#!/usr/bin/env bash . "$GVM_ROOT/scripts/functions" function show_usage() { echo "Usage: gvm linkthis [package-name] [options]" echo " -h, --help Display this message." echo echo "If the [package-name] is provided, it will be used in the path based" echo "at \${GOPATH%%:*}/src, e.g.:" echo echo " gvm linkthis github.com/moovweb/gpkg" echo echo "If omitted, the [package-name] will be the basename of the current" echo "directory, e.g. '$package_name_basename'." } function read_command_line() { for i in "$@"; do case $i in -h|--help*) show_usage exit 0 ;; -*|--*) echo "Invalid option $i" show_usage exit 65 # Bad arguments ;; *) package_name="$i" ;; esac done } package_name="$(basename "$PWD")" package_name_basename="$package_name" read_command_line "$@" target="${GOPATH%%:*}/src/$package_name" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target")" ln -sv "$PWD" "$target"