You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
2.9 KiB

Prism.languages.perl = {
'comment': [
// POD
pattern: /((?:^|\n)\s*)=\w+[\s\S]*?=cut.*/g,
lookbehind: true
pattern: /(^|[^\\$])#.*?(\r?\n|$)/g,
lookbehind: true
// TODO Could be nice to handle Heredoc too.
'string': [
// q/.../
// q a...a
// q(...)
// q{...}
// q[...]
// q<...>
// "...", '...', `...`
'regex': [
// m/.../
// m a...a
// m(...)
// m{...}
// m[...]
// m<...>
// s/.../.../
// s a...a...a
// s(...)(...)
// s{...}{...}
// s[...][...]
// s<...><...>
// /.../
// FIXME Not sure about the handling of ::, ', and #
'variable': [
// $^V
// ${...}
// $foo
// $1
// $_, @_, %!
'filehandle': {
// <>, <FOO>, _
pattern: /<(?!=).*>|\b_\b/g,
alias: 'symbol'
'vstring': {
// v1.2, 1.2.3
pattern: /v\d+(\.\d+)*|\d+(\.\d+){2,}/g,
alias: 'string'
'function': {
pattern: /sub [a-z0-9_]+/ig,
inside: {
keyword: /sub/
'keyword': /\b(any|break|continue|default|delete|die|do|else|elsif|eval|for|foreach|given|goto|if|last|local|my|next|our|package|print|redo|require|say|state|sub|switch|undef|unless|until|use|when|while)\b/g,
'number': /(\n|\b)-?(0x[\dA-Fa-f](_?[\dA-Fa-f])*|0b[01](_?[01])*|(\d(_?\d)*)?\.?\d(_?\d)*([Ee]-?\d+)?)\b/g,
'operator': /-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]\b|[-+*=~\/|&]{1,2}|<=?|>=?|\.{1,3}|[!?\\^]|\b(lt|gt|le|ge|eq|ne|cmp|not|and|or|xor|x)\b/g,
'punctuation': /[{}[\];(),:]/g