[0.17.1] * Reorganized block parsing in a more modular way. There is now a `blocks` property of the parser that contains information about each type of block, which is used in parsing. Ultimately this will make it easier to extend the library, but the project is still only partially completed. * Code cleanup and simplification, with some performance optimizations. * Removed version from `bower.json`. Bower takes version from tags. * Initialize some properties at beginning of 'parse'. This fixes some mistakes in source position when the same Parser object was used to parse multiple times (#3). * Made parsing of backslash escapes a bit more efficient. * Removed refmap parameter of InlineParser.parse(). Instead, set the refmap property before running the parser. * Set `_string_content` to null after using, allowing it to be GCd. * Removed `_strings`; just append to `_string_content`. This gives better performance with v8. * Format benchmarks so that samples are linked. * Added in-browser benchmark. * Added API documentation to README. * xml renderer: use `sourcepos` attribute, not `data-sourcepos`. * Changed license to 2-clause BSD. Added clause for spec. [0.17.0] * Renamed `DocParser` -> `Parser`. Note: library users should update their code or it will break. * Added `normalize-reference.js`. This does a proper unicode case fold instead of just using `toUpperCase`. It is also faster, partly because we can do one pass for space and case normalization. * Removed artificial distinction btw FencedCode, IndentedCode in `blocks.js`. * Removed vestigial `ReferenceDef` node type. * Added getters and (in some cases) setters for "public" properties of Nodes. Renamed non-public properties to start with underscore. This will allow us to keep the API stable while changing the underlying data structure. And it will avoid exposing properties that have only an instrumental value in parsing. * Removed `Node.toObject()`. * Rename `bullet_char` -> `bulletChar`. * Check for blank line before checking indent in Item. * Removed unnecessary setting of default `tight=true` in `finalize`. We do that when the `listData` object is initialized. * Performance optimization - avoid repeating scan for nonspace. * Moved check for closing fence to close-block-check section. This is a more logical arrangement and addresses jgm/CommonMark#285. * Added `offset` property to `DocParser`. Use this in `addLine`, instead of `offset` parameter, which has been removed. * Implemented new spec for emphasis and strong emphasis with `_`. * `html.js` - explicitly specify second parameter of `escapeXml`. * Fixed escaping error in CDATA regex. * Removed some dead code and fixed incorrect call to `addChild` with three arguments (Robin Stocker). * Adjust `lastLineLength` before returning after close fence. * Propagate `lastLineBlank` up through parents. Previously we just kept it set on the bottom child. But this will give a quicker determination of `lastLineBlank`. * Moved continuation checks & finalizers into `blocks` property of `Parser`. This is a first step towards keeping the code for each kind of block in a central place, rather than spread all over the code base. This is preparatory for a more modular structure, where each type of block has a record describing how it is parsed and finalized. Eventually this will also contain functions for checking for a block start, and metadata that determines how line data should be handled. * Added `currentLine` property to `Parser`. * Renamed `first_nonspace` -> `next_nonspace`. * Put generated `commonmark.js` in `dist/` rather than `js/`. * Miscellaneous code cleanup. * Split JS code into (this) independent repository. * Added detailed benchmark with samples (`make bench-detailed`). * Added `dist/commonmark.js` to repo (for bower). * Added `bower.json` (jgm/CommonMark#288). * Updated test suite. Now shows how performance depends on length in pathological cases. * Don't use -1 as second param for .slice. This seems to cause a deoptimization, as reported by `node --trace-deopt`. * Added `CONTRIBUTING.md`. * Added `.travis.yml` to test against various node versions. * Renamed `changelog.js.txt` -> `changelog.txt`. [0.16] * Improved regex for HTML comments (#263). * Fixed CDATA regex (#267). * Use linked list instead of arrays in AST: the same doubly linked node structure as cmark uses. This simplifies some code and eliminates the need for recursive algorithms, so we can render deeply-nested structures without stack overflows. * Use `children` instead of `label` (in Image and Link), `inline_content` (in Paragraph), and `c` (in Emph and Strong). * Renamed the `c` property to `literal` to match `libcmark`. * Use `literal` rather than `string_content` property for code blocks, HTML. `string_content` is reserved for raw string content that has yet to be parsed as inlines. * Improved end lines (#276). * Added a node walker, for easy AST traversal (see `node.js`). * Regularized position information into a `sourcepos` property. Added end column information. * Renamed `html-renderer.js` to `html.js`. * Replace NUL characters with U+FFFD, as per spec. * Optimized code, resulting in significant performance gains. (We've gone from being twice as fast as showdown.js to being three times as fast, on par with marked.) * Made `tight` a property of `list_data` rather than `Node`. * Added options to renderer, parser objections. * Added a `--sourcepos` command line option to `js/bin/commonmark`. * HTML renderer now throws an error on unknown tag type (which indicates a programming error). * Removed `ansi.js` code from the source tree. The test suite now uses its own mini ansi colors implementation. * Added `--time` option to `js/bin/commonmark`. * Added an XML renderer (XML representation of the AST, matching `Commonmark.dtd`). * Changed `url` property to `destination` to match `cmark` and spec. * Added `js/common.js` to hold some common code, like string unescaping and URI normalization. * Use `decodeURI` instead of `unescape`. * Added some "pathological" test cases to test suite.