener
- resizeBy
- resizeTo
- restore
# - routeEvent
- scroll
- scrollBy
- scrollByLines
- scrollByPages
- scrollTo
- setCursor
- setImmediate
- setInterval
- setResizable
- setTimeout
- showModalDialog
- sizeToContent
- stop
- updateCommands
- onabort
- onbeforeunload
- onblur
- onchange
- onclick
- onclose
- oncontextmenu
- ondevicelight
- ondevicemotion
- ondeviceorientation
- ondeviceproximity
- ondragdrop
- onerror
- onfocus
- onhashchange
- onkeydown
- onkeypress
- onkeyup
- onload
- onmousedown
- onmousemove
- onmouseout
- onmouseover
- onmouseup
- onmozbeforepaint
- onpaint
- onpopstate
- onreset
- onresize
- onscroll
- onselect
- onsubmit
- onunload
- onuserproximity
- onpageshow
- onpagehide
- DOMParser
- QueryInterface
- XMLSerializer
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- XMLHttpRequest
- onreadystatechange
- readyState
- response
- responseText
- responseType
- responseXML
- status
- statusText
- timeout
- ontimeout
- upload
- withCredentials
- abort
- getAllResponseHeaders
- getResponseHeader
- open
- overrideMimeType
- send
- setRequestHeader
@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
# - A
- AbstractWorker
- AnalyserNode
# - AnimationEvent
- App
- Apps
- ArrayBuffer
- ArrayBufferView
- Attr
- AudioBuffer
- AudioBufferSourceNode
- AudioContext
- AudioDestinationNode
- AudioListener
- AudioNode
- AudioParam
# - AudioProcessingEvent
# - B
- BatteryManager
- BiquadFilterNode
# - Blob
# - BlobBuilder
- BlobEvent
- BluetoothAdapter
- BluetoothDevice
# - BluetoothDeviceEvent
- BluetoothManager
# - BluetoothStatusChangedEvent
# - C
# - CallEvent
- CameraCapabilities
- CameraControl
- CameraManager
- CanvasGradient
- CanvasImageSource
- CanvasPattern
# - CanvasPixelArray
- CanvasRenderingContext2D
- CaretPosition
- CDATASection
- ChannelMergerNode
- ChannelSplitterNode
- CharacterData
- ChildNode
- ChromeWorker
# - ClipboardEvent
# - CloseEvent
- Comment
# - CompositionEvent
- Connection
- Console
- ContactManager
- Contacts
- ConvolverNode
- Coordinates
- CSSConditionRule
- CSSGroupingRule
- CSSKeyframeRule
- CSSKeyframesRule
- CSSMediaRule
- CSSNamespaceRule
- CSSPageRule
- CSSRule
- CSSRuleList
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- CSSStyleRule
- CSSStyleSheet
- CSSSupportsRule
# - CustomEvent
# - D
- DataTransfer
- DataView
- DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
- DelayNode
- DeviceAcceleration
# - DeviceLightEvent
# - DeviceMotionEvent
# - DeviceOrientationEvent
# - DeviceProximityEvent
- DeviceRotationRate
- DeviceStorage
# - DeviceStorageChangeEvent
- DirectoryEntry
- DirectoryEntrySync
- DirectoryReader
- DirectoryReaderSync
- Document
- DocumentFragment
- DocumentTouch
- DocumentType
# - DOMConfiguration
- DOMCursor
- DOMError
# - DOMErrorHandler
- DOMException
- DOMHighResTimeStamp
- DOMImplementation
# - DOMImplementationList
- DOMImplementationRegistry
# - DOMImplementationSource
# - DOMLocator
# - DOMObject
- DOMParser
- DOMRequest
- DOMString
- DOMStringList
- DOMStringMap
- DOMTimeStamp
- DOMTokenList
# - DOMUserData
- DynamicsCompressorNode
# - E
- Element
# - ElementTraversal
# - Entity
# - EntityReference
- Entry
- EntrySync
# - ErrorEvent
# - Event
# - EventListener
# - EventSource
# - EventTarget
- Extensions
# - F
# - File
# - FileEntry
# - FileEntrySync
# - FileError
- FileException
# - FileHandle
# - FileList
# - FileReader
# - FileReaderSync
# - FileRequest
# - FileSystem
# - FileSystemSync
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
- FMRadio
# - FocusEvent
- FormData
# - G
- GainNode
- Gamepad
- GamepadButton
# - GamepadEvent
- Geolocation
# - GlobalEventHandlers
# - H
- History
- HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLAudioElement
- HTMLBaseElement
# - HTMLBaseFontElement
- HTMLBodyElement
- HTMLBRElement
- HTMLButtonElement
- HTMLCanvasElement
- HTMLCollection
- HTMLDataElement
- HTMLDataListElement
- HTMLDivElement
- HTMLDListElement
- HTMLDocument
- HTMLElement
- HTMLEmbedElement
- HTMLFieldSetElement
- HTMLFormControlsCollection
- HTMLFormElement
- HTMLHeadElement
- HTMLHeadingElement
- HTMLHRElement
- HTMLHtmlElement
- HTMLIFrameElement
- HTMLImageElement
- HTMLInputElement
# - HTMLIsIndexElement
- HTMLKeygenElement
- HTMLLabelElement
- HTMLLegendElement
- HTMLLIElement
- HTMLLinkElement
- HTMLMapElement
- HTMLMediaElement
- HTMLMetaElement
- HTMLMeterElement
- HTMLModElement
- HTMLObjectElement
- HTMLOListElement
- HTMLOptGroupElement
- HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLOptionsCollection
- HTMLOutputElement
- HTMLParagraphElement
- HTMLParamElement
- HTMLPreElement
- HTMLProgressElement
- HTMLQuoteElement
- HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLSourceElement
- HTMLSpanElement
- HTMLStyleElement
- HTMLTableCaptionElement
- HTMLTableCellElement
- HTMLTableColElement
- HTMLTableDataCellElement
- HTMLTableElement
- HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
- HTMLTableRowElement
- HTMLTableSectionElement
- HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTimeElement
- HTMLTitleElement
- HTMLTrackElement
- HTMLUListElement
- HTMLUnknownElement
- HTMLVideoElement
# - I
- IDBCursor
- IDBCursorSync
- IDBCursorWithValue
- IDBDatabase
# - IDBDatabaseException
- IDBDatabaseSync
- IDBEnvironment
- IDBEnvironmentSync
- IDBFactory
- IDBFactorySync
- IDBIndex
- IDBIndexSync
- IDBKeyRange
- IDBObjectStore
- IDBObjectStoreSync
- IDBOpenDBRequest
- IDBRequest
- IDBTransaction
- IDBTransactionSync
- IDBVersionChangeEvent
# - IDBVersionChangeRequest
- ImageData
- IndexedDB
# - InputEvent
- Int16Array
- Int32Array
- Int8Array
# - K
# - KeyboardEvent
# - L
- L10n
- LinkStyle
- LocalFileSystem
- LocalFileSystemSync
- Location
- LockedFile
# - M
- MediaQueryList
- MediaQueryListListener
- MediaRecorder
- MediaSource
- MediaStream
- MediaStreamTrack
# - MessageEvent
# - MouseEvent
# - MouseScrollEvent
# - MouseWheelEvent
# - MozActivity
# - MozActivityOptions
# - MozActivityRequestHandler
# - MozAlarmsManager
# - MozContact
# - MozContactChangeEvent
# - MozIccManager
# - MozMmsEvent
# - MozMmsMessage
# - MozMobileCellInfo
# - MozMobileCFInfo
# - MozMobileConnection
# - MozMobileConnectionInfo
# - MozMobileICCInfo
# - MozMobileMessageManager
# - MozMobileMessageThread
# - MozMobileNetworkInfo
# - MozNDEFRecord
# - MozNetworkStats
# - MozNetworkStatsData
# - MozNetworkStatsManager
# - MozNFC
# - MozNFCPeer
# - MozNFCTag
# - MozSettingsEvent
# - MozSmsEvent
# - MozSmsFilter
# - MozSmsManager
# - MozSmsMessage
# - MozSmsSegmentInfo
# - MozTimeManager
# - MozVoicemail
# - MozVoicemailEvent
# - MozVoicemailStatus
# - MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent
# - MozWifiStatusChangeEvent
- MutationObserver
# - N
# - NamedNodeMap
# - NameList
- Navigator
- NavigatorGeolocation
- NavigatorID
- NavigatorLanguage
- NavigatorOnLine
- NavigatorPlugins
- NetworkInformation
- Node
- NodeFilter
- NodeIterator
- NodeList
# - Notation
- Notification
# - NotifyAudioAvailableEvent
# - O
# - OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
- OfflineAudioContext
- OscillatorNode
# - P
- PannerNode
- ParentNode
- Performance
- PerformanceNavigation
- PerformanceTiming
- Permissions
- PermissionSettings
- Plugin
- PluginArray
- Position
- PositionError
- PositionOptions
- PowerManager
- ProcessingInstruction
# - ProgressEvent
- PromiseResolver
- PushManager
# - R
- Range
- RTCConfiguration
- RTCPeerConnection
- RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
- RTCSessionDescription
- RTCSessionDescriptionCallback
# - S
- ScriptProcessorNode
- Selection
- SettingsLock
- SettingsManager
- SharedWorker
# - StorageEvent
- StyleSheet
- StyleSheetList
- SVGAElement
- SVGAngle
- SVGAnimateColorElement
- SVGAnimatedAngle
- SVGAnimatedBoolean
- SVGAnimatedEnumeration
- SVGAnimatedInteger
- SVGAnimatedLength
- SVGAnimatedLengthList
- SVGAnimatedNumber
- SVGAnimatedNumberList
- SVGAnimatedPoints
- SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio
- SVGAnimatedRect
- SVGAnimatedString
- SVGAnimatedTransformList
- SVGAnimateElement
- SVGAnimateMotionElement
- SVGAnimateTransformElement
- SVGAnimationElement
- SVGCircleElement
- SVGClipPathElement
- SVGCursorElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGDescElement
- SVGElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGFilterElement
- SVGFontElement
- SVGFontFaceElement
- SVGFontFaceFormatElement
- SVGFontFaceNameElement
- SVGFontFaceSrcElement
- SVGFontFaceUriElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement
- SVGGlyphElement
- SVGGradientElement
- SVGHKernElement
- SVGImageElement
- SVGLength
- SVGLengthList
- SVGLinearGradientElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGMatrix
- SVGMissingGlyphElement
- SVGMPathElement
- SVGNumber
- SVGNumberList
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPoint
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGPreserveAspectRatio
- SVGRadialGradientElement
- SVGRect
- SVGRectElement
- SVGScriptElement
- SVGSetElement
- SVGStopElement
- SVGStringList
- SVGStylable
- SVGStyleElement
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTests
- SVGTextElement
- SVGTextPositioningElement
- SVGTitleElement
- SVGTransform
- SVGTransformable
- SVGTransformList
- SVGTRefElement
- SVGTSpanElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGViewElement
- SVGVKernElement
# - T
- TCPServerSocket
- TCPSocket
- Telephony
- TelephonyCall
- Text
- TextDecoder
- TextEncoder
- TextMetrics
- TimeRanges
- Touch
# - TouchEvent
- TouchList
- Transferable
# - TransitionEvent
- TreeWalker
# - TypeInfo
# - U
# - UIEvent
- Uint16Array
- Uint32Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
# - URL
- URLSearchParams
# - URLUtils
- URLUtilsReadOnly
# - UserDataHandler
- UserProximityEvent
# - V
- ValidityState
- VideoPlaybackQuality
# - W
- WaveShaperNode
- WebBluetooth
- WebGLRenderingContext
- WebSMS
- WebSocket
- WebVTT
# - WheelEvent
- WifiManager
- Window
- Worker
- WorkerConsole
- WorkerLocation
- WorkerNavigator
# - X
- XDomainRequest
- XMLDocument
# - XMLHttpRequest
- XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"name": "yajs.vim",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Yet another JavaScript syntax for Vim",
"devDependencies": {
"js-yaml": "*",
"camel-case": "*",
"is-upper-case": "*"
"license": "Same as Vim"
@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: JavaScript
" Maintainer: Kao Wei-Ko(othree) <>
" Last Change: 2015-05-11
" Version: 1.5
" Changes: Go to for recent changes.
" Origin:
" Credits: Jose Elera Campana, Zhao Yi, Claudio Fleiner, Scott Shattuck
" (This file is based on their hard work), gumnos (From the #vim
" IRC Channel in Freenode)
" if exists("b:yajs_loaded")
" finish
" else
" let b:yajs_loaded = 1
" endif
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'javascript'
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_javascript_syn_inits")
let did_javascript_hilink = 1
if version < 508
let did_javascript_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
"Dollar sign is permitted anywhere in an identifier
setlocal iskeyword-=$
if &filetype =~ 'javascript'
setlocal iskeyword+=$
syntax cluster htmlJavaScript contains=TOP
syntax sync fromstart
"Syntax coloring for Node.js shebang line
syntax match shellbang "^#!.*node\>"
syntax match shellbang "^#!.*iojs\>"
"JavaScript comments
syntax keyword javascriptCommentTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX TBD
syntax match javascriptLineComment "//.*" contains=@Spell,javascriptCommentTodo
syntax region javascriptComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@Spell,javascriptCommentTodo extend
syntax cluster javascriptComments contains=javascriptDocComment,javascriptComment,javascriptLineComment
syntax case ignore
syntax region javascriptDocComment start="/\*\*" end="\*/" contains=javascriptDocNotation,javascriptCommentTodo,@Spell fold keepend
syntax match javascriptDocNotation contained / @/ nextgroup=javascriptDocTags
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained constant constructor constructs function ignore inner private public readonly static
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained const dict expose inheritDoc interface nosideeffects override protected struct
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained example global
" syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained ngdoc nextgroup=javascriptDocNGDirective
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained ngdoc scope priority animations
