You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

196 lines
4.3 KiB

(function(Prism) {
Prism.languages.jade = {
// Multiline stuff should appear before the rest
'multiline-comment': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)([\t ]*))\/\/.*(\n\2[\t ]+.+)*/,
lookbehind: true,
alias: 'comment'
// All the tag-related part is in lookbehind
// so that it can be highlighted by the "tag" pattern
'multiline-script': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)([\t ]*)script\b.*\.[\t ]*)(\n(?:\2[\t ]+.+|\s*?(?=\n)))+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
// See at the end of the file for known filters
'filter': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)([\t ]*)):.+(\n(?:\2[\t ]+.+|\s*?(?=\n)))+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'filter-name': {
pattern: /^:[\w-]+/,
alias: 'variable'
'multiline-plain-text': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)([\t ]*)[\w\-#.]+\.[\t ]*)(\n(?:\2[\t ]+.+|\s*?(?=\n)))+/,
lookbehind: true
'markup': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)<.+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
rest: Prism.languages.markup
'comment': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)\/\/.+/,
lookbehind: true
'doctype': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)doctype(?: .+)?/,
lookbehind: true
// This handle all conditional and loop keywords
'flow-control': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)(?:if|unless|else|case|when|default|each|while)(?: .+)?/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'each': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)each .+? in\b/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'keyword': /\b(?:each|in)\b/,
'punctuation': /,/
'branch': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)(?:if|unless|else|case|when|default|while)/,
lookbehind: true,
alias: 'keyword'
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
'keyword': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)(?:block|extends|include|append|prepend)\b.+/,
lookbehind: true
'mixin': [
// Declaration
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)mixin .+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'keyword': /^mixin/,
'function': /\w+(?=\s*\(|\s*$)/,
'punctuation': /[(),.]/
// Usage
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)\+.+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'name': {
pattern: /^\+\w+/,
alias: 'function'
'rest': Prism.languages.javascript
'script': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*script(?:(?:&[^(]+)?\([^)]+\))*) .+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
'plain-text': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*(?!-)[\w\-#.]*[\w\-](?:(?:&[^(]+)?\([^)]+\))*\/?[\t ]+).+/,
lookbehind: true
'tag': {
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*)(?!-)[\w\-#.]*[\w\-](?:(?:&[^(]+)?\([^)]+\))*\/?:?/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'attributes': [
pattern: /&[^(]+\([^)]+\)/,
inside: {
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
pattern: /\([^)]+\)/,
inside: {
'attr-value': {
pattern: /(=\s*)(?:\{[^}]*\}|[^,)\n]+)/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
'attr-name': /[\w-]+(?=\s*!?=|\s*[,)])/,
'punctuation': /[!=(),]/
'punctuation': /[:]/
'code': [
pattern: /((?:^|\n)[\t ]*(?:-|!?=)).+/,
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
'punctuation': /[.\-!=|]/
var filter_pattern = '((?:^|\\n)([\\t ]*)):{{filter_name}}(\\n(?:\\2[\\t ]+.+|\\s*?(?=\\n)))+';
// Non exhaustive list of available filters and associated languages
var filters = [
var all_filters = {};
for (var i = 0, l = filters.length; i < l; i++) {
var filter = filters[i];
filter = typeof filter === 'string' ? {filter: filter, language: filter} : filter;
if (Prism.languages[filter.language]) {
all_filters['filter-' + filter.filter] = {
pattern: RegExp(filter_pattern.replace('{{filter_name}}', filter.filter)),
lookbehind: true,
inside: {
'filter-name': {
pattern: /^:[\w-]+/,
alias: 'variable'
rest: Prism.languages[filter.language]
Prism.languages.insertBefore('jade', 'filter', all_filters);