describe("childview container", function(){ describe("when providing an array of views to the constructor", function(){ var container; beforeEach(function(){ var views = [ new Backbone.View(), new Backbone.View(), new Backbone.View() ] container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(views); }); it("should add all of the views", function(){ expect(container.length).toBe(3); }); }); describe("when adding a view that does not have a model to the container", function(){ var container, view, foundView, indexView; beforeEach(function(){ view = new Backbone.View(); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(view); foundView = container.findByCid(view.cid); indexView = container.findByIndex(0); }); it("should make the view retrievable by the view's cid", function(){ expect(foundView).toBe(view); }); it("should make the view retrievable by numeric index", function(){ expect(indexView).toBe(view); }); it("should update the size of the chidren", function(){ expect(container.length).toBe(1); }) }); describe("when adding a view that has a model, to the container", function(){ var container, view, foundView, model; beforeEach(function(){ model = new Backbone.Model(); view = new Backbone.View({ model: model }); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(view); foundView = container.findByModel(model); }); it("should make the view retrievable by the model", function(){ expect(foundView).toBe(view); }); }); describe("when adding a view with a custom index value", function(){ var container, view, foundView; beforeEach(function(){ view = new Backbone.View(); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(view, "custom indexer"); foundView = container.findByCustom("custom indexer"); }); it("should make the view retrievable by the custom indexer", function(){ expect(foundView).toBe(view); }); }); describe("when removing a view", function(){ var container, view, model, col, cust; beforeEach(function(){ model = new Backbone.Model(); cust = "custome indexer"; view = new Backbone.View({ model: model }); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(view, cust); container.remove(view); }); it("should update the size of the chidren", function(){ expect(container.length).toBe(0); }) it("should remove the index by model", function(){ var v = container.findByModel(model); expect(v).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should remove the index by custom", function(){ var v = container.findByCustom(cust); expect(v).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should remove the view from the container", function(){ var v = container.findByCid(view.cid); expect(v).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("adding or removing a view", function(){ var container, view, model; beforeEach(function(){ model = new Backbone.Model(); view = new Backbone.View({ model: model }); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); }); it("should return itself when adding, for chaining methods", function(){ expect(container.add(view)).toBe(container); }); it("should return itself when removing, for chaining methods", function(){ expect(container.remove(view)).toBe(container); }); }); describe("when a container has 2 views in it", function(){ describe("and applying a method with parameters", function(){ var container, v1, v2; beforeEach(function(){ v1 = new Backbone.View(); v1.someFunc = jasmine.createSpy("some func"); v2 = new Backbone.View(); v2.someFunc = jasmine.createSpy("some func"); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(v1); container.add(v2); container.apply("someFunc", ["1", "2"]); }); it("should call that method on the first view", function(){ expect(v1.someFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith("1", "2"); }); it("should call that method on the second view", function(){ expect(v2.someFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith("1", "2"); }); }); describe("and calling a method with parameters", function(){ var container, v1, v2; beforeEach(function(){ v1 = new Backbone.View(); v1.someFunc = jasmine.createSpy("some func"); v2 = new Backbone.View(); v2.someFunc = jasmine.createSpy("some func"); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(v1); container.add(v2);"someFunc", "1", "2"); }); it("should call that method on the first view", function(){ expect(v1.someFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith("1", "2"); }); it("should call that method on the second view", function(){ expect(v2.someFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith("1", "2"); }); }); describe("and calling a method that doesn't exist on one of the views", function(){ var container, v1, v2; beforeEach(function(){ v1 = new Backbone.View(); v2 = new Backbone.View(); v2.someFunc = jasmine.createSpy("some func"); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(v1); container.add(v2);"someFunc", "1", "2"); }); it("should call that method on the second view", function(){ expect(v2.someFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith("1", "2"); }); }); }); describe("iterators and collection functions", function(){ var container, view, views; beforeEach(function(){ views = []; view = new Backbone.View(); container = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); container.add(view); container.each(function(v, k){ views.push(v); }); }); it("should provide a .each iterator", function(){ expect(_.isFunction(container.each)).toBe(true); }); it("should iterate the views with the .each function", function(){ expect(views[0]).toBe(view); }); }); });