// MarionetteJS (Backbone.Marionette) // ---------------------------------- // v2.3.1 // // Copyright (c)2015 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC. // Distributed under MIT license // // http://marionettejs.com (function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['backbone', 'underscore', 'backbone.wreqr', 'backbone.babysitter'], function(Backbone, _) { return (root.Marionette = root.Mn = factory(root, Backbone, _)); }); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var Backbone = require('backbone'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Wreqr = require('backbone.wreqr'); var BabySitter = require('backbone.babysitter'); module.exports = factory(root, Backbone, _); } else { root.Marionette = root.Mn = factory(root, root.Backbone, root._); } }(this, function(root, Backbone, _) { 'use strict'; var previousMarionette = root.Marionette; var previousMn = root.Mn; var Marionette = Backbone.Marionette = {}; Marionette.VERSION = '2.3.1'; Marionette.noConflict = function() { root.Marionette = previousMarionette; root.Mn = previousMn; return this; }; // Get the Deferred creator for later use Marionette.Deferred = Backbone.$.Deferred; /* jshint unused: false *//* global console */ // Helpers // ------- // Marionette.extend // ----------------- // Borrow the Backbone `extend` method so we can use it as needed Marionette.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; // Marionette.isNodeAttached // ------------------------- // Determine if `el` is a child of the document Marionette.isNodeAttached = function(el) { return Backbone.$.contains(document.documentElement, el); }; // Marionette.getOption // -------------------- // Retrieve an object, function or other value from a target // object or its `options`, with `options` taking precedence. Marionette.getOption = function(target, optionName) { if (!target || !optionName) { return; } if (target.options && (target.options[optionName] !== undefined)) { return target.options[optionName]; } else { return target[optionName]; } }; // Proxy `Marionette.getOption` Marionette.proxyGetOption = function(optionName) { return Marionette.getOption(this, optionName); }; // Similar to `_.result`, this is a simple helper // If a function is provided we call it with context // otherwise just return the value. If the value is // undefined return a default value Marionette._getValue = function(value, context, params) { if (_.isFunction(value)) { value = value.apply(context, params); } return value; }; // Marionette.normalizeMethods // ---------------------- // Pass in a mapping of events => functions or function names // and return a mapping of events => functions Marionette.normalizeMethods = function(hash) { return _.reduce(hash, function(normalizedHash, method, name) { if (!_.isFunction(method)) { method = this[method]; } if (method) { normalizedHash[name] = method; } return normalizedHash; }, {}, this); }; // utility method for parsing @ui. syntax strings // into associated selector Marionette.normalizeUIString = function(uiString, ui) { return uiString.replace(/@ui\.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]*/g, function(r) { return ui[r.slice(4)]; }); }; // allows for the use of the @ui. syntax within // a given key for triggers and events // swaps the @ui with the associated selector. // Returns a new, non-mutated, parsed events hash. Marionette.normalizeUIKeys = function(hash, ui) { return _.reduce(hash, function(memo, val, key) { var normalizedKey = Marionette.normalizeUIString(key, ui); memo[normalizedKey] = val; return memo; }, {}); }; // allows for the use of the @ui. syntax within // a given value for regions // swaps the @ui with the associated selector Marionette.normalizeUIValues = function(hash, ui) { _.each(hash, function(val, key) { if (_.isString(val)) { hash[key] = Marionette.normalizeUIString(val, ui); } }); return hash; }; // Mix in methods from Underscore, for iteration, and other // collection related features. // Borrowing this code from Backbone.Collection: // http://backbonejs.org/docs/backbone.html#section-121 Marionette.actAsCollection = function(object, listProperty) { var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'find', 'detect', 'filter', 'select', 'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any', 'include', 'contains', 'invoke', 'toArray', 'first', 'initial', 'rest', 'last', 'without', 'isEmpty', 'pluck']; _.each(methods, function(method) { object[method] = function() { var list = _.values(_.result(this, listProperty)); var args = [list].concat(_.toArray(arguments)); return _[method].apply(_, args); }; }); }; var deprecate = Marionette.deprecate = function(message, test) { if (_.isObject(message)) { message = ( message.prev + ' is going to be removed in the future. ' + 'Please use ' + message.next + ' instead.' + (message.url ? ' See: ' + message.url : '') ); } if ((test === undefined || !test) && !deprecate._cache[message]) { deprecate._warn('Deprecation warning: ' + message); deprecate._cache[message] = true; } }; deprecate._warn = typeof console !