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained ngdoc restrict methodOf propertyOf eventOf eventType nextgroup=javascriptDocParam skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocNGDirective contained overview service object function method property event directive filter inputType error
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained abstract virtual access augments
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained arguments callback lends memberOf name type kind link mixes mixin tutorial nextgroup=javascriptDocParam skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained variation nextgroup=javascriptDocNumParam skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained author class classdesc copyright default defaultvalue nextgroup=javascriptDocDesc skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained deprecated description external host nextgroup=javascriptDocDesc skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained file fileOverview overview namespace requires since version nextgroup=javascriptDocDesc skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained summary todo license preserve nextgroup=javascriptDocDesc skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained borrows exports nextgroup=javascriptDocA skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained param arg argument property prop module nextgroup=javascriptDocNamedParamType,javascriptDocParamName skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained type nextgroup=javascriptDocParamType skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained define enum extends implements this typedef nextgroup=javascriptDocParamType skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained return returns throws exception nextgroup=javascriptDocParamType,javascriptDocParamName skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained see nextgroup=javascriptDocRef skipwhite
"syntax for event firing
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained emits fires nextgroup=javascriptDocEventRef skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained function func method nextgroup=javascriptDocName skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocName contained /\h\w*/
syntax keyword javascriptDocTags contained fires event nextgroup=javascriptDocEventRef skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocEventRef contained /\h\w*#\(\h\w*\:\)\?\h\w*/
syntax match javascriptDocNamedParamType contained /{.\+}/ nextgroup=javascriptDocParamName skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocParamName contained /\[\?[0-9a-zA-Z_\.]\+=\?[0-9a-zA-Z_\.]*\]\?/ nextgroup=javascriptDocDesc skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocParamType contained /{.\+}/ nextgroup=javascriptDocDesc skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocA contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/ nextgroup=javascriptDocAs skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocAs contained /\s*as\s*/ nextgroup=javascriptDocB skipwhite
syntax match javascriptDocB contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/
syntax match javascriptDocParam contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\|-\)\+/
syntax match javascriptDocNumParam contained /\d\+/
syntax match javascriptDocRef contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/
syntax region javascriptDocLinkTag contained matchgroup=javascriptDocLinkTag start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=javascriptDocTags
syntax cluster javascriptDocs contains=javascriptDocParamType,javascriptDocNamedParamType,javascriptDocParam
if main_syntax == "javascript"
syntax sync clear
syntax sync ccomment javascriptComment minlines=200
syntax case match
syntax cluster javascriptAfterIdentifier contains=javascriptDotNotation,javascriptFuncCallArg,javascriptComputedProperty,javascriptWSymbols,@javascriptSymbols
syntax match javascriptIdentifierName /\<[^=<>!?+\-*\/%|&,;:. ~@#`"'\[\]\(\)\{\}\^0-9][^=<>!?+\-*\/%|&,;:. ~@#`"'\[\]\(\)\{\}\^]*/ nextgroup=@javascriptAfterIdentifier contains=@_semantic
"Block VariableStatement EmptyStatement ExpressionStatement IfStatement IterationStatement ContinueStatement BreakStatement ReturnStatement WithStatement LabelledStatement SwitchStatement ThrowStatement TryStatement DebuggerStatement
syntax cluster javascriptStatement contains=javascriptBlock,javascriptVariable,@javascriptExpression,javascriptConditional,javascriptRepeat,javascriptBranch,javascriptLabel,javascriptStatementKeyword,javascriptTry,javascriptDebugger
"Syntax in the JavaScript code
" syntax match javascriptASCII contained /\\\d\d\d/
syntax region javascriptTemplateSubstitution contained matchgroup=javascriptTemplateSB start=/\${/ end=/}/ contains=javascriptTemplateSBlock,javascriptTemplateSString
syntax region javascriptTemplateSBlock contained start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=javascriptTemplateSBlock,javascriptTemplateSString transparent
syntax region javascriptTemplateSString contained start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/ extend contains=javascriptTemplateSStringRB transparent
syntax match javascriptTemplateSStringRB /}/ contained
syntax region javascriptString start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax region javascriptTemplate start=/`/ skip=/\\\\\|\\`\|\n/ end=/`\|$/ contains=javascriptTemplateSubstitution nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
" syntax match javascriptTemplateTag /\k\+/ nextgroup=javascriptTemplate
syntax region javascriptArray matchgroup=javascriptBraces start=/\[/ end=/]/ contains=@javascriptValue,javascriptForComprehension,@javascriptComments nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols,@javascriptComments skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptNumber /\<0[bB][01]\+\>/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptNumber /\<0[oO][0-7]\+\>/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptNumber /\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptNumber /[+-]\=\%(\d\+\.\d\+\|\d\+\|\.\d\+\)\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax cluster javascriptTypes contains=javascriptString,javascriptTemplate,javascriptRegexpString,javascriptNumber,javascriptBoolean,javascriptNull,javascriptArray
syntax cluster javascriptValue contains=@javascriptTypes,@javascriptExpression,javascriptFuncKeyword,javascriptObjectLiteral,javascriptIdentifier,javascriptIdentifierName,javascriptOperator,@javascriptSymbols
syntax match javascriptLabel /[a-zA-Z_$]\k*\_s*:/he=e-1 contains=javascriptReserved nextgroup=@javascriptValue,@javascriptStatement skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptObjectLabel contained /\k\+\_s*:/he=e-1 contains=javascriptObjectLabelColon nextgroup=@javascriptValue,@javascriptStatement skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptObjectLabelColon contained /:/ nextgroup=@javascriptValue,@javascriptStatement skipwhite skipempty
" syntax match javascriptPropertyName contained /"[^"]\+"\s*:/he=e-1 nextgroup=@javascriptValue skipwhite skipempty
" syntax match javascriptPropertyName contained /'[^']\+'\s*:/he=e-1 nextgroup=@javascriptValue skipwhite skipempty
syntax region javascriptPropertyName contained start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/ nextgroup=javascriptObjectLabelColon skipwhite skipempty
syntax region javascriptComputedPropertyName contained matchgroup=javascriptPropertyName start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/ contains=@javascriptValue nextgroup=javascriptObjectLabelColon skipwhite skipempty
syntax region javascriptComputedProperty contained matchgroup=javascriptProperty start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/ contains=@javascriptValue,@javascriptSymbols nextgroup=@javascriptAfterIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
" Value for object, statement for label statement
syntax cluster javascriptTemplates contains=javascriptTemplate,javascriptTemplateSubstitution,javascriptTemplateSBlock,javascriptTemplateSString,javascriptTemplateSStringRB,javascriptTemplateSB
syntax cluster javascriptStrings contains=javascriptProp,javascriptString,@javascriptTemplates,@javascriptComments,javascriptDocComment,javascriptRegexpString,javascriptPropertyName
syntax cluster javascriptNoReserved contains=@javascriptStrings,@javascriptDocs,shellbang,javascriptObjectLiteral,javascriptObjectLabel,javascriptClassBlock,javascriptMethodDef,javascriptMethodName,javascriptMethod
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved break case catch class const continue
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved debugger default delete do else export
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved extends finally for function if
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved in instanceof let new return super
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved switch throw try typeof var
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved void while with yield
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved enum implements package protected static
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved interface private public abstract boolean
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved byte char double final float goto int
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved long native short synchronized transient
syntax keyword javascriptReserved containedin=ALLBUT,@javascriptNoReserved volatile
"JavaScript Prototype
syntax keyword javascriptPrototype prototype
"Program Keywords
syntax keyword javascriptIdentifier arguments this nextgroup=@javascriptAfterIdentifier
syntax keyword javascriptVariable let var const
syntax keyword javascriptOperator delete new instanceof typeof void in nextgroup=@javascriptValue,@javascriptTypes skipwhite skipempty
syntax keyword javascriptForOperator contained in of
syntax keyword javascriptBoolean true false nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax keyword javascriptNull null undefined nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax keyword javascriptMessage alert confirm prompt status
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal self top parent
"Statement Keywords
syntax keyword javascriptConditional if else switch
syntax keyword javascriptConditionalElse else
syntax keyword javascriptRepeat do while for nextgroup=javascriptLoopParen skipwhite skipempty
syntax keyword javascriptBranch break continue
syntax keyword javascriptCase case nextgroup=@javascriptTypes skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptDefault default
syntax keyword javascriptStatementKeyword return with yield
syntax keyword javascriptReturn return nextgroup=@javascriptValue skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptYield yield
syntax keyword javascriptTry try
syntax keyword javascriptExceptions catch throw finally
syntax keyword javascriptDebugger debugger
syntax match javascriptProp contained /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*/ contains=@props,@_semantic transparent nextgroup=@javascriptAfterIdentifier
syntax match javascriptMethod contained /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\ze(/ contains=@props transparent nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptDotNotation /\./ nextgroup=javascriptProp,javascriptMethod
syntax match javascriptDotStyleNotation /\.style\./ nextgroup=javascriptDOMStyle transparent
runtime syntax/yajs/javascript.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-number.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-string.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-array.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-object.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-symbol.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-function.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-math.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-date.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-json.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-regexp.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-map.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-set.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-proxy.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/es6-promise.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/ecma-402.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/node.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-window.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-navigator.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-location.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-history.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-console.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-xhr.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-blob.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-crypto.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-fetch.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/web-service-worker.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/dom-node.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/dom-elem.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/dom-document.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/dom-event.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/dom-storage.vim
