Squashed 'vim/bundle/stylus/' content from commit 046ccf1d6
git-subtree-dir: vim/bundle/stylus git-subtree-split: 046ccf1d695029cb4aa3aa5cf6c67e56e4a644aamain
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
0.8.3 / 2011-09-26
* Added missing background properties Fixes #5
0.8.2 / 2011-09-01
* updated function list
* removed extra stylus from properties cluster
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
" Stylus
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.styl set filetype=stylus
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.stylus set filetype=stylus
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: Stylus
" Maintainer: Marc Harter
" Credits: Tim Pope
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo-=C
" Define some defaults in case the included ftplugins don't set them.
let s:undo_ftplugin = ""
let s:browsefilter = "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
let s:match_words = ""
runtime! ftplugin/html.vim ftplugin/html_*.vim ftplugin/html/*.vim
unlet! b:did_ftplugin
" Override our defaults if these were set by an included ftplugin.
if exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
unlet b:undo_ftplugin
if exists("b:browsefilter")
let s:browsefilter = b:browsefilter
unlet b:browsefilter
if exists("b:match_words")
let s:match_words = b:match_words
unlet b:match_words
" Change the browse dialog on Win32 to show mainly Styl-related files
if has("gui_win32")
let b:browsefilter="Stylus Files (*.styl)\t*.styl\n" . s:browsefilter
" Load the combined list of match_words for matchit.vim
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_words = s:match_words
setlocal comments= commentstring=//\ %s
setlocal suffixesadd=.styl
" Add '-' and '#' to the what makes up a keyword.
" This means that 'e' and 'w' work properly now, for properties
" and valid variable names.
setl iskeyword+=#,-
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< com< "
\ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words | " . s:undo_ftplugin
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
" Add a Stylus command (to see if it's valid)
command! Stylus !clear; cat % | stylus
" vim:set sw=2:
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Stylus
" Maintainer: Marc Harter
" Last Change: 2010 May 21
" Based On: sass.vim from Tim Pope
if exists("b:did_indent")
unlet! b:did_indent
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=GetStylusIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,},],0),!^F
setlocal formatoptions+=r
if exists("*GetStylusIndent") " only define once
function s:prevnonblanknoncomment(lnum)
let lnum = a:lnum
while lnum > 1
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum)
let line = getline(lnum)
if line =~ '\*/'
while lnum > 1 && line !~ '/\*'
let lnum -= 1
if line =~ '^\s*/\*'
let lnum -= 1
return lnum
function s:count_braces(lnum, count_open)
let n_open = 0
let n_close = 0
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let pattern = '[{}]'
let i = match(line, pattern)
while i != -1
if synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, i + 1, 0), 'name') !~ 'css\%(Comment\|StringQ\{1,2}\)'
if line[i] == '{'
let n_open += 1
elseif line[i] == '}'
if n_open > 0
let n_open -= 1
let n_close += 1
let i = match(line, pattern, i + 1)
return a:count_open ? n_open : n_close
" function CheckCSSIndent()
" let line = getline(v:lnum)
" if line =~ '^\s*\*'
" return cindent(v:lnum)
" endif
" let pnum = s:prevnonblanknoncomment(v:lnum - 1)
" if pnum == 0
" return 0
" endif
" return indent(pnum) + s:count_braces(pnum, 1) * &sw
" \ - s:count_braces(v:lnum, 0) * &sw
" endfunction
function! GetStylusIndent()
let line = getline(v:lnum)
if line =~ '^\s*\*'
return cindent(v:lnum)
let pnum = s:prevnonblanknoncomment(v:lnum - 1)
if pnum == 0
return 0
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum-1)
if lnum == 0
return 0
let pline = getline(pnum)
if pline =~ '[}{]'
return indent(pnum) + s:count_braces(pnum, 1) * &sw - s:count_braces(v:lnum, 0) * &sw
let line = substitute(getline(lnum),'[\s()]\+$','','') " get last line strip ending whitespace
let cline = substitute(substitute(getline(v:lnum),'\s\+$','',''),'^\s\+','','') " get current line, trimmed
let lastcol = strlen(line) " get last col in prev line
let line = substitute(line,'^\s\+','','') " then remove preceeding whitespace
let indent = indent(lnum) " get indent on prev line
let cindent = indent(v:lnum) " get indent on current line
let increase = indent + &sw " increase indent by the shift width
if indent == indent(lnum)
let indent = cindent <= indent ? indent : increase
let group = synIDattr(synID(lnum,lastcol,1),'name')
" for debugging only
echo group
" if group !~? 'css.*' && line =~? ')\s*$' " match user functions
" return increase
if group =~? '\v^%(cssTagName|cssClassName|cssIdentifier|cssSelectorOp|cssSelectorOp2|cssBraces|cssAttributeSelector|cssPseudoClass|cssPseudoClassId|stylusId|stylusClass)$'
return increase
elseif (group == 'stylusUserFunction') && (indent(lnum) == '0') " mixin definition
return increase
return indent
" vim:set sw=2;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# stylus.vim
Syntax highlighting for [Stylus](http://learnboost.github.com/stylus/).