== 'undefined' && (console.warn || console.log) || function() {}; deprecate._cache = {}; /* jshint maxstatements: 14, maxcomplexity: 7 */ // Trigger Method // -------------- Marionette._triggerMethod = (function() { // split the event name on the ":" var splitter = /(^|:)(\w)/gi; // take the event section ("section1:section2:section3") // and turn it in to uppercase name function getEventName(match, prefix, eventName) { return eventName.toUpperCase(); } return function(context, event, args) { var noEventArg = arguments.length < 3; if (noEventArg) { args = event; event = args[0]; } // get the method name from the event name var methodName = 'on' + event.replace(splitter, getEventName); var method = context[methodName]; var result; // call the onMethodName if it exists if (_.isFunction(method)) { // pass all args, except the event name result = method.apply(context, noEventArg ? _.rest(args) : args); } // trigger the event, if a trigger method exists if (_.isFunction(context.trigger)) { if (noEventArg + args.length > 1) { context.trigger.apply(context, noEventArg ? args : [event].concat(_.rest(args, 0))); } else { context.trigger(event); } } return result; }; })(); // Trigger an event and/or a corresponding method name. Examples: // // `this.triggerMethod("foo")` will trigger the "foo" event and // call the "onFoo" method. // // `this.triggerMethod("foo:bar")` will trigger the "foo:bar" event and // call the "onFooBar" method. Marionette.triggerMethod = function(event) { return Marionette._triggerMethod(this, arguments); }; // triggerMethodOn invokes triggerMethod on a specific context // // e.g. `Marionette.triggerMethodOn(view, 'show')` // will trigger a "show" event or invoke onShow the view. Marionette.triggerMethodOn = function(context) { var fnc = _.isFunction(context.triggerMethod) ? context.triggerMethod : Marionette.triggerMethod; return fnc.apply(context, _.rest(arguments)); }; // DOM Refresh // ----------- // Monitor a view's state, and after it has been rendered and shown // in the DOM, trigger a "dom:refresh" event every time it is // re-rendered. Marionette.MonitorDOMRefresh = function(view) { // track when the view has been shown in the DOM, // using a Marionette.Region (or by other means of triggering "show") function handleShow() { view._isShown = true; triggerDOMRefresh(); } // track when the view has been rendered function handleRender() { view._isRendered = true; triggerDOMRefresh(); } // Trigger the "dom:refresh" event and corresponding "onDomRefresh" method function triggerDOMRefresh() { if (view._isShown && view._isRendered && Marionette.isNodeAttached(view.el)) { if (_.isFunction(view.triggerMethod)) { view.triggerMethod('dom:refresh'); } } } view.on({ show: handleShow, render: handleRender }); }; /* jshint maxparams: 5 */ // Bind Entity Events & Unbind Entity Events // ----------------------------------------- // // These methods are used to bind/unbind a backbone "entity" (collection/model) // to methods on a target object. // // The first parameter, `target`, must have a `listenTo` method from the // EventBinder object. // // The second parameter is the entity (Backbone.Model or Backbone.Collection) // to bind the events from. // // The third parameter is a hash of { "event:name": "eventHandler" } // configuration. Multiple handlers can be separated by a space. A // function can be supplied instead of a string handler name. (function(Marionette) { 'use strict'; // Bind the event to handlers specified as a string of // handler names on the target object function bindFromStrings(target, entity, evt, methods) { var methodNames = methods.split(/\s+/); _.each(methodNames, function(methodName) { var method = target[methodName]; if (!method) { throw new Marionette.Error('Method "' + methodName + '" was configured as an event handler, but does not exist.'); } target.listenTo(entity, evt, method); }); } // Bind the event to a supplied callback function function bindToFunction(target, entity, evt, method) { target.listenTo(entity, evt, method); } // Bind the event to handlers specified as a string of // handler names on the target object function unbindFromStrings(target, entity, evt, methods) { var methodNames = methods.split(/\s+/); _.each(methodNames, function(methodName) { var method = target[methodName]; target.stopListening(entity, evt, method); }); } // Bind the event to a supplied callback function function unbindToFunction(target, entity, evt, method) { target.stopListening(entity, evt, method); } // generic looping function function iterateEvents(target, entity, bindings, functionCallback, stringCallback) { if (!entity || !bindings) { return; } // type-check bindings if (!