Merge commit '513e852552e60e580dfc8feff1410fadc98ac56f' as 'vim/bundle/instant-markdown'

Buddy Sandidge 11 years ago
commit 72f3f5f2fe

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
### 0.0.2 (03-27-2012)
All changes for this release were made in the backend. Do `[sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d` to get them.
- Updated to the latest github styles!
- Performance should be slightly better as CSS is no longer generated at every update.
### 0.0.3 (04-26-2012)
Some changes for this release were made in the backend. Do `[sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d` to get them.
- Delay starting the `instant-markdown-d` server. This fixed the plugin for a few people who were getting empty browser windows.
- Display a message with configuration instructions when the preview window can't be closed due to Firefox restrictions.
### 0.0.4 (12-05-2012)
All these changes courtesy of @chreekat, THANKS!
- Is now an `after/ftplugin` plugin. Markdown filetype detection is left to Vim itself, or other plugins.
- Behavior when multiple markdown files are open has been improved
- No more weird characters taking over the status/command bar while editing
- Internals have been completely rewritten and are much more cleaner and adhere to vim script best practices
### 0.0.5 (12-05-2012)
These changes are _also_ courtesy of @chreekat!
- Plugin no longer breaks vim mouse scrolling
- No longer errors upon opening an empty markdown file
- `instant_markdown_slow` option to update preview less frequently
### 0.0.6 (03-02-2013)
All changes for this release were made in the backend. Do `[sudo] npm -g update instant-markdown-d` to get them.
- Fix for systems (such as Ubuntu, Debian) which use the `nodejs` executable instead of `node`.
### 0.0.7 (10-31-2013)
thanks to @terryma!
- Added option to only start previewing markdown on demand

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Want to instantly preview finnicky markdown files, but don't want to leave your favorite editor, or have to do it in some crappy browser textarea? **vim-instant-markdown** is your friend! When you open a markdown file in vim, a browser window will open which shows the compiled markdown in real-time, and closes once you close the file in vim.
As a bonus, [github-flavored-markdown][gfm] is supported, and styles used while previewing are the same as those github uses!
You first need to have Ruby with RubyGems, and node.js with npm installed. (In the future there might be a version which won't require node.js at all, making installation easier)
- `[sudo] gem install pygments.rb`
- If you're using Ruby 1.9.2 or later, `[sudo] gem install redcarpet`. Otherwise, `[sudo] gem install redcarpet -v 2.3.0`
- `[sudo] npm -g install instant-markdown-d`
- If you're on Linux, the `xdg-utils` package needs to be installed (is installed by default on Ubuntu).
- Copy the `after/ftplugin/markdown/instant-markdown.vim` file from this repo into your `~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown/` (creating directories as necessary), or use pathogen.
- Ensure you have the line `filetype plugin on` in your `.vimrc`
- Open a markdown file in vim and enjoy!
### g:instant_markdown_slow
By default, vim-instant-markdown will update the display in realtime. If that taxes your system too much, you can specify
let g:instant_markdown_slow = 1
before loading the plugin (for example place that in your `~/.vimrc`). This will cause vim-instant-markdown to only refresh on the following events:
- No keys have been pressed for a while
- A while after you leave insert mode
- You save the file being edited
### g:instant_markdown_autostart
By default, vim-instant-markdown will automatically launch the preview window when you open a markdown file. If you want to manually control this behavior, you can specify
let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 0
in your .vimrc. You can then manually trigger preview via the command ```:InstantMarkdownPreview```. This command is only available inside markdown buffers and when the autostart option is turned off.
Supported Platforms
OSX and Unix/Linuxes*.
<sub>*: One annoyance in Linux is that there's no way to reliably open a browser page in the background, so you'll likely have to manually refocus your vim session everytime you open a Markdown file. If you have ideas on how to address this I'd love to know!</sub>
> Why don't my `<bla>.md` files trigger this plugin?
By default, vim (7.3 and above) only recognizes files ending with `.markdown`, `.mdown`, and `` as markdown files. If you want `<anything>.md` to be recognized, I recommend installing one of many markdown plugins available, such as [this one][tpope-markdown].
> It's not working!
- Make sure all the dependencies are installed...
- Make sure `instant-markdown-d` was installed as a global module (e.g. using `npm -g install`)
- Make sure the ruby gems were installed under your default Ruby (i.e. if you're using RVM, use `gem install` and NOT `sudo gem install` as that might cause the gems to be installed under a non-RVM Ruby)
- If you're on OSX, and are using zsh and rbenv/rvm...
- Make sure that Vim is using the correct version of ruby. From vim, if ```:!which ruby``` returns an unexpected ruby, then see here for a solution:
- Another thing to try would be to add `set shell=bash\ -i` in your `.vimrc` to set interactive bash as the default vim shell. (See [this issue](
If you're curious, the code for the mini-server component for this plugin can be found at A plugin can easily be written for any editor to interface with the server to get the same functionality found here.
[ss]: "Click for bigger preview"