CSS3/HTML5 bundled in and adapted from [css3.vim](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3042) by Hsiaoming Young
## Installation
### Manual install
Unzip into your `.vim` directory
### Pathogen install
Clone this repo into your `.vim/bundle` directory
## Creds
This is based on the excellent work from Tim Pope on sass.vim.
@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: CSS3
" Maintainer: Hsiaoming Yang <lepture@me.com>
" URL: http://lepture.me/work/css3/
" Created: Dec 14, 2011
" Modified: Sep 4, 2012
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'css'
syn case ignore
syn region cssString start='"' end='"' contained
syn region cssString start="'" end="'" contained
" HTML4 tags
syn keyword cssTagName abbr acronym address applet area base a b
syn keyword cssTagName basefont bdo big blockquote body button br
syn keyword cssTagName caption cite code col colgroup dd del
syn keyword cssTagName dfn dir div dl dt em fieldset form frame
syn keyword cssTagName frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr html img i
syn keyword cssTagName iframe img input ins isindex kbd label legend li
syn keyword cssTagName link map menu meta noframes noscript ol optgroup
syn keyword cssTagName option p param pre q s samp script select
syn keyword cssTagName span strike strong style sub sup tbody td
syn keyword cssTagName textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt ul u var
syn match cssTagName "\*"
syn match cssTagName /\<table\>/
syn match cssTagName /\<small\>/
syn match cssTagName /\<center\>/
" HTML5 tags
syn keyword cssTagName article aside audio bb canvas command datagrid
syn keyword cssTagName datalist details dialog embed figure footer figcaption
syn keyword cssTagName header hgroup keygen mark meter nav output
syn keyword cssTagName progress time rt rp section time video
syn match cssTagName /\<ruby\>/
" class select
syn match cssSelector /\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]\+/
" id select
syn match cssSelector /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]\+/
syn region cssSelector start='\[' end='\]' contains=cssString
syn region cssDefineBlock start="{" end="}" transparent contains=ALL
syn keyword cssCommonVal inherit initial auto both normal hidden none medium contained
" Comment
syn keyword cssTodo FIXME TODO contained
syn region cssComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=cssTodo
syn match cssImportant "!\s*important\>" contained
syn match cssValueInteger "[-+]\=\d\+" contained
syn match cssValueNumber "[-+]\=\d\+\(\.\d*\)\="
syn match cssValueLength "[-+]\=\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\(%\|mm\|cm\|in\|pt\|pc\|em\|ex\|px\|rem\|vh\|vw\|vm\|fr\|gr\)" contained
syn match cssValueAngle "[-+]\=\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\(deg\|grad\|rad\|turn\)" contained
syn match cssValueTime "+\=\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\(ms\|s\)" contained
syn match cssValueFrequency "+\=\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\(Hz\|kHz\)" contained
" Properties http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/CSS/Properties
" background http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/
syn match cssBackgroundProp /\(background-\(color\|image\|repeat\|attachment\|position\)\|background\)/ contained
syn match cssBackgroundProp /background-\(origin\|\(repeat\|position\)-[xy]\|clip\|size\)/ contained
syn match cssBackgroundProp /object-\(fit\|position\)/ contained
" http://www.evotech.net/blog/2010/02/css3-properties-values-browser-support/
syn keyword cssBackgroundVal tb lr rl snap cover contain widthLength heightLength contained
syn match cssBackgroundVal /\(scale-down\|from-image\)/ contained
syn match cssBackgroundVal /repeat-[xy]/ contained
syn match cssBackgroundVal /no-repeat/ contained
syn keyword cssBackgroundVal circle ellipse to at contained
syn match cssBackgroundVal /\(closest\|farthest\)-\(side\|corner\)/ contained
syn region cssFuncVal start="\(url\|calc\|min\|max\|counter\|cycle(\)" end=")" oneline contained contains=cssString,cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency
syn region cssFuncVal start="\(linear\|radial\|repeating-linear\|repeating-radial\)-gradient(" end=")" oneline contained contains=cssString,cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency,cssVisualProp,cssColorVal
syn match cssBorderProp /\(border-\(color\|style\|width\|radius\)\|border\)/ contained