runtime syntax/yajs/css.vim
let javascript_props = 1
runtime syntax/yajs/event.vim
syntax region javascriptEventString contained start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/ contains=javascriptASCII,@events
syntax region javascriptImportDef start=/import/ end=/;\|\n/ contains=javascriptImport,javascriptString,javascriptEndColons
syntax keyword javascriptImport contained from as import
syntax keyword javascriptExport export module
syntax region javascriptBlock matchgroup=javascriptBraces start=/\([\^:]\s\*\)\=\zs{/ end=/}/ contains=@htmlJavaScript
syntax region javascriptMethodDef contained start=/\(\(\(set\|get\)\_s\+\)\?\)[a-zA-Z_$]\k*\_s*(/ end=/)/ contains=javascriptMethodAccessor,javascriptMethodName,javascriptFuncArg nextgroup=javascriptBlock skipwhite keepend
syntax region javascriptMethodArgs contained start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=javascriptFuncArg,@javascriptComments nextgroup=javascriptBlock skipwhite keepend
syntax match javascriptMethodName contained /[a-zA-Z_$]\k*/ nextgroup=javascriptMethodArgs skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptMethodAccessor contained /\(set\|get\)\s\+\ze\k/ contains=javascriptMethodAccessorWords
syntax keyword javascriptMethodAccessorWords contained get set
syntax region javascriptMethodName contained matchgroup=javascriptPropertyName start=/\[/ end=/]/ contains=@javascriptValue nextgroup=javascriptMethodArgs skipwhite skipempty
syntax keyword javascriptAsyncFuncKeyword async await
" syntax keyword javascriptFuncKeyword function nextgroup=javascriptFuncName,javascriptFuncArg skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptFuncKeyword function nextgroup=javascriptAsyncFunc,javascriptSyncFunc
syntax match javascriptSyncFunc contained // nextgroup=javascriptFuncName,javascriptFuncArg skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptAsyncFunc contained /*/ nextgroup=javascriptFuncName,javascriptFuncArg skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptFuncName contained /[a-zA-Z_$]\k*/ nextgroup=javascriptFuncArg skipwhite
syntax match javascriptFuncArg contained /([^()]*)/ contains=javascriptParens,javascriptFuncKeyword,javascriptFuncComma nextgroup=javascriptBlock skipwhite skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptFuncComma contained /,/
syntax keyword javascriptClassKeyword class nextgroup=javascriptClassName skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptClassSuper super
syntax match javascriptClassName contained /\k\+/ nextgroup=javascriptClassBlock,javascriptClassExtends skipwhite
syntax match javascriptClassSuperName contained /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$\[\]\.]*/ nextgroup=javascriptClassBlock skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptClassExtends contained extends nextgroup=javascriptClassSuperName skipwhite
syntax region javascriptClassBlock contained matchgroup=javascriptBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=javascriptMethodName,javascriptMethodAccessor,javascriptClassStatic,@javascriptComments
syntax keyword javascriptClassStatic contained static nextgroup=javascriptMethodName,javascriptMethodAccessor skipwhite
syntax keyword javascriptForComprehension contained for nextgroup=javascriptForComprehensionTail skipwhite skipempty
syntax region javascriptForComprehensionTail contained matchgroup=javascriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=javascriptOfComprehension,@javascriptExpression nextgroup=javascriptForComprehension,javascriptIfComprehension,@javascriptExpression skipwhite skipempty
syntax keyword javascriptOfComprehension contained of
syntax keyword javascriptIfComprehension contained if nextgroup=javascriptIfComprehensionTail
syntax region javascriptIfComprehensionTail contained matchgroup=javascriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=javascriptExpression nextgroup=javascriptForComprehension,javascriptIfComprehension skipwhite skipempty
syntax region javascriptObjectLiteral contained matchgroup=javascriptBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=@javascriptComments,javascriptObjectLabel,javascriptPropertyName,javascriptMethodDef,javascriptComputedPropertyName,@javascriptValue
" syntax match javascriptBraces /[\[\]]/
" syntax match javascriptParens /[()]/
" syntax match javascriptOpSymbols /[^+\-*/%\^=!<>&|?]\@<=\(<\|>\|<=\|>=\|==\|!=\|===\|!==\|+\|-\|*\|%\|++\|--\|<<\|>>\|>>>\|&\||\|^\|!\|\~\|&&\|||\|?\|=\|+=\|-=\|*=\|%=\|<<=\|>>=\|>>>=\|&=\||=\|^=\|\/\|\/=\)\ze\_[^+\-*/%\^=!<>&|?]/ nextgroup=@javascriptExpression skipwhite
syntax match javascriptOpSymbols /[^+\-*/%\^=!<>&|?:]\@<=\(<\|>\|<=\|>=\|==\|!=\|===\|!==\|+\|*\|%\|++\|--\|<<\|>>\|>>>\|&\||\|^\|!\|\~\|&&\|||\|?\|=\|+=\|-=\|*=\|%=\|<<=\|>>=\|>>>=\|&=\||=\|^=\|\/\|\/=\)\ze\_[^+\-*/%\^=!<>&|?:]/ nextgroup=@javascriptExpression skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptOpSymbols /[^+\-*/%\^=!<>&|?:]\@<=\(:\)\ze\_[^+\-*/%\^=!<>&|?:]/ nextgroup=@javascriptStatement,javascriptCase skipwhite skipempty
syn region htmlScriptTag contained start=+<script+ end=+>+ fold contains=htmlTagN,htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent
syntax match javascriptWOpSymbols contained /\_s\+/ nextgroup=javascriptOpSymbols
syntax match javascriptEndColons /[;,]/
syntax match javascriptLogicSymbols /[^&|]\@<=\(&&\|||\)\ze\_[^&|]/ nextgroup=@javascriptExpression skipwhite skipempty
syntax cluster javascriptSymbols contains=javascriptOpSymbols,javascriptLogicSymbols
syntax match javascriptWSymbols contained /\_s\+/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols
syntax region javascriptRegexpString start="\(^\|&\||\|=\|(\|{\|;\|:\|\[\)\@<=\_s*/[^/*]"me=e-1 skip="\\\\\|[^\\]\@<=\\/" end="/[gimy]\{0,2\}" oneline
syntax cluster javascriptEventTypes contains=javascriptEventString,javascriptTemplate,javascriptNumber,javascriptBoolean,javascriptNull
syntax cluster javascriptOps contains=javascriptOpSymbols,javascriptLogicSymbols,javascriptOperator
syntax region javascriptParenExp matchgroup=javascriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@javascriptExpression nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
syntax cluster javascriptExpression contains=javascriptArrowFuncDef,javascriptParenExp,@javascriptValue,javascriptObjectLiteral,javascriptFuncKeyword,javascriptYield,javascriptIdentifierName,javascriptRegexpString,@javascriptTypes,@javascriptOps,javascriptGlobal,jsxRegion
syntax cluster javascriptEventExpression contains=javascriptArrowFuncDef,javascriptParenExp,@javascriptValue,javascriptObjectLiteral,javascriptFuncKeyword,javascriptIdentifierName,javascriptRegexpString,@javascriptEventTypes,@javascriptOps,javascriptGlobal,jsxRegion
syntax region javascriptLoopParen contained matchgroup=javascriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=javascriptVariable,javascriptForOperator,javascriptEndColons,@javascriptExpression nextgroup=javascriptBlock skipwhite skipempty
" syntax match javascriptFuncCall contained /[a-zA-Z]\k*\ze(/ nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax region javascriptFuncCallArg contained matchgroup=javascriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@javascriptExpression,@javascriptComments nextgroup=@javascriptAfterIdentifier
syntax cluster javascriptSymbols contains=javascriptOpSymbols,javascriptLogicSymbols
syntax match javascriptWSymbols contained /\_s\+/ nextgroup=@javascriptSymbols
syntax region javascriptEventFuncCallArg contained matchgroup=javascriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@javascriptEventExpression,@javascriptComments
syntax match javascriptArrowFuncDef contained /([^)]*)\_s*=>/ contains=javascriptFuncArg,javascriptArrowFunc nextgroup=javascriptBlock skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptArrowFuncDef contained /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\_s*=>/ contains=javascriptArrowFuncArg,javascriptArrowFunc nextgroup=javascriptBlock skipwhite skipempty
syntax match javascriptArrowFunc /=>/
syntax match javascriptArrowFuncArg contained /[a-zA-Z_$]\k*/
runtime syntax/semhl.vim
if exists("did_javascript_hilink")
HiLink javascriptReserved Error
HiLink javascriptEndColons Exception
HiLink javascriptOpSymbols Normal
HiLink javascriptLogicSymbols Boolean
HiLink javascriptBraces Function
HiLink javascriptParens Normal
HiLink javascriptComment Comment
HiLink javascriptLineComment Comment
HiLink javascriptDocComment Comment
HiLink javascriptCommentTodo Todo
HiLink javascriptDocNotation SpecialComment
HiLink javascriptDocTags SpecialComment
HiLink javascriptDocNGParam javascriptDocParam
HiLink javascriptDocParam Function
HiLink javascriptDocNumParam Function
HiLink javascriptDocEventRef Function
HiLink javascriptDocNamedParamType Type
HiLink javascriptDocParamName Type
HiLink javascriptDocParamType Type
HiLink javascriptString String
HiLink javascriptTemplate String
HiLink javascriptEventString String
HiLink javascriptASCII Label
HiLink javascriptTemplateSubstitution Label
" HiLink javascriptTemplateSBlock Label
" HiLink javascriptTemplateSString Label
HiLink javascriptTemplateSStringRB javascriptTemplateSubstitution
HiLink javascriptTemplateSB javascriptTemplateSubstitution
HiLink javascriptRegexpString String
HiLink javascriptGlobal Constant
HiLink javascriptCharacter Character
HiLink javascriptPrototype Type
HiLink javascriptConditional Conditional
HiLink javascriptConditionalElse Conditional
HiLink javascriptCase Conditional
HiLink javascriptDefault javascriptCase
HiLink javascriptBranch Conditional
HiLink javascriptIdentifier Structure
HiLink javascriptVariable Identifier
HiLink javascriptRepeat Repeat
HiLink javascriptForComprehension Repeat
HiLink javascriptIfComprehension Repeat
HiLink javascriptOfComprehension Repeat
HiLink javascriptForOperator Repeat
HiLink javascriptStatementKeyword Statement
HiLink javascriptReturn Statement
HiLink javascriptYield Statement
HiLink javascriptMessage Keyword
HiLink javascriptOperator Identifier
" HiLink javascriptType Type
HiLink javascriptNull Boolean
HiLink javascriptNumber Number
HiLink javascriptBoolean Boolean
HiLink javascriptObjectLabel javascriptLabel
HiLink javascriptLabel Label
HiLink javascriptPropertyName Label
HiLink javascriptImport Special
HiLink javascriptExport Special
HiLink javascriptTry Special
HiLink javascriptExceptions Special
HiLink javascriptMethodName Function
HiLink javascriptMethodAccessor Operator
HiLink javascriptAsyncFuncKeyword Keyword
HiLink javascriptFuncKeyword Keyword
HiLink javascriptAsyncFunc Keyword
HiLink javascriptArrowFunc Type
HiLink javascriptFuncName Function
HiLink javascriptFuncArg Special
HiLink javascriptArrowFuncArg javascriptFuncArg
HiLink javascriptFuncComma Operator
HiLink javascriptClassKeyword Keyword
HiLink javascriptClassExtends Keyword
HiLink javascriptClassName Function
HiLink javascriptClassSuperName Function
HiLink javascriptClassStatic StorageClass
HiLink javascriptClassSuper keyword
HiLink shellbang Comment
highlight link javaScript NONE
delcommand HiLink
unlet did_javascript_hilink
let b:current_syntax = "javascript"
if main_syntax == 'javascript'
unlet main_syntax
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
" syntax match javascriptIdentifierName /\<[^=<>!?+\-*\/%|&,;:. ~@#`"'\[\]\(\)\{\}\^0-9][^=<>!?+\-*\/%|&,;:. ~@#`"'\[\]\(\)\{\}\^]*/ nextgroup=javascriptDotNotation,javascriptFuncCallArg,javascriptComputedProperty,javascriptWSymbols contains=@_smantic
syntax cluster _semantic contains=_semantic0,_semantic1,_semantic2,_semantic3,_semantic4,_semantic5,_semantic6,_semantic7,_semantic8,_semantic9,_semantic10,_semantic11,_semantic12,_semantic13,_semantic14,_semantic15,_semantic16,_semantic17,_semantic18,_semantic19,_semantic20,_semantic21,_semantic22,_semantic23,_semantic24,_semantic25
