Squashed 'vim/bundle/jsx/' changes from d0ad98cf0..5b968dfa5

5b968dfa5 Merge pull request #143 from jez/master
f3fe4d865 Don't let <T> interfere with Flow generics
590356143 Don't let ':' terminate JSX classname
b0988275b Merge pull request #139 from BurningLutz/master
711e4a574 Merge pull request #132 from FranDias/patch-2
d96a4480f Fix g:jsx_pragma_required when g:jsx_ext_required=1
2083da6d2 Improved b:match_words to work-around an issue that when some tag is nested with same-name-self-closing tag, the % jump is broken. Here is a more detailed example:
7aea075d6 Make Pathogen install a 1 liner
eb656ed96 Merge pull request #114 from raushan802/master
6689560ce Update/fix references to the Vundle github repo
261114c92 Update README a bit more
5d69068d7 Merge pull request #90 from wyattanderson/master
31a25ff21 Add a FAQ explaining some frequent issues to the README
2ea2e1dcc Improve heuristic for detecting jsxRegion continuation across lines
f320f04b3 Parametrize the fallback JS indentexpr
acd2f77a1 Merge pull request #107 from bounceme/patch-1
af0c6cfc8 Fall back to default indentation
e65465ffb Update README
40bf4ef66 Merge pull request #105 from pdf/indenter_compat
92bd2d603 Remove dependency on pangloss/vim-javascript
52799a384 Enable spell checking on jsxRegion

git-subtree-dir: vim/bundle/jsx
git-subtree-split: 5b968dfa512c57c38ad7fe420f3e8ab75a73949a
Buddy Sandidge 8 years ago
parent b0e35109dd
commit 5afc9df09b

@ -5,7 +5,18 @@ Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX. JSX is a JavaScript syntax
transformer which translates inline XML document fragments into JavaScript
objects. It was developed by Facebook alongside [React][1].
This bundle requires pangloss's [vim-javascript][2] syntax highlighting.
vim-jsx is _not_ a JavaScript syntax package, so in order to use it, you will
also need to choose a base JS highlighter. [pangloss/vim-javascript][2] is the
recommended package---it is vim-jsx's "official" dependency, and the only
package against which it is regularly tested. However, vim-jsx makes a best
effort to support other JavaScript syntax packages, including:
- pangloss/vim-javascript
- jelera/vim-javascript-syntax
- othree/yajs
Notably, the system vim JavaScript syntax is _not_ supported, due to its
over-simplicity. However, the system XML syntax package is an implicit
Vim support for inline XML in JS is remarkably similar to the same for PHP,
which you can find [here][3].
@ -13,26 +24,25 @@ which you can find [here][3].
If you're experiencing weird highlighting or indenting throughout your JSX
code, please file a GitHub issue which includes the following:
If you're experiencing incorrect highlighting or indenting in your JSX code,
please file a GitHub issue which includes the following:
- A brief affirmation that you've read the README and installed the appropriate
- A brief affirmation that you've read the README and have installed one of the
supported dependencies (and the name of the one you're using).
- A minimal ~/.vimrc which repros the issue you're having, as well as a
screenshot or gif of the issue (a paste is insufficient, since it doesn't
show me the specific highlighting or indenting problem). To obtain a minimal