syn match cssBorderProp /border-\(image-\(source\|slice\|width\|outset\|repeat\)\|image\)/ contained
syn match cssBorderProp /border-\(\(top\|right\|bottom\|left\)-\(color\|style\|width\)\|\(top\|right\|bottom\|left\)\)/ contained
syn match cssBorderProp /border-\(top\|bottom\)-\(left\|right\)-radius/ contained
syn keyword cssBorderVal dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset contained
syn match cssBorderVal /\<collapse\>/ contained
syn match cssBorderVal /\<separate\>/ contained
syn match cssBorderVal /\<fill\>/ contained
" Font
syn match cssFontProp /\(font-\(family\|style\|variant\|weight\|size-adjust\|size\|stretch\)\|font\)/ contained
syn match cssFontVal /\(sans-serif\|small-caps\)/ contained
syn match cssFontVal /\<x\{1,2\}-\(large\|small\)\>/ contained
syn keyword cssFontVal cursive fantasy monospace italic oblique serif contained
syn keyword cssFontVal bold bolder lighter larger smaller contained
syn keyword cssFontVal icon narrower wider contained
" Color
syn match cssColorVal /transparent/ contained
syn match cssColorVal "#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3\}\>" contained
syn match cssColorVal "#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\>" contained
syn match cssFuncVal /rgb(\(\d\{1,3\}\s*,\s*\)\{2\}\d\{1,3\})/ contained contains=cssString,cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency
syn match cssFuncVal /rgba(\(\d\{1,3\}\s*,\s*\)\{3\}\(1\|0\(\.\d\+\)\?\))/ contained contains=cssString,cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency
syn match cssFuncVal /hsl(\d\{1,3\}\s*,\s*\(100\|\d\{1,2\}\(\.\d\+\)\?\)%\s*,\s*\(100\|\d\{1,2\}\(\.\d\+\)\?\)%)/ contained contains=cssString,cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency
syn match cssFuncVal /hsla(\d\{1,3\}\s*,\s*\(\(100\|\d\{1,2\}\(\.\d\+\)\?\)%\s*,\s*\)\{2\}\(1\|0\(\.\d\+\)\?\))/ contained contains=cssString,cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency
syn keyword cssColorVal aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure contained
syn keyword cssColorVal beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood contained
syn keyword cssColorVal cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan contained
syn match cssColorVal /dark\(blue\|cyan\|goldenrod\|gray\|green\|grey\|khaki\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /dark\(magenta\|olivegreen\|orange\|orchid\|red\|salmon\|seagreen\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /darkslate\(blue\|gray\|grey\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /dark\(turquoise\|violet\)/ contained
syn keyword cssColorVal deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue firebrick contained
syn keyword cssColorVal floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold contained
syn keyword cssColorVal goldenrod gray green greenyellow grey honeydew hotpink contained
syn keyword cssColorVal indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen contained
syn keyword cssColorVal lemonchiffon lime limegreen linen magenta maroon contained
syn match cssColorVal /light\(blue\|coral\|cyan\|goldenrodyellow\|gray\|green\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /light\(grey\|pink\|salmon\|seagreen\|skyblue\|yellow\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /light\(slategray\|slategrey\|steelblue\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /medium\(aquamarine\|blue\|orchid\|purple\|seagreen\)/ contained
syn match cssColorVal /medium\(slateblue\|springgreen\|turquoise\|violetred\)/ contained
syn keyword cssColorVal midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite contained
syn keyword cssColorVal navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid contained
syn match cssColorVal /pale\(goldenrod\|green\|turquoise\|violetred\)/ contained
syn keyword cssColorVal papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple contained
syn keyword cssColorVal red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown contained
syn keyword cssColorVal seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue contained
syn keyword cssColorVal slategray slategrey snow springgreen steelblue tan contained
syn keyword cssColorVal teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat contained
syn keyword cssColorVal whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen contained
syn match cssColorVal "\<white\>" contained
syn keyword cssColorProp color opaticy contained
syn match cssColorProp /color-profile/ contained
" Box
