You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
624 B

Prism.languages.matlab = {
// We put string before comment, because of printf() patterns that contain "%"
'string': {
pattern: /(^|\W)'(?:''|[^'\n])*'/g,
lookbehind: true
'comment': [
// FIXME We could handle imaginary numbers as a whole
'number': /\b-?(?:\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?(?:[ij])?|[ij])\b/g,
'keyword': /\b(?:break|case|catch|continue|else|elseif|end|for|function|if|inf|NaN|otherwise|parfor|pause|pi|return|switch|try|while)\b/,
'function': /(?!\d)\w+(?=\s*\()/g,
'operator': /\.?[*^\/\\']|[+\-:@]|[<>=~]=?|&&?|\|\|?/g,
'punctuation': /\.{3}|[.,;\[\](){}!]/g