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" Author: w0rp <>
" Description: Special command formatting for creating temporary files and
" passing buffer filenames easily.
function! s:TemporaryFilename(buffer) abort
let l:filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':t')
if empty(l:filename)
" If the buffer's filename is empty, create a dummy filename.
let l:ft = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
let l:filename = 'file' . ale#filetypes#GuessExtension(l:ft)
" Create a temporary filename, <temp_dir>/<original_basename>
" The file itself will not be created by this function.
return tempname() . (has('win32') ? '\' : '/') . l:filename
" Given a command string, replace every...
" %s -> with the current filename
" %t -> with the name of an unused file in a temporary directory
" %% -> with a literal %
function! ale#command#FormatCommand(buffer, command, pipe_file_if_needed) abort
let l:temporary_file = ''
let l:command = a:command
" First replace all uses of %%, used for literal percent characters,
" with an ugly string.
let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%%', '<<PERCENTS>>', 'g')
" Replace all %s occurences in the string with the name of the current
" file.
if l:command =~# '%s'
let l:filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p')
let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%s', '\=ale#Escape(l:filename)', 'g')
if l:command =~# '%t'
" Create a temporary filename, <temp_dir>/<original_basename>
" The file itself will not be created by this function.
let l:temporary_file = s:TemporaryFilename(a:buffer)
let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%t', '\=ale#Escape(l:temporary_file)', 'g')
" Finish formatting so %% becomes %.
let l:command = substitute(l:command, '<<PERCENTS>>', '%', 'g')
if a:pipe_file_if_needed && empty(l:temporary_file)
" If we are to send the Vim buffer to a command, we'll do it
" in the shell. We'll write out the file to a temporary file,
" and then read it back in, in the shell.
let l:temporary_file = s:TemporaryFilename(a:buffer)
let l:command = l:command . ' < ' . ale#Escape(l:temporary_file)
return [l:temporary_file, l:command]