syn match cssBoxProp /\(\(margin\|padding\)-\(top\|right\|bottom\|left\)\|\(margin\|padding\)\)/ contained
syn match cssBoxProp /\(min\|max\)-\(width\|height\)/ contained
syn match cssBoxProp /box-\(align\|decoration-break\|direction\|flex-group\|flex\|lines\)/ contained
syn match cssBoxProp /box-\(ordinal-group\|orient\|pack\|shadow\|sizing\)/ contained
syn match cssBoxProp /\(outline-\(color\|offset\|style\|width\)\|outline\)/ contained
syn keyword cssBoxProp width height contained
" Text
syn match cssTextProp /text-\(align-last\|align\|decoration\|emphasis\|height\|indent\|justify\|outline\|shadow\|transform\|wrap\|overflow\)\|text/ contained
syn match cssTextProp /\(line-stacking-\(ruby\|shift\|strategy\)\|line-stacking\|line-height\)/ contained
syn match cssTextProp /vertical-align/ contained
syn match cssTextProp /letter-spacing/ contained
syn match cssTextProp /white-\(space-collapse\|space\)/ contained
syn match cssTextProp /word-\(break\|spacing\|wrap\)/ contained
syn match cssTextProp "\<word-wrap\>" contained
syn match cssTextVal "\<break-word\>" contained
syn match cssTextVal "\<break-all\>" contained
syn match cssTextVal "\<line-through\>" contained
syn match cssTextVal /text-\(top\|bottom\)/ contained
syn keyword cssTextVal uppercase lowercase ellipsis middle contained
" List
syn match cssListProp /\(list-style-\(type\|image\|position\)\|list-style\)/ contained
syn keyword cssListVal armenian circle disc georgian hebrew square contained
syn match cssListVal /cjk-ideographic/ contained
syn match cssListVal /\(decimal-leading-zero\|decimal\)/ contained
syn match cssListVal /\(\(hiragana\|katakana\)-iroha\|\(hiragana\|katakana\)\)/ contained
syn match cssListVal /\(lower\|upper\)-\(alpha\|latin\|roman\)/ contained
syn match cssListVal /lower-greek/ contained
" Visual formatting
syn keyword cssVisualProp display position top right bottom left float clear clip contained
syn keyword cssVisualProp zoom visibility cursor direction outline resize contained
syn keyword cssVisualProp opacity contained
syn match cssVisualProp /z-index/ contained
syn match cssVisualProp /\(overflow-\(style\|[xy]\)\|overflow\)/ contained
syn keyword cssVisualVal inline block compact contained
syn match cssVisualVal '\<table\>' contained
syn match cssVisualVal /\(inline-\(block\|table\)\|list-item\|run-in\)/ contained
syn match cssVisualVal /table-\(row-group\|header-group\|footer-group\|row\|column-group\|column\|cell\|caption\)/ contained
syn match cssVisualVal /\<ruby\>-\(base-group\|text-group\|base\|text\)/ contained
syn keyword cssVisualVal static relative absolute fixed contained
syn keyword cssVisualVal ltr rtl embed bidi-override pre nowrap contained
syn keyword cssVisualVal crosshair help move pointer progress wait contained
syn keyword cssVisualVal e-resize n-resize ne-resize nw-resize s-resize se-resize sw-resize w-resize contained
" Table
syn match cssTableProp /border-\(collapse\|spacing\)/ contained
syn match cssTableProp /\(table-layout\|caption-side\|empty-cells\)/ contained
" Generated content
syn match cssCommonProp /counter-\(reset\|increment\)/ contained
syn keyword cssCommonProp content quotes contained
" Print
syn match cssPrintProp /break-\(before\|after\|inside\)/
syn match cssPrintProp /\(page-break-\(before\|after\|inside\)\|page-policy\)/
syn keyword cssPrintProp orphans windows
" special keywords
syn match cssSpecialProp /-\(webkit\|moz\|ms\|o\)-/
syn match cssRuleProp /@\(media\|font-face\|charset\|import\|page\|namespace\)/
" http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/
syn match cssPseudo /:\(link\|visited\|active\|hover\|focus\|before\|after\)/
syn match cssPseudo /:\(target\|lang\|enabled\|disabled\|checked\|indeterminate\)/
syn match cssPseudo /:\(root\|\(first\|last\|only\)-\(child\|of-type\)\|empty\)/
syn match cssPseudo /:\(nth-last-\|nth-\)\(child\|of-type\)(\<\S\+\>)/
syn match cssPseudo /:not(\<\S*\>)/
syn match cssPseudo /:first-\(line\|letter\)/
syn match cssPseudo /::\(first-\(line\|letter\)\|before\|after\|selection\)/
" CSS3 Advanced http://meiert.com/en/indices/css-properties/
syn keyword cssAdvancedProp appearance azimuth binding bleed columns crop hyphens icon
syn keyword cssAdvancedProp phonemes resize richness size volumne