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained alignContent alignItems alignSelf animation
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained animationDelay animationDirection animationDuration
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained animationFillMode animationIterationCount
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained animationName animationPlayState animationTimingFunction
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained backfaceVisibility background backgroundAttachment
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained backgroundBlendMode backgroundClip backgroundColor
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained backgroundImage backgroundOrigin backgroundPosition
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained backgroundRepeat backgroundSize border
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderBottom borderBottomColor borderBottomLeftRadius
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderBottomRightRadius borderBottomStyle
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderBottomWidth borderCollapse borderColor
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderImage borderImageOutset borderImageRepeat
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderImageSlice borderImageSource borderImageWidth
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderLeft borderLeftColor borderLeftStyle
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderLeftWidth borderRadius borderRight
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderRightColor borderRightStyle borderRightWidth
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderSpacing borderStyle borderTop borderTopColor
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderTopLeftRadius borderTopRightRadius
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained borderTopStyle borderTopWidth borderWidth
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained bottom boxDecorationBreak boxShadow boxSizing
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained breakAfter breakBefore breakInside captionSide
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained clear clip clipPath color columns columnCount
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained columnFill columnGap columnRule columnRuleColor
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained columnRuleStyle columnRuleWidth columnSpan
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained columnWidth content counterIncrement counterReset
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained cursor direction display emptyCells flex
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained flexBasis flexDirection flexFlow flexGrow
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained flexShrink flexWrap float font fontFamily
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained fontFeatureSettings fontKerning fontLanguageOverride
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained fontSize fontSizeAdjust fontStretch fontStyle
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained fontSynthesis fontVariant fontVariantAlternates
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained fontVariantCaps fontVariantEastAsian fontVariantLigatures
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained fontVariantNumeric fontVariantPosition
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained fontWeight grad grid gridArea gridAutoColumns
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained gridAutoFlow gridAutoPosition gridAutoRows
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained gridColumn gridColumnStart gridColumnEnd
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained gridRow gridRowStart gridRowEnd gridTemplate
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained gridTemplateAreas gridTemplateRows gridTemplateColumns
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained height hyphens imageRendering imageResolution
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained imageOrientation imeMode inherit justifyContent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained left letterSpacing lineBreak lineHeight
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained listStyle listStyleImage listStylePosition
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained listStyleType margin marginBottom marginLeft
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained marginRight marginTop marks mask maskType
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained maxHeight maxWidth minHeight minWidth
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained mixBlendMode objectFit objectPosition
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained opacity order orphans outline outlineColor
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained outlineOffset outlineStyle outlineWidth
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained overflow overflowWrap overflowX overflowY
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained overflowClipBox padding paddingBottom
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop pageBreakAfter
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained pageBreakBefore pageBreakInside perspective
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained perspectiveOrigin pointerEvents position
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained quotes resize right shapeImageThreshold
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained shapeMargin shapeOutside tableLayout tabSize
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained textAlign textAlignLast textCombineHorizontal
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained textDecoration textDecorationColor textDecorationLine
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained textDecorationStyle textIndent textOrientation
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained textOverflow textRendering textShadow
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained textTransform textUnderlinePosition top
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained touchAction transform transformOrigin
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained transformStyle transition transitionDelay
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained transitionDuration transitionProperty
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained transitionTimingFunction unicodeBidi unicodeRange
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained verticalAlign visibility whiteSpace width
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained willChange wordBreak wordSpacing wordWrap
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStyle contained writingMode zIndex
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMStyle Keyword
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained activeElement body cookie defaultView
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained designMode dir domain embeds forms head
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained images lastModified links location plugins
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained postMessage readyState referrer registerElement
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained scripts styleSheets title vlinkColor
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained xmlEncoding characterSet compatMode
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained contentType currentScript doctype documentElement
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained documentURI documentURIObject firstChild
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained implementation lastStyleSheetSet namespaceURI
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained nodePrincipal ononline pointerLockElement
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained popupNode preferredStyleSheetSet selectedStyleSheetSet
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocProp contained styleSheetSets textContent tooltipNode
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMDocProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMDocProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained caretPositionFromPoint close createNodeIterator nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained createRange createTreeWalker elementFromPoint nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByName adoptNode createAttribute nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained createCDATASection createComment createDocumentFragment nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained createElement createElementNS createEvent nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained createExpression createNSResolver nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained createProcessingInstruction createTextNode nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained enableStyleSheetsForSet evaluate execCommand nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained exitPointerLock getBoxObjectFor getElementById nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByTagNameNS getSelection nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained hasFocus importNode loadOverlay open nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained queryCommandSupported querySelector nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMDocMethod contained querySelectorAll write writeln nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMDocMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMDocMethod Keyword
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemProp contained accessKey clientHeight clientLeft clientTop
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemProp contained clientWidth id innerHTML length onafterscriptexecute
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemProp contained onbeforescriptexecute oncopy oncut
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemProp contained onpaste onwheel scrollHeight scrollLeft
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemProp contained scrollTop scrollWidth tagName classList
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemProp contained className name outerHTML style
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMElemProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMElemProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained getAttributeNS getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained getBoundingClientRect getClientRects nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained getElementsByTagNameNS hasAttribute nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained hasAttributeNS insertAdjacentHTML nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained matches querySelector querySelectorAll nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained removeAttribute removeAttributeNS nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained removeAttributeNode requestFullscreen nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained requestPointerLock scrollIntoView nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained setAttribute setAttributeNS setAttributeNode nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained setAttributeNodeNS setCapture supports nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMElemMethod contained getAttribute nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMElemMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMElemMethod Keyword
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventTargetMethod contained addEventListener removeEventListener nextgroup=javascriptEventFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventTargetMethod contained dispatchEvent waitUntil nextgroup=javascriptEventFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMEventTargetMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMEventTargetMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons AnimationEvent AudioProcessingEvent BeforeInputEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons BeforeUnloadEvent BlobEvent ClipboardEvent CloseEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons CompositionEvent CSSFontFaceLoadEvent CustomEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons DeviceLightEvent DeviceMotionEvent DeviceOrientationEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons DeviceProximityEvent DOMTransactionEvent DragEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons EditingBeforeInputEvent ErrorEvent FocusEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons GamepadEvent HashChangeEvent IDBVersionChangeEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons KeyboardEvent MediaStreamEvent MessageEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons MouseEvent MutationEvent OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons PageTransitionEvent PointerEvent PopStateEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons ProgressEvent RelatedEvent RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons SensorEvent StorageEvent SVGEvent SVGZoomEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons TimeEvent TouchEvent TrackEvent TransitionEvent
