You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
1.8 KiB

runtime! ale_linters/haskell/hlint.vim
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The hlint handler should parse items correctly):
\ [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 1,
\ 'col': 4,
\ 'end_lnum': 3,
\ 'end_col': 2,
\ 'text': 'Error: Do something. Found: [Char] Why not: String',
\ 'type': 'E',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 2,
\ 'col': 4,
\ 'end_lnum': 7,
\ 'end_col': 2,
\ 'text': 'Warning: Do something. Found: [Char] Why not: String',
\ 'type': 'W',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 73,
\ 'col': 25,
\ 'end_lnum': 73,
\ 'end_col': 31,
\ 'text': 'Suggestion: Use String. Found: [Char] Why not: String',
\ 'type': 'I',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale_linters#haskell#hlint#Handle(bufnr(''), [json_encode([
\ {
\ 'module': 'Main',
\ 'decl': 'foo',
\ 'severity': 'Error',
\ 'hint': 'Do something',
\ 'file': '-',
\ 'startLine': 1,
\ 'startColumn': 4,
\ 'endLine': 3,
\ 'endColumn': 2,
\ 'from': '[Char]',
\ 'to': 'String',
\ },
\ {
\ 'module': 'Main',
\ 'decl': 'foo',
\ 'severity': 'Warning',
\ 'hint': 'Do something',
\ 'file': '-',
\ 'startLine': 2,
\ 'startColumn': 4,
\ 'endLine': 7,
\ 'endColumn': 2,
\ 'from': '[Char]',
\ 'to': 'String',
\ },
\ {
\ 'module': 'Main',
\ 'decl': 'myFocusedBorderColor',
\ 'severity': 'Suggestion',
\ 'hint': 'Use String',
\ 'file': '-',
\ 'startLine': 73,
\ 'startColumn': 25,
\ 'endLine': 73,
\ 'endColumn': 31,
\ 'from': '[Char]',
\ 'to': 'String',
\ },
\ ])])
Execute(The hlint handler should handle empty output):
\ [],
\ ale_linters#haskell#hlint#Handle(bufnr(''), [])