_.isObject(bindings)) { throw new Marionette.Error({ message: 'Bindings must be an object or function.', url: 'marionette.functions.html#marionettebindentityevents' }); } // allow the bindings to be a function bindings = Marionette._getValue(bindings, target); // iterate the bindings and bind them _.each(bindings, function(methods, evt) { // allow for a function as the handler, // or a list of event names as a string if (_.isFunction(methods)) { functionCallback(target, entity, evt, methods); } else { stringCallback(target, entity, evt, methods); } }); } // Export Public API Marionette.bindEntityEvents = function(target, entity, bindings) { iterateEvents(target, entity, bindings, bindToFunction, bindFromStrings); }; Marionette.unbindEntityEvents = function(target, entity, bindings) { iterateEvents(target, entity, bindings, unbindToFunction, unbindFromStrings); }; // Proxy `bindEntityEvents` Marionette.proxyBindEntityEvents = function(entity, bindings) { return Marionette.bindEntityEvents(this, entity, bindings); }; // Proxy `unbindEntityEvents` Marionette.proxyUnbindEntityEvents = function(entity, bindings) { return Marionette.unbindEntityEvents(this, entity, bindings); }; })(Marionette); // Error // ----- var errorProps = ['description', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'name', 'message', 'number']; Marionette.Error = Marionette.extend.call(Error, { urlRoot: 'http://marionettejs.com/docs/v' + Marionette.VERSION + '/', constructor: function(message, options) { if (_.isObject(message)) { options = message; message = options.message; } else if (!options) { options = {}; } var error = Error.call(this, message); _.extend(this, _.pick(error, errorProps), _.pick(options, errorProps)); this.captureStackTrace(); if (options.url) { this.url = this.urlRoot + options.url; } }, captureStackTrace: function() { if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, Marionette.Error); } }, toString: function() { return this.name + ': ' + this.message + (this.url ? ' See: ' + this.url : ''); } }); Marionette.Error.extend = Marionette.extend; // Callbacks // --------- // A simple way of managing a collection of callbacks // and executing them at a later point in time, using jQuery's // `Deferred` object. Marionette.Callbacks = function() { this._deferred = Marionette.Deferred(); this._callbacks = []; }; _.extend(Marionette.Callbacks.prototype, { // Add a callback to be executed. Callbacks added here are // guaranteed to execute, even if they are added after the // `run` method is called. add: function(callback, contextOverride) { var promise = _.result(this._deferred, 'promise'); this._callbacks.push({cb: callback, ctx: contextOverride}); promise.then(function(args) { if (contextOverride){ args.context = contextOverride; } callback.call(args.context, args.options); }); }, // Run all registered callbacks with the context specified. // Additional callbacks can be added after this has been run // and they will still be executed. run: function(options, context) { this._deferred.resolve({ options: options, context: context }); }, // Resets the list of callbacks to be run, allowing the same list // to be run multiple times - whenever the `run` method is called. reset: function() { var callbacks = this._callbacks; this._deferred = Marionette.Deferred(); this._callbacks = []; _.each(callbacks, function(cb) { this.add(cb.cb, cb.ctx); }, this); } }); // Controller // ---------- // A multi-purpose object to use as a controller for // modules and routers, and as a mediator for workflow // and coordination of other objects, views, and more. Marionette.Controller = function(options) { this.options = options || {}; if (_.isFunction(this.initialize)) { this.initialize(this.options); } }; Marionette.Controller.extend = Marionette.extend; // Controller Methods // -------------- // Ensure it can trigger events with Backbone.Events _.extend(Marionette.Controller.prototype, Backbone.Events, { destroy: function() { Marionette._triggerMethod(this, 'before:destroy', arguments); Marionette._triggerMethod(this, 'destroy', arguments); this.stopListening(); this.off(); return