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventCons UIEvent UserProximityEvent WheelEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMEventCons Structure
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventProp contained bubbles cancelable currentTarget defaultPrevented
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventProp contained eventPhase target timeStamp type isTrusted
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventProp contained isReload
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMEventProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMEventProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventMethod contained initEvent preventDefault stopImmediatePropagation nextgroup=javascriptEventFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMEventMethod contained stopPropagation respondWith default nextgroup=javascriptEventFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMEventMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMEventMethod Keyword
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeProp contained attributes baseURI baseURIObject childNodes
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeProp contained firstChild lastChild localName namespaceURI
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeProp contained nextSibling nodeName nodePrincipal
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeProp contained nodeType nodeValue ownerDocument parentElement
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeProp contained parentNode prefix previousSibling textContent
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMNodeProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMNodeProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained appendChild cloneNode compareDocumentPosition nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained getUserData hasAttributes hasChildNodes nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained insertBefore isDefaultNamespace isEqualNode nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained isSameNode isSupported lookupNamespaceURI nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained lookupPrefix normalize removeChild nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained replaceChild setUserData nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptDOMNodeMethod contained /contains/
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMNodeMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMNodeMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeType contained ELEMENT_NODE ATTRIBUTE_NODE TEXT_NODE
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeType contained CDATA_SECTION_NODEN_NODE ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeType contained ENTITY_NODE PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODEN_NODE
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeType contained COMMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
syntax keyword javascriptDOMNodeType contained DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE NOTATION_NODE
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMNodeType Keyword
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStorage contained sessionStorage localStorage
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMStorage Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStorageProp contained length
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMStorageProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMStorageProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStorageMethod contained getItem key setItem removeItem nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDOMStorageMethod contained clear nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDOMStorageMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMStorageMethod Keyword
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Intl
syntax keyword javascriptIntlMethod contained Collator DateTimeFormat NumberFormat nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptIntlMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptIntlMethod Keyword
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Array nextgroup=javascriptGlobalArrayDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalArrayDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptArrayStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptArrayStaticMethod contained from isArray of nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptArrayStaticMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptArrayMethod contained concat copyWithin entries every fill nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptArrayMethod contained filter find findIndex forEach indexOf nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptArrayMethod contained join keys lastIndexOf map pop push nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptArrayMethod contained reduce reduceRight reverse shift slice nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptArrayMethod contained some sort splice toLocaleString toSource nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptArrayMethod contained toString unshift nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptArrayMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptArrayMethod Keyword
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Date nextgroup=javascriptGlobalDateDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalDateDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptDateStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptDateStaticMethod contained UTC now parse nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDateStaticMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained getDate getDay getFullYear getHours nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained getUTCDate getUTCDay getUTCFullYear nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained getUTCHours getUTCMilliseconds getUTCMinutes nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained getUTCMonth getUTCSeconds setDate setFullYear nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained setHours setMilliseconds setMinutes nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained setMonth setSeconds setTime setUTCDate nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained setUTCFullYear setUTCHours setUTCMilliseconds nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained setUTCMinutes setUTCMonth setUTCSeconds nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained toDateString toISOString toJSON toLocaleDateString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained toLocaleFormat toLocaleString toLocaleTimeString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained toSource toString toTimeString toUTCString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptDateMethod contained valueOf nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptDateMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDateMethod Keyword
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Function
syntax keyword javascriptFunctionMethod contained apply bind call nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptFunctionMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFunctionMethod Keyword
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal JSON nextgroup=javascriptGlobalJSONDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalJSONDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptJSONStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptJSONStaticMethod contained parse stringify nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptJSONStaticMethod Keyword
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Map WeakMap
syntax keyword javascriptES6MapProp contained size
syntax cluster props add=javascriptES6MapProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptES6MapProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptES6MapMethod contained clear delete entries forEach get has nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptES6MapMethod contained keys set values nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptES6MapMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptES6MapMethod Keyword
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Math nextgroup=javascriptGlobalMathDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalMathDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptMathStaticProp,javascriptMathStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticProp contained E LN10 LN2 LOG10E LOG2E PI SQRT1_2
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticProp contained SQRT2
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptMathStaticProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticMethod contained abs acos acosh asin asinh atan nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticMethod contained atan2 atanh cbrt ceil clz32 cos nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticMethod contained cosh exp expm1 floor fround hypot nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticMethod contained imul log log10 log1p log2 max nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticMethod contained min pow random round sign sin nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptMathStaticMethod contained sinh sqrt tan tanh trunc nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptMathStaticMethod Keyword
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Number nextgroup=javascriptGlobalNumberDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalNumberDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptNumberStaticProp,javascriptNumberStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptNumberStaticProp contained EPSILON MAX_SAFE_INTEGER MAX_VALUE
syntax keyword javascriptNumberStaticProp contained MIN_SAFE_INTEGER MIN_VALUE NEGATIVE_INFINITY
syntax keyword javascriptNumberStaticProp contained NaN POSITIVE_INFINITY
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptNumberStaticProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptNumberStaticMethod contained isFinite isInteger isNaN isSafeInteger nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptNumberStaticMethod contained parseFloat parseInt nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptNumberStaticMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptNumberMethod contained toExponential toFixed toLocaleString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptNumberMethod contained toPrecision toSource toString valueOf nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptNumberMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptNumberMethod Keyword
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Object nextgroup=javascriptGlobalObjectDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalObjectDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptObjectStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptObjectStaticMethod contained create defineProperties defineProperty nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptObjectStaticMethod contained freeze getOwnPropertyDescriptor nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptObjectStaticMethod contained getOwnPropertyNames getOwnPropertySymbols nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptObjectStaticMethod contained getPrototypeOf is isExtensible nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptObjectStaticMethod contained isFrozen isSealed keys preventExtensions nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptObjectStaticMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptObjectMethod contained hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptObjectMethod contained toLocaleString toString valueOf seal nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptObjectMethod contained setPrototypeOf nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptObjectMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptObjectMethod Keyword