~/.vimrc, simply bisect your ~/.vimrc by adding `finish` at various points in
the file. (You can likewise bisect your included plugins by selectively
including only half of them, then a quarter, etc.).
- A minimal ~/.vimrc which repros the issue you're having, as well as both a
paste and a screenshot of the issue (a paste alone is insufficient, since it
doesn't illustrate the specific highlighting or indenting problem). To
obtain a minimal ~/.vimrc, simply bisect your ~/.vimrc by adding `finish` at
various points in the file. (You can likewise bisect your included plugins
by selectively including only half of them, then a quarter, etc.).
Most of the issues filed result from failures to install vim-javascript or
conflicts with existing JS syntax or indent files---so failing to indicate that
you've ruled those issues out may result in your issue being closed with no
you've ruled those issues out may result in your issue being closed with
minimal comment.
(Please feel free to disregard all this for feature requests and more
corner-case bugs.)
(Please feel free to disregard all this for feature requests.)
@ -53,8 +63,28 @@ let g:jsx_pragma_required = 1
to your .vimrc or somewhere in your include path.
Please note that this package does not support syntax folding, and has not been
tested with either JavaScript or XML folding enabled.
Frequently Asked Questions
- _How come syntax highlighting doesn't work at all?_
This is the only question I'll answer with another question---Which do you
think is more likely: (a) this package fails completely and utterly in serving
its most fundamental purpose, or (b) user error?
- _Why are my end tags colored differently than my start tags?_
vim-jsx is basically the glue that holds JavaScript and XML syntax packages
together in blissful harmony. This means that any XML syntax defaults carry
over to the XML portions of vim, and it's common for many colorschemes to
highlight start and end tags differently due to the system XML syntax defaults.
- _Syntax highlighting seems to work, but breaks highlighting and indenting
further down in the file. What's wrong?_
This often results from trying to enable XML folding in one's `~/.vimrc` (i.e.,
via `let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1`). vim-jsx does not support syntax folding,
and is not tested with either JavaScript or XML folding enabled.
@ -63,8 +93,7 @@ Installation
The recommended installation method is via [Pathogen][4]. Then simply execute
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/mxw/vim-jsx.git
git clone https://github.com/mxw/vim-jsx.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-jsx
(You can install [vim-javascript][2] in an analogous manner.)
@ -105,4 +134,4 @@ or indent files for Javascript, you'll probably want to do something like
[2]: https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript "pangloss: vim-javascript"
[3]: https://github.com/mxw/vim-xhp "mxw: vim-xhp"
[4]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen "tpope: vim-pathogen"
[5]: https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle "VundleVim: Vundle"
[5]: https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim "VundleVim: Vundle.vim"