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(animation-\(delay\|direction\|duration\|name\|iteration-count\|play-state\|timing-function\)\|animation\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /alignment-\(adjust\|baseline\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(backface-visibility\baseline-shift\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /bookmark-\(label\|level\|state\|target\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /column-\(count\|fill\|gap\|rule-\(color\|style\|width\)\|rule\|span\|width\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(cue-\(after\|before\)\|cue\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /dominant-baseline/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /drop-initial-\(size\|value\|\(after\|before\)-\(adjust\|align\)\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(fit-position\|fit\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(float-offset\|hanging-punctuation\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /grid-\(columns\|rows\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /hyphenate-\(after\|before\|character\|lines\|resource\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /image-\(orientation\|rendering\|resolution\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /inline-box-align/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(mark-\(after\|before\)\|mark\|marks\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /marquee-\(direction\|loop\|play-count\|speed\|style\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /move-to/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /nav-\(down\|index\|left\|right\|up\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(pause-\(after\|before\)\|pause\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(perspective-origin\|perspective\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(pitch-range\|pitch\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /presentation-level/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /punctuation-trim/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /rendering-intent/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(rest-\(after\|before\)\|rest\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(rotation-point\|rotation\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /ruby-\(align\|overhang\|position\|span\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(target-\(name\|new\|position\)\|target\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(transform-\(origin\|style\)\|transform\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /\(transition-\(delay\|duration\|property\|timing-function\)\|transition\)/
syn match cssAdvancedProp /voice-\(balance\|duration\|family\|pitch-range\|pitch\|rate\|stress\|volume\)/
syn match cssAdvancedVal /\(ease-\(in\|out\|in-out\)\|ease\)/ contained
" CSS3 Advanced value
"syn match cssAdvancedVal
if main_syntax == "css"
syn sync minlines=10
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_css_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_css_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink cssString String
HiLink cssComment Comment
HiLink cssTagName Statement
HiLink cssSelector Function
HiLink cssBackgroundProp StorageClass
HiLink cssTableProp StorageClass
HiLink cssBorderProp StorageClass
HiLink cssFontProp StorageClass
HiLink cssColorProp StorageClass
HiLink cssBoxProp StorageClass
HiLink cssTextProp StorageClass
HiLink cssListProp StorageClass
HiLink cssVisualProp StorageClass
HiLink cssAdvancedProp StorageClass
HiLink cssCommonProp StorageClass
HiLink cssSpecialProp Special
HiLink cssImportant Special
HiLink cssRuleProp PreProc
HiLink cssPseudo PreProc
HiLink cssColorVal Constant
HiLink cssCommonVal Type
HiLink cssFontVal Type
HiLink cssListVal Type
HiLink cssTextVal Type
HiLink cssVisualVal Type
HiLink cssBorderVal Type
HiLink cssBackgroundVal Type
HiLink cssFuncVal Function
HiLink cssAdvancedVal Function
HiLink cssValueLength Number
HiLink cssValueInteger Number
HiLink cssValueNumber Number
HiLink cssValueAngle Number
HiLink cssValueTime Number
HiLink cssValueFrequency Number
delcommand HiLink
" let b:current_syntax = "css"
if main_syntax == 'css'
unlet main_syntax
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Stylus
" Maintainer: Marc Harter
" Filenames: *.styl, *.stylus
" Based On: Tim Pope (sass.vim)
syn case ignore
syn region cssInclude start="@import" end="\n" contains=cssComment,cssFuncVal,cssRuleProp
syn cluster stylusCssSelectors contains=cssTagName,cssSelector,cssPseudo
syn cluster stylusCssValues contains=cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency,cssColorVal,cssCommonVal,cssFontVal,cssListVal,cssTextVal,cssVisualVal,cssBorderVal,cssBackgroundVal,cssFuncVal,cssAdvancedVal