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Promise nextgroup=javascriptGlobalPromiseDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalPromiseDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptPromiseStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptPromiseStaticMethod contained resolve reject all race nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptPromiseStaticMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptPromiseMethod contained then catch nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptPromiseMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptPromiseMethod Keyword
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Proxy
syntax keyword javascriptProxyAPI contained getOwnPropertyDescriptor getOwnPropertyNames
syntax keyword javascriptProxyAPI contained defineProperty deleteProperty freeze seal
syntax keyword javascriptProxyAPI contained preventExtensions has hasOwn get set enumerate
syntax keyword javascriptProxyAPI contained iterate ownKeys apply construct
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptProxyAPI Keyword
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal RegExp nextgroup=javascriptGlobalRegExpDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalRegExpDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptRegExpStaticProp
syntax keyword javascriptRegExpStaticProp contained lastIndex
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptRegExpStaticProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptRegExpProp contained global ignoreCase multiline source sticky
syntax cluster props add=javascriptRegExpProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptRegExpProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptRegExpMethod contained exec test nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptRegExpMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptRegExpMethod Keyword
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Set WeakSet
syntax keyword javascriptES6SetProp contained size
syntax cluster props add=javascriptES6SetProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptES6SetProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptES6SetMethod contained add clear delete entries forEach has nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptES6SetMethod contained values nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptES6SetMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptES6SetMethod Keyword
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal String nextgroup=javascriptGlobalStringDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalStringDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptStringStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptStringStaticMethod contained fromCharCode fromCodePoint nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptStringStaticMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained anchor charAt charCodeAt codePointAt nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained concat endsWith includes indexOf lastIndexOf nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained link localeCompare match normalize nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained repeat replace search slice split nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained startsWith substr substring toLocaleLowerCase nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained toLocaleUpperCase toLowerCase toString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptStringMethod contained toUpperCase trim valueOf nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptStringMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptStringMethod Keyword
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Symbol nextgroup=javascriptGlobalSymbolDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalSymbolDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptSymbolStaticProp,javascriptSymbolStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptSymbolStaticProp contained create hasInstance isConcatSpreadable
syntax keyword javascriptSymbolStaticProp contained isRegExp iterator toPrimitive
syntax keyword javascriptSymbolStaticProp contained toStringTag unscopables
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptSymbolStaticProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptSymbolStaticMethod contained for keyFor nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptSymbolStaticMethod Keyword
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptAnimationEvent contained animationend animationiteration
syntax keyword javascriptAnimationEvent contained animationstart beginEvent endEvent
syntax keyword javascriptAnimationEvent contained repeatEvent
syntax cluster events add=javascriptAnimationEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptAnimationEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptCSSEvent contained CssRuleViewRefreshed CssRuleViewChanged
syntax keyword javascriptCSSEvent contained CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked transitionend
syntax cluster events add=javascriptCSSEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptCSSEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptDatabaseEvent contained blocked complete error success upgradeneeded
syntax keyword javascriptDatabaseEvent contained versionchange
syntax cluster events add=javascriptDatabaseEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDatabaseEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptDocumentEvent contained DOMLinkAdded DOMLinkRemoved DOMMetaAdded
syntax keyword javascriptDocumentEvent contained DOMMetaRemoved DOMWillOpenModalDialog
syntax keyword javascriptDocumentEvent contained DOMModalDialogClosed unload
syntax cluster events add=javascriptDocumentEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDocumentEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMAttributeNameChanged DOMAttrModified
syntax keyword javascriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMCharacterDataModified DOMContentLoaded
syntax keyword javascriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMElementNameChanged DOMNodeInserted
syntax keyword javascriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOMNodeRemoved
syntax keyword javascriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOMSubtreeModified
syntax cluster events add=javascriptDOMMutationEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDOMMutationEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptDragEvent contained drag dragdrop dragend dragenter dragexit
syntax keyword javascriptDragEvent contained draggesture dragleave dragover dragstart
syntax keyword javascriptDragEvent contained drop
syntax cluster events add=javascriptDragEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptDragEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptElementEvent contained invalid overflow underflow DOMAutoComplete
syntax keyword javascriptElementEvent contained command commandupdate
syntax cluster events add=javascriptElementEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptElementEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptFocusEvent contained blur change DOMFocusIn DOMFocusOut focus
syntax keyword javascriptFocusEvent contained focusin focusout
syntax cluster events add=javascriptFocusEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFocusEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptFormEvent contained reset submit
syntax cluster events add=javascriptFormEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFormEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptFrameEvent contained DOMFrameContentLoaded
syntax cluster events add=javascriptFrameEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFrameEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained click contextmenu DOMMouseScroll
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained dblclick gamepadconnected gamepaddisconnected
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained keydown keypress keyup MozGamepadButtonDown
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained MozGamepadButtonUp mousedown mouseenter
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained mouseleave mousemove mouseout
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained mouseover mouseup mousewheel MozMousePixelScroll
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained pointerlockchange pointerlockerror
syntax keyword javascriptInputDeviceEvent contained wheel
syntax cluster events add=javascriptInputDeviceEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptInputDeviceEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptMediaEvent contained audioprocess canplay canplaythrough
syntax keyword javascriptMediaEvent contained durationchange emptied ended ended loadeddata
syntax keyword javascriptMediaEvent contained loadedmetadata MozAudioAvailable pause
syntax keyword javascriptMediaEvent contained play playing ratechange seeked seeking
syntax keyword javascriptMediaEvent contained stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange
syntax keyword javascriptMediaEvent contained waiting complete
syntax cluster events add=javascriptMediaEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptMediaEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptMenuEvent contained DOMMenuItemActive DOMMenuItemInactive
syntax cluster events add=javascriptMenuEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptMenuEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptNetworkEvent contained datachange dataerror disabled enabled
syntax keyword javascriptNetworkEvent contained offline online statuschange connectionInfoUpdate
syntax cluster events add=javascriptNetworkEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptNetworkEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptProgressEvent contained abort error load loadend loadstart
syntax keyword javascriptProgressEvent contained progress timeout uploadprogress
syntax cluster events add=javascriptProgressEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptProgressEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptResourceEvent contained cached error load
syntax cluster events add=javascriptResourceEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptResourceEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptScriptEvent contained afterscriptexecute beforescriptexecute
syntax cluster events add=javascriptScriptEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptScriptEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptSensorEvent contained compassneedscalibration devicelight
syntax keyword javascriptSensorEvent contained devicemotion deviceorientation deviceproximity
syntax keyword javascriptSensorEvent contained orientationchange userproximity
syntax cluster events add=javascriptSensorEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptSensorEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptSessionHistoryEvent contained pagehide pageshow popstate
syntax cluster events add=javascriptSessionHistoryEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptSessionHistoryEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptStorageEvent contained change storage
syntax cluster events add=javascriptStorageEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptStorageEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptSVGEvent contained SVGAbort SVGError SVGLoad SVGResize SVGScroll
syntax keyword javascriptSVGEvent contained SVGUnload SVGZoom
syntax cluster events add=javascriptSVGEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptSVGEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptTabEvent contained visibilitychange
syntax cluster events add=javascriptTabEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptTabEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptTextEvent contained compositionend compositionstart compositionupdate
syntax keyword javascriptTextEvent contained copy cut paste select text
syntax cluster events add=javascriptTextEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptTextEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptTouchEvent contained touchcancel touchend touchenter touchleave
syntax keyword javascriptTouchEvent contained touchmove touchstart