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
" Language: JSX (JavaScript)
" Maintainer: Max Wang <mxawng@gmail.com>
" Depends: pangloss/vim-javascript
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
let b:match_words = '(:),\[:\],{:},<:>,' .
\ '<\@<=\([^/][^ \t>]*\)[^>]*\%(>\|$\):<\@<=/\1>'
\ '<\@<=\([^/][^ \t>]*\)[^>]*\%(/\@<!>\|$\):<\@<=/\1>'
setlocal suffixesadd+=.jsx

@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
" Language: JSX (JavaScript)
" Maintainer: Max Wang <mxawng@gmail.com>
" Depends: pangloss/vim-javascript
" Save the current JavaScript indentexpr.
let b:jsx_js_indentexpr = &indentexpr
" Prologue; load in XML indentation.
if exists('b:did_indent')
let s:did_indent=b:did_indent
@ -49,19 +51,31 @@ fu! SynXMLish(syns)
return SynAttrXMLish(get(a:syns, -1))
" Check if a synstack has any XMLish attribute.
fu! SynXMLishAny(syns)
for synattr in a:syns
if SynAttrXMLish(synattr)
return 1
return 0
" Check if a synstack denotes the end of a JSX block.
fu! SynJSXBlockEnd(syns)
return get(a:syns, -1) == 'jsBraces' && SynAttrXMLish(get(a:syns, -2))
return get(a:syns, -1) =~ '\%(js\|javascript\)Braces' &&
\ SynAttrXMLish(get(a:syns, -2))
" Determine how many jsxRegions deep a synstack is.
fu! SynJSXDepth(syns)
return len(filter(copy(a:syns), 'v:val ==# "jsxRegion"'))
" Check whether `cursyn' continues the same jsxRegion as `prevsyn'.
fu! SynJSXContinues(cursyn, prevsyn)
let curdepth = SynJSXDepth(a:cursyn)
let prevdepth = SynJSXDepth(a:prevsyn)
" In most places, we expect the nesting depths to be the same between any
" two consecutive positions within a jsxRegion (e.g., between a parent and
" child node, between two JSX attributes, etc.). The exception is between
" sibling nodes, where after a completed element (with depth N), we return
" to the parent's nesting (depth N - 1). This case is easily detected,
" since it is the only time when the top syntax element in the synstack is
" jsxRegion---specifically, the jsxRegion corresponding to the parent.
return prevdepth == curdepth ||
\ (prevdepth == curdepth + 1 && get(a:cursyn, -1) ==# 'jsxRegion')
" Cleverly mix JS and XML indentation.
@ -69,9 +83,12 @@ fu! GetJsxIndent()
let cursyn = SynSOL(v:lnum)
let prevsyn = SynEOL(v:lnum - 1)
" Use XML indenting if the syntax at the end of the previous line was either
" JSX or was the closing brace of a jsBlock whose parent syntax was JSX.
if (SynXMLish(prevsyn) || SynJSXBlockEnd(prevsyn)) && SynXMLishAny(cursyn)
" Use XML indenting iff:
" - the syntax at the end of the previous line was either JSX or was the
" closing brace of a jsBlock whose parent syntax was JSX; and
" - the current line continues the same jsxRegion as the previous line.
if (SynXMLish(prevsyn) || SynJSXBlockEnd(prevsyn)) &&
\ SynJSXContinues(cursyn, prevsyn)
let ind = XmlIndentGet(v:lnum, 0)
" Align '/>' and '>' with '<' for multiline tags.
@ -84,7 +101,13 @@ fu! GetJsxIndent()
let ind = ind + &sw
let ind = GetJavascriptIndent()
if len(b:jsx_js_indentexpr)
" Invoke the base JS package's custom indenter. (For vim-javascript,
" e.g., this will be GetJavascriptIndent().)
let ind = eval(b:jsx_js_indentexpr)
let ind = cindent(v:lnum)
return ind

@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ syn region jsxChild contained start=+{+ end=++ contains=jsBlock,javascriptBlock
" preceding it, to avoid conflicts with, respectively, the left shift operator
" and generic Flow type annotations (http://flowtype.org/).
syn region jsxRegion
\ contains=@XMLSyntax,jsxRegion,jsxChild,jsBlock,javascriptBlock
\ start=+\%(<\|\w\)\@<!<\z([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:\-.]*\)+
\ contains=@Spell,@XMLSyntax,jsxRegion,jsxChild,jsBlock,javascriptBlock
\ start=+\%(<\|\w\)\@<!<\z([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:\-.]*\>[:,]\@!\)\([^>]*>(\)\@!+
\ skip=+<!--\_.\{-}-->+
\ end=+</\z1\_\s\{-}>+
\ end=+/>+

@ -16,15 +16,16 @@ if !exists('g:jsx_pragma_required')
let g:jsx_pragma_required = 0
if g:jsx_pragma_required
" Look for the @jsx pragma. It must be included in a docblock comment before
" anything else in the file (except whitespace).
let s:jsx_pragma_pattern = '\%^\_s*\/\*\*\%(\_.\%(\*\/\)\@!\)*@jsx\_.\{-}\*\/'
let b:jsx_pragma_found = search(s:jsx_pragma_pattern, 'npw')
" Whether to set the JSX filetype on *.js files.
fu! <SID>EnableJSX()
if g:jsx_pragma_required && !exists('b:jsx_ext_found')
" Look for the @jsx pragma. It must be included in a docblock comment
" before anything else in the file (except whitespace).
let b:jsx_pragma_found = search(s:jsx_pragma_pattern, 'npw')
if g:jsx_pragma_required && !b:jsx_pragma_found | return 0 | endif
if g:jsx_ext_required && !exists('b:jsx_ext_found') | return 0 | endif
return 1