this; }, // import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding // methods if the method exists triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod, // Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name. getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption }); // Object // ------ // A Base Class that other Classes should descend from. // Object borrows many conventions and utilities from Backbone. Marionette.Object = function(options) { this.options = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'options'), options); this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; Marionette.Object.extend = Marionette.extend; // Object Methods // -------------- // Ensure it can trigger events with Backbone.Events _.extend(Marionette.Object.prototype, Backbone.Events, { //this is a noop method intended to be overridden by classes that extend from this base initialize: function() {}, destroy: function() { this.triggerMethod('before:destroy'); this.triggerMethod('destroy'); this.stopListening(); }, // Import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding // methods if the method exists triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod, // Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name. getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption, // Proxy `bindEntityEvents` to enable binding view's events from another entity. bindEntityEvents: Marionette.proxyBindEntityEvents, // Proxy `unbindEntityEvents` to enable unbinding view's events from another entity. unbindEntityEvents: Marionette.proxyUnbindEntityEvents }); /* jshint maxcomplexity: 16, maxstatements: 45, maxlen: 120 */ // Region // ------ // Manage the visual regions of your composite application. See // http://lostechies.com/derickbailey/2011/12/12/composite-js-apps-regions-and-region-managers/ Marionette.Region = Marionette.Object.extend({ constructor: function (options) { // set options temporarily so that we can get `el`. // options will be overriden by Object.constructor this.options = options || {}; this.el = this.getOption('el'); // Handle when this.el is passed in as a $ wrapped element. this.el = this.el instanceof Backbone.$ ? this.el[0] : this.el; if (!this.el) { throw new Marionette.Error({ name: 'NoElError', message: 'An "el" must be specified for a region.' }); } this.$el = this.getEl(this.el); Marionette.Object.call(this, options); }, // Displays a backbone view instance inside of the region. // Handles calling the `render` method for you. Reads content // directly from the `el` attribute. Also calls an optional // `onShow` and `onDestroy` method on your view, just after showing // or just before destroying the view, respectively. // The `preventDestroy` option can be used to prevent a view from // the old view being destroyed on show. // The `forceShow` option can be used to force a view to be // re-rendered if it's already shown in the region. show: function(view, options){ if (!this._ensureElement()) { return; } this._ensureViewIsIntact(view); var showOptions = options || {}; var isDifferentView = view !== this.currentView; var preventDestroy = !!showOptions.preventDestroy; var forceShow = !!showOptions.forceShow; // We are only changing the view if there is a current view to change to begin with var isChangingView = !!this.currentView; // Only destroy the current view if we don't want to `preventDestroy` and if // the view given in the first argument is different than `currentView` var _shouldDestroyView = isDifferentView && !preventDestroy; // Only show the view given in the first argument if it is different than // the current view or if we want to re-show the view. Note that if // `_shouldDestroyView` is true, then `_shouldShowView` is also necessarily true. var _shouldShowView = isDifferentView || forceShow; if (isChangingView) { this.triggerMethod('before:swapOut', this.currentView, this, options); } if (this.currentView) { delete this.currentView._parent; } if (_shouldDestroyView) { this.empty(); // A `destroy` event is attached to the clean up manually removed views. // We need to detach this event when a new view is going to be shown as it // is no longer relevant. } else if (isChangingView && _shouldShowView) { this.currentView.off('destroy', this.empty, this); } if (_shouldShowView) { // We need to listen for if a view is destroyed // in a way other than through the region. // If this happens we need to remove the reference // to the currentView since once a view has been destroyed // we can not reuse it. view.once('destroy', this.empty, this); view.render(); view._parent = this; if (isChangingView) { this.triggerMethod('before:swap', view, this, options); } this.triggerMethod('before:show', view, this, options); Marionette.triggerMethodOn(view, 'before:show', view, this, options); if (isChangingView) { this.triggerMethod('swapOut', this.currentView, this, options); } // An array of views that we're about to display var attachedRegion = Marionette.isNodeAttached(this.el); // The views that we're about to attach to the document // It's important that we prevent _getNestedViews from being executed unnecessarily // as it's a potentially-slow method var displayedViews = []; var triggerBeforeAttach = showOptions.triggerBeforeAttach || this.triggerBeforeAttach; var triggerAttach = showOptions.triggerAttach || this.triggerAttach; if (attachedRegion && triggerBeforeAttach) { displayedViews = this._displayedViews(view); this._triggerAttach(displayedViews, 'before:'); } this.attachHtml(view); this.currentView = view; if (attachedRegion && triggerAttach) { displayedViews = this._displayedViews(view); this._triggerAttach(displayedViews); } if (isChangingView) { this.triggerMethod('swap', view, this, options); } this.triggerMethod('show', view, this, options); Marionette.triggerMethodOn(view, 'show', view, this, options); return this; } return this; }, triggerBeforeAttach: true, triggerAttach: true, _triggerAttach: function(views, prefix) { var eventName = (prefix || '') + 'attach'; _.each(views, function(view) { Marionette.triggerMethodOn(view, eventName, view, this); }, this); }, _displayedViews: function(view) { return _.union([view], _.result(view, '_getNestedViews') || []); }, _ensureElement: function(){ if (!_.isObject(this.el)) { this.$el = this.getEl(this.el); this.el = this.$el[0]; } if (!this.$el || this.$el.length === 0) { if (this.getOption('allowMissingEl')) { return false; } else { throw new Marionette.Error('An "el" ' + this.$el.selector + ' must exist in DOM'); } } return true; }, _ensureViewIsIntact: function(view) { if (!view) { throw new Marionette.Error({ name: 'ViewNotValid', message: 'The view passed is undefined and therefore invalid. You must pass a view instance to show.' }); } if (view.isDestroyed) { throw new Marionette.Error({ name: 'ViewDestroyedError', message: 'View (cid: "' + view.cid + '") has already been destroyed and cannot be used.' }); } }, // Override this method to change how the region finds the DOM // element that it manages. Return a jQuery selector object scoped // to a provided parent el or the document if none exists. getEl: function(el) { return Backbone.$(el, Marionette._getValue(this.options.parentEl, this)); }, // Override this method to change how the new view is // appended to the `$el` that the region is managing attachHtml: function(view) { this.$el.contents().detach(); this.el.appendChild(view.el); }, // Destroy the current view, if there is one. If there is no // current view, it does nothing and returns immediately. empty: function() { var view = this.currentView; // If there is no view in the region // we should not remove anything if (!view) { return; } view.off('destroy', this.empty, this); this.triggerMethod('before:empty', view); this._destroyView(); this.triggerMethod('empty', view); // Remove region pointer to the currentView delete this.currentView; return this; }, // call 'destroy' or 'remove', depending on which is found // on the view (if showing a raw Backbone view or a Marionette View) _destroyView: function() { var view = this.currentView; if (view.destroy && !view.isDestroyed) { view.destroy(); } else if (view.remove) { view.remove(); // appending isDestroyed to raw Backbone View allows regions // to throw a ViewDestroyedError for this view view.isDestroyed = true; } }, // Attach an existing view to the region. This // will not call `render` or `onShow` for the new view, // and will not replace the current HTML for the `el` // of the region. attachView: function(view) { this.currentView = view; return this; }, // Checks whether a view is currently present within // the region. Returns `true` if there is and `false` if // no view is present. hasView: function() { return !!this.currentView; }, // Reset the region by destroying any existing view and // clearing out the cached `$el`. The next time a view // is shown via this region, the region will re-query the // DOM for the region's `el`. reset: function() { this.empty(); if (this.$el) { this.el = this.$el.selector; } delete this.