syntax cluster events add=javascriptTouchEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptTouchEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptUpdateEvent contained checking downloading error noupdate
syntax keyword javascriptUpdateEvent contained obsolete updateready
syntax cluster events add=javascriptUpdateEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptUpdateEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptValueChangeEvent contained hashchange input readystatechange
syntax cluster events add=javascriptValueChangeEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptValueChangeEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptViewEvent contained fullscreen fullscreenchange fullscreenerror
syntax keyword javascriptViewEvent contained resize scroll
syntax cluster events add=javascriptViewEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptViewEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptWebsocketEvent contained close error message open
syntax cluster events add=javascriptWebsocketEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptWebsocketEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptWindowEvent contained DOMWindowCreated DOMWindowClose DOMTitleChanged
syntax cluster events add=javascriptWindowEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptWindowEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptUncategorizedEvent contained beforeunload message open show
syntax cluster events add=javascriptUncategorizedEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptUncategorizedEvent Title
syntax keyword javascriptServiceWorkerEvent contained install activate fetch
syntax cluster events add=javascriptServiceWorkerEvent
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptServiceWorkerEvent Title
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Function Boolean Error EvalError InternalError RangeError
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal ReferenceError StopIteration SyntaxError TypeError
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal URIError Date Float32Array Float64Array Int16Array
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Int32Array Int8Array Uint16Array Uint32Array Uint8Array
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Uint8ClampedArray ParallelArray ArrayBuffer DataView
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Iterator Generator Reflect Proxy arguments
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptGlobal Structure
syntax keyword javascriptGlobalMethod eval uneval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptGlobalMethod decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptGlobalMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptGlobalMethod Structure
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptNodeGlobal global process console Buffer module exports setTimeout
syntax keyword javascriptNodeGlobal clearTimeout setInterval clearInterval
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptNodeGlobal Structure
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal URL nextgroup=javascriptGlobalURLDot,javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax match javascriptGlobalURLDot /\./ contained nextgroup=javascriptURLStaticMethod
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Blob BlobBuilder File FileReader FileReaderSync URLUtils
syntax keyword javascriptFileMethod contained readAsArrayBuffer readAsBinaryString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptFileMethod contained readAsDataURL readAsText nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptFileMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFileMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptFileReaderProp contained error readyState result
syntax cluster props add=javascriptFileReaderProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFileReaderProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptFileReaderMethod contained abort readAsArrayBuffer readAsBinaryString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptFileReaderMethod contained readAsDataURL readAsText nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptFileReaderMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFileReaderMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptFileListMethod contained item nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptFileListMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptFileListMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptBlobMethod contained append getBlob getFile nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBlobMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBlobMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptURLUtilsProp contained hash host hostname href origin password
syntax keyword javascriptURLUtilsProp contained pathname port protocol search searchParams
syntax keyword javascriptURLUtilsProp contained username
syntax cluster props add=javascriptURLUtilsProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptURLUtilsProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptURLStaticMethod contained createObjectURL revokeObjectURL nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptURLStaticMethod Keyword
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal console
syntax keyword javascriptConsoleMethod contained count dir error group groupCollapsed nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptConsoleMethod contained groupEnd info log time timeEnd trace nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptConsoleMethod contained warn nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptConsoleMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptConsoleMethod Keyword
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptCryptoGlobal crypto
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptCryptoGlobal Structure
syntax keyword javascriptSubtleCryptoMethod contained encrypt decrypt sign verify nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptSubtleCryptoMethod contained digest nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptSubtleCryptoMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptSubtleCryptoMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptCryptoProp contained subtle
syntax cluster props add=javascriptCryptoProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptCryptoProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptCryptoMethod contained getRandomValues nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptCryptoMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptCryptoMethod Keyword
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Headers Request Response
syntax keyword javascriptGlobalMethod fetch nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptGlobalMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptGlobalMethod Structure
syntax keyword javascriptHeadersMethod contained append delete get getAll has set nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptHeadersMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptHeadersMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptRequestProp contained method url headers context referrer
syntax keyword javascriptRequestProp contained mode credentials cache
syntax cluster props add=javascriptRequestProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptRequestProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptRequestMethod contained clone nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptRequestMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptRequestMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptResponseProp contained type url status statusText headers
syntax cluster props add=javascriptResponseProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptResponseProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptResponseMethod contained clone nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptResponseMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptResponseMethod Keyword
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptBOMHistoryProp contained length current next previous state
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMHistoryProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMHistoryProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptBOMHistoryMethod contained back forward go pushState replaceState nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMHistoryMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMHistoryMethod Keyword
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptBOMLocationProp contained href protocol host hostname port
syntax keyword javascriptBOMLocationProp contained pathname search hash username password
syntax keyword javascriptBOMLocationProp contained origin
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMLocationProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMLocationProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptBOMLocationMethod contained assign reload replace toString nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMLocationMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMLocationMethod Keyword
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorProp contained battery buildID cookieEnabled
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorProp contained doNotTrack maxTouchPoints oscpu
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorProp contained productSub push serviceWorker
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorProp contained vendor vendorSub
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMNavigatorProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMNavigatorProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod contained addIdleObserver getDeviceStorage nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod contained getDeviceStorages getGamepads nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod contained getUserMedia registerContentHandler nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod contained removeIdleObserver requestWakeLock nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod contained vibrate watch registerProtocolHandler nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod contained sendBeacon nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMNavigatorMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptServiceWorkerMethod contained register nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptServiceWorkerMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptServiceWorkerMethod Keyword
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptServiceWorkerProp contained controller ready
syntax cluster props add=javascriptServiceWorkerProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptServiceWorkerProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptServiceWorkerMethod contained register getRegistration nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptServiceWorkerMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptServiceWorkerMethod Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptGlobal Cache
syntax keyword javascriptCacheMethod contained match matchAll add addAll put delete nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptCacheMethod contained keys nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptCacheMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptCacheMethod Keyword
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp applicationCache closed Components controllers
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp dialogArguments document frameElement frames
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp fullScreen history innerHeight innerWidth length
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp location locationbar menubar messageManager
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp name navigator opener outerHeight outerWidth
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp pageXOffset pageYOffset parent performance
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp personalbar returnValue screen screenX screenY
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp scrollbars scrollMaxX scrollMaxY scrollX scrollY
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowProp self sidebar status statusbar toolbar top window
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMWindowProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMWindowProp Structure