syn cluster stylusCssProperties contains=cssBackgroundProp,cssTableProp,cssBorderProp,cssFontProp,cssColorProp,cssBoxProp,cssTextProp,cssListProp,cssVisualProp,cssAdvancedProp,cssCommonProp,cssSpecialProp
syn match stylusVariable "$\?[[:alnum:]_-]\+"
syn match stylusVariableAssignment "\%([[:alnum:]_-]\+\s*\)\@<==" nextgroup=stylusCssAttribute,stylusVariable skipwhite
syn match stylusProperty "\%([{};]\s*\|^\)\@<=\%([[:alnum:]-]\|#{[^{}]*}\)\+:" contains=@stylusCssProperties,@stylusCssSelectors skipwhite nextgroup=stylusCssAttribute contained containedin=cssDefineBlock
syn match stylusProperty "^\s*\zs\s\%(\%([[:alnum:]-]\|#{[^{}]*}\)\+[ :]\|:[[:alnum:]-]\+\)"hs=s+1 contains=@stylusCssProperties,@stylusCssSelectors skipwhite nextgroup=stylusCssAttribute
syn match stylusProperty "^\s*\zs\s\%(:\=[[:alnum:]-]\+\s*=\)"hs=s+1 contains=@stylusCssProperties,@stylusCssSelectors skipwhite nextgroup=stylusCssAttribute
syn match stylusCssAttribute +\%("\%([^"]\|\\"\)*"\|'\%([^']\|\\'\)*'\|#{[^{}]*}\|[^{};]\)*+ contained contains=@stylusCssValues,cssImportant,stylusFunction,stylusVariable,stylusControl,stylusUserFunction,stylusInterpolation,cssString,stylusComment,cssComment
syn match stylusInterpolation %{[[:alnum:]_-]\+}%
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(red\|green\|blue\|alpha\|dark\|light\)\>(\@=" contained
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(hue\|saturation\|lightness\|push\|unshift\|typeof\|unit\|match\)\>(\@=" contained
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(hsla\|hsl\|rgba\|rgb\|lighten\|darken\)\>(\@=" contained
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(abs\|ceil\|floor\|round\|min\|max\|even\|odd\|sum\|avg\|sin\|cos\|join\)\>(\@=" contained
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(desaturate\|saturate\|invert\|unquote\|quote\|s\)\>(\@=" contained
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(operate\|length\|warn\|error\|last\|p\|\)\>(\@=" contained
syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(opposite-position\|image-size\|add-property\)\>(\@=" contained
syn keyword stylusVariable null true false arguments
syn keyword stylusControl if else unless for in return
syn match stylusAmpersand "&"
syn match stylusClass "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
syn match stylusClassChar "\.[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=stylusClass
syn match stylusEscape "^\s*\zs\\"
syn match stylusId "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
syn match stylusIdChar "#[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=stylusId
syn region stylusComment start="//" end="$" contains=cssTodo,@Spell fold
hi def link stylusComment Comment
hi def link stylusVariable Identifier
hi def link stylusControl PreProc
hi def link stylusFunction Function
hi def link stylusInterpolation Delimiter
hi def link stylusAmpersand Character
hi def link stylusClass Type
hi def link stylusClassChar Special
hi def link stylusEscape Special
hi def link stylusId Identifier
hi def link stylusIdChar Special
let b:current_syntax = "stylus"
" vim:set sw=2:
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
@import "nib"
// comment test
padding-overloaded = true;
padding = 2px;
primary-color = red;
$hello = world;
if padding-overloaded
margin 15px
-webkit-border-radius arguments // comment test
-moz-border-radius arguments //comment test
border-radius arguments
#myid {
-moz-transform: scale(1.2);
font-family: arial;
border-radius border-radius()
-moz-transform scale(1.2)
body a:hover
font 12px/1.4 "Lucida Grande", Arial, sans-serif
background black !important
text-shadow 2px 2px 2px #fff
td a:hover
font 12px
font 12px
background rgba(255,255,255,0.5)
border-radius 5px
color #000
float left
display: block
background url('http://i.imgur.com/Q4RObrY.jpg')
font 12px/1.4 "Lucida Grande", Arial, sans-serif
h1 {
color: red;
body a:hover
font 12px/1.4 "Lucida Grande", Arial, sans-serif
background black !important
background rgb(255,255,0)
border-top 1px solid rgb(255,255,0)
text-shadow 2px 2px #000
color #ccc
#butter.gump tr
border min(2px)
min-width min(2px)
color red(10) lighten(he) border-radius() image-size()
border-radius border-radius()
form input {
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid;
border-radius: 5px;
vendor(prop, args)
{prop} args
-moz-{prop} args
-webkit-{prop} args
Reference in New Issue