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*checksyntax.txt* checksyntax -- Check syntax when saving a file (php, ruby, tex ...)
Author: Tom Link, micathom at gmail com
The checksyntax plugin runs an external syntax checker for the current buffer
whenever the buffer is saved (by calling the |:CheckSyntax| command). Syntax
errors are managed as location or quickfix lists. If any syntax error occurs,
the |location-list| is opened (users can redefine |CheckSyntaxFail()| to change
this behaviour). You can use any |location-list| related command to navigate
the list of syntax errors.
If quickfixsigns (vimscript #2584) is installed, lines containing syntax errors
will be marked with signs.
Experimental: If AsyncCommand (vimscript #3431) is installed, syntax checks can
be peformed asynchronously -- see also |g:checksyntax#run_alternatives|,
|g:checksyntax#run_all_alternatives| and |g:checksyntax#async_runner|.
By default, |:CheckSyntax| is mapped to <F5> (if not mapped already),
and automatically executed when saving the buffer. :CheckSyntax! or <C-F5> will
run all syntax checkers for a given filetype if multiple alternatives are
defined and installed on your computer.
The |:CheckSyntax| command takes one optional argument: the mode (default:
As the plugin doesn't provide syntax checks by its own. This is done by
an external syntax checker that has to be installed on your computer.
Pre-defined syntax checkers (the respective syntax checker has to
be installed):
c, cpp ... Requires splint
html ... Requires tidy
java ... Requires
jlint (,
checkstyle (,
pmd (
javascript ... Syntax check; requires jshint, esprima,
gjslint, jslint, jsl, pmd
lua ... Requires luac (run luac -p)
php ... Syntax check; requires php (run php -l)
python ... Requires pyflakes or pylint
r ... Requires codetools::checkUsage, lint::lint, or
ruby ... Requires ruby (run ruby -c)
tex, latex ... Requires chktex (run chktex -q -v0)
viki ... Requires deplate
xhtml ... Requires tidy
xml, docbk ... Requires xmllint, pmd
Syntax checker definitions are kept in:
Run this command to find out, which filetypes are supported: >
:echo globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/checksyntax/defs/*.vim')
This plugin was originally based on Klaus Horsten's php_console
(vimscript #779) and it is the successor of php_check_syntax.vim
(vimscript #1272).
Edit the vba file and type: >
:so %%
See :help vimball for details. If you have difficulties or use vim 7.0,
please make sure, you have the current version of vimball (vimscript
#1502) installed or update your runtime.
Optional enhancements:
quickfixsigns (vimscript #2584) ... Use signs
AsyncCommand (vimscript #3431) ... Run commands asynchronously