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod alert atob blur btoa clearImmediate clearInterval nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod clearTimeout close confirm dispatchEvent nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod find focus getAttention getAttentionWithCycleCount nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod getComputedStyle getDefaulComputedStyle getSelection nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod matchMedia maximize moveBy moveTo open openDialog nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod postMessage print prompt removeEventListener nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod resizeBy resizeTo restore scroll scrollBy nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod scrollByLines scrollByPages scrollTo setCursor nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod setImmediate setInterval setResizable setTimeout nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowMethod showModalDialog sizeToContent stop updateCommands nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptBOMWindowMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMWindowMethod Structure
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onabort onbeforeunload onblur onchange
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onclick onclose oncontextmenu ondevicelight
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained ondevicemotion ondeviceorientation
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained ondeviceproximity ondragdrop onerror
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onfocus onhashchange onkeydown onkeypress
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onkeyup onload onmousedown onmousemove
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onmozbeforepaint onpaint onpopstate
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onreset onresize onscroll onselect
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onsubmit onunload onuserproximity
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowEvent contained onpageshow onpagehide
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMWindowEvent Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptBOMWindowCons DOMParser QueryInterface XMLSerializer
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOMWindowCons Structure
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptXHRGlobal XMLHttpRequest
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptXHRGlobal Structure
syntax keyword javascriptXHRProp contained onreadystatechange readyState response
syntax keyword javascriptXHRProp contained responseText responseType responseXML status
syntax keyword javascriptXHRProp contained statusText timeout ontimeout upload withCredentials
syntax cluster props add=javascriptXHRProp
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptXHRProp Keyword
syntax keyword javascriptXHRMethod contained abort getAllResponseHeaders getResponseHeader nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax keyword javascriptXHRMethod contained open overrideMimeType send setRequestHeader nextgroup=javascriptFuncCallArg
syntax cluster props add=javascriptXHRMethod
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptXHRMethod Keyword
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
syntax keyword javascriptBOM AbstractWorker AnalyserNode App Apps ArrayBuffer ArrayBufferView
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Attr AudioBuffer AudioBufferSourceNode AudioContext AudioDestinationNode
syntax keyword javascriptBOM AudioListener AudioNode AudioParam BatteryManager BiquadFilterNode
syntax keyword javascriptBOM BlobEvent BluetoothAdapter BluetoothDevice BluetoothManager
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CameraCapabilities CameraControl CameraManager CanvasGradient
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CanvasImageSource CanvasPattern CanvasRenderingContext2D
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CaretPosition CDATASection ChannelMergerNode ChannelSplitterNode
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CharacterData ChildNode ChromeWorker Comment Connection
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Console ContactManager Contacts ConvolverNode Coordinates
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CSS CSSConditionRule CSSGroupingRule CSSKeyframeRule
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CSSKeyframesRule CSSMediaRule CSSNamespaceRule CSSPageRule
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CSSRule CSSRuleList CSSStyleDeclaration CSSStyleRule
syntax keyword javascriptBOM CSSStyleSheet CSSSupportsRule DataTransfer DataView DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
syntax keyword javascriptBOM DelayNode DeviceAcceleration DeviceRotationRate DeviceStorage
syntax keyword javascriptBOM DirectoryEntry DirectoryEntrySync DirectoryReader DirectoryReaderSync
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Document DocumentFragment DocumentTouch DocumentType
syntax keyword javascriptBOM DOMCursor DOMError DOMException DOMHighResTimeStamp DOMImplementation
syntax keyword javascriptBOM DOMImplementationRegistry DOMParser DOMRequest DOMString
syntax keyword javascriptBOM DOMStringList DOMStringMap DOMTimeStamp DOMTokenList
syntax keyword javascriptBOM DynamicsCompressorNode Element Entry EntrySync Extensions
syntax keyword javascriptBOM FileException Float32Array Float64Array FMRadio FormData
syntax keyword javascriptBOM GainNode Gamepad GamepadButton Geolocation History HTMLAnchorElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLAreaElement HTMLAudioElement HTMLBaseElement HTMLBodyElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLBRElement HTMLButtonElement HTMLCanvasElement HTMLCollection
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLDataElement HTMLDataListElement HTMLDivElement HTMLDListElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLDocument HTMLElement HTMLEmbedElement HTMLFieldSetElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLFormControlsCollection HTMLFormElement HTMLHeadElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLHeadingElement HTMLHRElement HTMLHtmlElement HTMLIFrameElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLImageElement HTMLInputElement HTMLKeygenElement HTMLLabelElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLLegendElement HTMLLIElement HTMLLinkElement HTMLMapElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLMediaElement HTMLMetaElement HTMLMeterElement HTMLModElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLObjectElement HTMLOListElement HTMLOptGroupElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLOptionElement HTMLOptionsCollection HTMLOutputElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLParagraphElement HTMLParamElement HTMLPreElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLProgressElement HTMLQuoteElement HTMLScriptElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLSelectElement HTMLSourceElement HTMLSpanElement HTMLStyleElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLTableCaptionElement HTMLTableCellElement HTMLTableColElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLTableDataCellElement HTMLTableElement HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLTableRowElement HTMLTableSectionElement HTMLTextAreaElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLTimeElement HTMLTitleElement HTMLTrackElement HTMLUListElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM HTMLUnknownElement HTMLVideoElement IDBCursor IDBCursorSync
syntax keyword javascriptBOM IDBCursorWithValue IDBDatabase IDBDatabaseSync IDBEnvironment
syntax keyword javascriptBOM IDBEnvironmentSync IDBFactory IDBFactorySync IDBIndex
syntax keyword javascriptBOM IDBIndexSync IDBKeyRange IDBObjectStore IDBObjectStoreSync
syntax keyword javascriptBOM IDBOpenDBRequest IDBRequest IDBTransaction IDBTransactionSync
syntax keyword javascriptBOM IDBVersionChangeEvent ImageData IndexedDB Int16Array
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Int32Array Int8Array L10n LinkStyle LocalFileSystem LocalFileSystemSync
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Location LockedFile MediaQueryList MediaQueryListListener
syntax keyword javascriptBOM MediaRecorder MediaSource MediaStream MediaStreamTrack
syntax keyword javascriptBOM MutationObserver Navigator NavigatorGeolocation NavigatorID
syntax keyword javascriptBOM NavigatorLanguage NavigatorOnLine NavigatorPlugins NetworkInformation
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Node NodeFilter NodeIterator NodeList Notification OfflineAudioContext
syntax keyword javascriptBOM OscillatorNode PannerNode ParentNode Performance PerformanceNavigation
syntax keyword javascriptBOM PerformanceTiming Permissions PermissionSettings Plugin
syntax keyword javascriptBOM PluginArray Position PositionError PositionOptions PowerManager
syntax keyword javascriptBOM ProcessingInstruction PromiseResolver PushManager Range
syntax keyword javascriptBOM RTCConfiguration RTCPeerConnection RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
syntax keyword javascriptBOM RTCSessionDescription RTCSessionDescriptionCallback ScriptProcessorNode
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Selection SettingsLock SettingsManager SharedWorker StyleSheet
syntax keyword javascriptBOM StyleSheetList SVGAElement SVGAngle SVGAnimateColorElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGAnimatedAngle SVGAnimatedBoolean SVGAnimatedEnumeration
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGAnimatedInteger SVGAnimatedLength SVGAnimatedLengthList
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGAnimatedNumber SVGAnimatedNumberList SVGAnimatedPoints
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio SVGAnimatedRect SVGAnimatedString
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGAnimatedTransformList SVGAnimateElement SVGAnimateMotionElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGAnimateTransformElement SVGAnimationElement SVGCircleElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGClipPathElement SVGCursorElement SVGDefsElement SVGDescElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGElement SVGEllipseElement SVGFilterElement SVGFontElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGFontFaceElement SVGFontFaceFormatElement SVGFontFaceNameElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGFontFaceSrcElement SVGFontFaceUriElement SVGForeignObjectElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGGElement SVGGlyphElement SVGGradientElement SVGHKernElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGImageElement SVGLength SVGLengthList SVGLinearGradientElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGLineElement SVGMaskElement SVGMatrix SVGMissingGlyphElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGMPathElement SVGNumber SVGNumberList SVGPathElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGPatternElement SVGPoint SVGPolygonElement SVGPolylineElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGPreserveAspectRatio SVGRadialGradientElement SVGRect
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGRectElement SVGScriptElement SVGSetElement SVGStopElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGStringList SVGStylable SVGStyleElement SVGSVGElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGSwitchElement SVGSymbolElement SVGTests SVGTextElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGTextPositioningElement SVGTitleElement SVGTransform
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGTransformable SVGTransformList SVGTRefElement SVGTSpanElement
syntax keyword javascriptBOM SVGUseElement SVGViewElement SVGVKernElement TCPServerSocket
syntax keyword javascriptBOM TCPSocket Telephony TelephonyCall Text TextDecoder TextEncoder
syntax keyword javascriptBOM TextMetrics TimeRanges Touch TouchList Transferable TreeWalker
syntax keyword javascriptBOM Uint16Array Uint32Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray
syntax keyword javascriptBOM URLSearchParams URLUtilsReadOnly UserProximityEvent ValidityState
syntax keyword javascriptBOM VideoPlaybackQuality WaveShaperNode WebBluetooth WebGLRenderingContext
syntax keyword javascriptBOM WebSMS WebSocket WebVTT WifiManager Window Worker WorkerConsole
syntax keyword javascriptBOM WorkerLocation WorkerNavigator XDomainRequest XMLDocument
syntax keyword javascriptBOM XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
if exists("did_javascript_hilink") | HiLink javascriptBOM Structure
Reference in New Issue