$el; return this; } }, // Static Methods { // Build an instance of a region by passing in a configuration object // and a default region class to use if none is specified in the config. // // The config object should either be a string as a jQuery DOM selector, // a Region class directly, or an object literal that specifies a selector, // a custom regionClass, and any options to be supplied to the region: // // ```js // { // selector: "#foo", // regionClass: MyCustomRegion, // allowMissingEl: false // } // ``` // buildRegion: function(regionConfig, DefaultRegionClass) { if (_.isString(regionConfig)) { return this._buildRegionFromSelector(regionConfig, DefaultRegionClass); } if (regionConfig.selector || regionConfig.el || regionConfig.regionClass) { return this._buildRegionFromObject(regionConfig, DefaultRegionClass); } if (_.isFunction(regionConfig)) { return this._buildRegionFromRegionClass(regionConfig); } throw new Marionette.Error({ message: 'Improper region configuration type.', url: 'marionette.region.html#region-configuration-types' }); }, // Build the region from a string selector like '#foo-region' _buildRegionFromSelector: function(selector, DefaultRegionClass) { return new DefaultRegionClass({ el: selector }); }, // Build the region from a configuration object // ```js // { selector: '#foo', regionClass: FooRegion, allowMissingEl: false } // ``` _buildRegionFromObject: function(regionConfig, DefaultRegionClass) { var RegionClass = regionConfig.regionClass || DefaultRegionClass; var options = _.omit(regionConfig, 'selector', 'regionClass'); if (regionConfig.selector && !options.el) { options.el = regionConfig.selector; } return new RegionClass(options); }, // Build the region directly from a given `RegionClass` _buildRegionFromRegionClass: function(RegionClass) { return new RegionClass(); } }); // Region Manager // -------------- // Manage one or more related `Marionette.Region` objects. Marionette.RegionManager = Marionette.Controller.extend({ constructor: function(options) { this._regions = {}; Marionette.Controller.call(this, options); this.addRegions(this.getOption('regions')); }, // Add multiple regions using an object literal or a // function that returns an object literal, where // each key becomes the region name, and each value is // the region definition. addRegions: function(regionDefinitions, defaults) { regionDefinitions = Marionette._getValue(regionDefinitions, this, arguments); return _.reduce(regionDefinitions, function(regions, definition, name) { if (_.isString(definition)) { definition = {selector: definition}; } if (definition.selector) { definition = _.defaults({}, definition, defaults); } regions[name] = this.addRegion(name, definition); return regions; }, {}, this); }, // Add an individual region to the region manager, // and return the region instance addRegion: function(name, definition) { var region; if (definition instanceof Marionette.Region) { region = definition; } else { region = Marionette.Region.buildRegion(definition, Marionette.Region); } this.triggerMethod('before:add:region', name, region); region._parent = this; this._store(name, region); this.triggerMethod('add:region', name, region); return region; }, // Get a region by name get: function(name) { return this._regions[name]; }, // Gets all the regions contained within // the `regionManager` instance. getRegions: function(){ return _.clone(this._regions); }, // Remove a region by name removeRegion: function(name) { var region = this._regions[name]; this._remove(name, region); return region; }, // Empty all regions in the region manager, and // remove them removeRegions: function() { var regions = this.getRegions(); _.each(this._regions, function(region, name) { this._remove(name, region); }, this); return regions; }, // Empty all regions in the region manager, but // leave them attached emptyRegions: function() { var regions = this.getRegions(); _.invoke(regions, 'empty'); return regions; }, // Destroy all regions and shut down the region // manager entirely destroy: function() { this.removeRegions(); return Marionette.Controller.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, // internal method to store regions _store: function(name, region) { this._regions[name] = region; this._setLength(); }, // internal method to remove a region _remove: function(name, region) { this.triggerMethod('before:remove:region', name, region); region.empty(); region.stopListening(); delete region._parent; delete this._regions[name]; this._setLength(); this.triggerMethod('remove:region', name, region); }, // set the number of regions current held _setLength: function() { this.length = _.size(this._regions); } }); Marionette.actAsCollection(Marionette.RegionManager.prototype, '_regions'); // Template Cache // -------------- // Manage templates stored in `