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
" # Configuration
if !exists('g:instant_markdown_slow')
let g:instant_markdown_slow = 0
if !exists('g:instant_markdown_autostart')
let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 1
" # Utility Functions
" Simple system wrapper that ignores empty second args
function! s:system(cmd, stdin)
if strlen(a:stdin) == 0
call system(a:cmd)
call system(a:cmd, a:stdin)
function! s:refreshView()
let bufnr = expand('<bufnr>')
call s:system("curl -X PUT -T - http://localhost:8090/ &>/dev/null &",
\ s:bufGetContents(bufnr))
function! s:startDaemon(initialMD)
call s:system("instant-markdown-d &>/dev/null &", a:initialMD)
function! s:initDict()
if !exists('s:buffers')
let s:buffers = {}
function! s:pushBuffer(bufnr)
call s:initDict()
let s:buffers[a:bufnr] = 1
function! s:popBuffer(bufnr)
call s:initDict()
call remove(s:buffers, a:bufnr)
function! s:killDaemon()
call system("curl -s -X DELETE http://localhost:8090/ &>/dev/null &")
function! s:bufGetContents(bufnr)
return join(getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, "$"), "\n")
" I really, really hope there's a better way to do this.
fu! s:myBufNr()
return str2nr(expand('<abuf>'))
" # Functions called by autocmds
" ## push a new Markdown buffer into the system.
" 1. Track it so we know when to garbage collect the daemon
" 2. Start daemon if we're on the first MD buffer.
" 3. Initialize changedtickLast, possibly needlessly(?)
fu! s:pushMarkdown()
let bufnr = s:myBufNr()
call s:initDict()
if len(s:buffers) == 0
call s:startDaemon(s:bufGetContents(bufnr))
call s:pushBuffer(bufnr)
let b:changedtickLast = b:changedtick
" ## pop a Markdown buffer
" 1. Pop the buffer reference
" 2. Garbage collection
" * daemon
" * autocmds
fu! s:popMarkdown()
let bufnr = s:myBufNr()
silent au! instant-markdown * <buffer=abuf>
call s:popBuffer(bufnr)
if len(s:buffers) == 0
call s:killDaemon()
" ## Refresh if there's something new worth showing
" 'All things in moderation'
fu! s:temperedRefresh()
if !exists('b:changedtickLast')
let b:changedtickLast = b:changedtick
elseif b:changedtickLast != b:changedtick
let b:changedtickLast = b:changedtick
call s:refreshView()
fu! s:previewMarkdown()
call s:startDaemon(join(getline(1, '$'), "\n"))
aug instant-markdown
if g:instant_markdown_slow
au CursorHold,BufWrite,InsertLeave <buffer> call s:temperedRefresh()
au CursorHold,CursorHoldI,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer> call s:temperedRefresh()
au BufWinLeave <buffer> call s:cleanUp()
aug END
fu! s:cleanUp()
call s:killDaemon()
au! instant-markdown * <buffer>
if g:instant_markdown_autostart
" # Define the autocmds "
aug instant-markdown
au! * <buffer>
au BufEnter <buffer> call s:refreshView()
if g:instant_markdown_slow
au CursorHold,BufWrite,InsertLeave <buffer> call s:temperedRefresh()
au CursorHold,CursorHoldI,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer> call s:temperedRefresh()
au BufWinLeave <buffer> call s:popMarkdown()
au BufwinEnter <buffer> call s:pushMarkdown()
aug END
command! -buffer InstantMarkdownPreview call s:previewMarkdown()