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import sys
from test.vim_test_case import VimTestCase as _VimTest
from test.constant import *
PYTHON3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
def python3():
return 'Test does not work on python3.'
# Plugin: YouCompleteMe {{{#
# TODO(sirver): disabled because it fails right now.
# class Plugin_YouCompleteMe_IntegrationTest(_VimTest):
# def skip_if(self):
# r = python3()
# if r:
# return r
# if "7.4" not in self.version:
# return "Needs Vim 7.4."
# plugins = ["Valloric/YouCompleteMe"]
# snippets = ("superlongtrigger", "Hello")
# keys = "superlo\ty"
# wanted = "Hello"
# def _extra_vim_config(self, vim_config):
# # Not sure why, but I need to make a new tab for this to work.
# vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="y"')
# vim_config.append('tabnew')
# def _before_test(self):
# self.vim.send(":set ft=python\n")
# # Give ycm a chance to catch up.
# time.sleep(1)
# End: Plugin: YouCompleteMe #}}}
# Plugin: Neocomplete {{{#
# TODO(sirver): disabled because it fails right now.
# class Plugin_Neocomplete_BugTest(_VimTest):
# Test for
# def skip_if(self):
# if '+lua' not in self.version:
# return 'Needs +lua'
# plugins = ['Shougo/neocomplete.vim']
# snippets = ('t', 'Hello', '', 'w')
# keys = 'iab\\ t' + EX
# wanted = 'iab\\ Hello'
# def _extra_vim_config(self, vim_config):
# vim_config.append(r'set iskeyword+=\\ ')
# vim_config.append('let g:neocomplete#enable_at_startup = 1')
# vim_config.append('let g:neocomplete#enable_smart_case = 1')
# vim_config.append('let g:neocomplete#enable_camel_case = 1')
# vim_config.append('let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_delimiter = 1')
# vim_config.append('let g:neocomplete#enable_refresh_always = 1')
# End: Plugin: Neocomplete #}}}
# Plugin: unite {{{#
# TODO(sirver): Disable since it is flaky.
# class Plugin_unite_BugTest(_VimTest):
# plugins = ['Shougo/unite.vim']
# snippets = ('t', 'Hello', '', 'w')
# keys = 'iab\\ t=UltiSnipsCallUnite()\n'
# wanted = 'iab\\ Hello '
# def _extra_vim_config(self, vim_config):
# vim_config.append(r'set iskeyword+=\\ ')
# vim_config.append('function! UltiSnipsCallUnite()')
# vim_config.append(
# ' Unite -start-insert -winheight=100 -immediately -no-empty ultisnips')
# vim_config.append(' return ""')
# vim_config.append('endfunction')
# End: Plugin: unite #}}}
# Plugin: Supertab {{{#
class Plugin_SuperTab_SimpleTest(_VimTest):
plugins = ['ervandew/supertab']
snippets = ('long', 'Hello', '', 'w')
keys = ('longtextlongtext\n' +
'longt' + EX + '\n' + # Should complete word
'long' + EX) # Should expand
wanted = 'longtextlongtext\nlongtextlongtext\nHello'
def _before_test(self):
# Make sure that UltiSnips has the keymap
self.vim.send_to_vim(':call UltiSnips#map_keys#MapKeys()\n')
def _extra_vim_config(self, vim_config):
assert EX == '\t' # Otherwise this test needs changing.
vim_config.append('let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-p>"')
vim_config.append('let g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration = "insert"')
vim_config.append('let g:SuperTabLongestHighlight = 1')
vim_config.append('let g:SuperTabCrMapping = 0')
# End: Plugin: Supertab #}}}