You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
827 B

# chezmoi:template:left-delimiter=#{{
# chezmoi:template:right-delimiter=}}#
#{{- /* vim: filetype=conf */ -}}#
#{{ if lookPath "lf" -}}#
set drawbox true
set hidden true
set icons true
set ignorecase true
set info size:time
# I sure don't want these destructive actions
map y # copy
map d # cut
map p # paste
map c # clear
map d
map c
map p
map r
# I can't figure out how any of these work
map f # find (modal) (default 'f')
map F # find-back (modal) (default 'F')
map ; # find-next (default ';')
map , # find-prev (default ',')
map o open
cmd open ${{
case $(file --mime-type "$f" --brief --dereference) in
text/*|application/json) $EDITOR "$f";;
video/*|image/*|application/pdf) xdg-open "$f";;
*) xdg-open "$f";;
#{{- end }}#