#!/usr/bin/env bash display_error() { tput sgr0 tput setaf 1 echo "ERROR: $1" tput sgr0 exit 1 } update_profile() { [ -f "$1" ] || return 1 grep "$source_line" "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$source_line" >> "$1" fi } check_existing_go() { if [ "$GOROOT" = "" ]; then if which go > /dev/null; then GOROOT=$(go env | grep GOROOT | cut -d"=" -f2) else echo "No existing Go versions detected" return fi fi echo "Created profile for existing install of Go at $GOROOT" mkdir -p "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/environments" &> /dev/null || display_error "Failed to create environment directory" mkdir -p "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/pkgsets/system/global" &> /dev/null || display_error "Failed to create new package set" mkdir -p "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/gos/system" &> /dev/null || display_error "Failed to create new Go folder" cat << EOF > $GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/environments/system # Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! export GVM_ROOT; GVM_ROOT="$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" export gvm_go_name; gvm_go_name="system" export gvm_pkgset_name; gvm_pkgset_name="global" export GOROOT; GOROOT="$GOROOT" export GOPATH; GOPATH="$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/pkgsets/system/global" export PATH; PATH="$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/pkgsets/system/global/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$GVM_ROOT/bin:\$PATH" EOF } BRANCH=${1:-master} GVM_DEST=${2:-$HOME} GVM_NAME="gvm" SRC_REPO=${SRC_REPO:-https://github.com/moovweb/gvm.git} [ "$GVM_DEST" = "$HOME" ] && GVM_NAME=".gvm" [ -d "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" ] && display_error "Already installed!" [ -d "$GVM_DEST" ] || mkdir -p "$GVM_DEST" > /dev/null 2>&1 || display_error "Failed to create $GVM_DEST" [ -z "$(which git)" ] && display_error "Could not find git debian/ubuntu: apt-get install git redhat/centos: yum install git mac: brew install git " # Is gvm-installer being called from the origin repo? # If so, skip the clone and source locally! # This prevents CI from breaking on non-merge commits. GIT_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z "$GIT_ROOT" || "$(basename "$GIT_ROOT")" != "gvm" ]] then echo "Cloning from $SRC_REPO to $GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" git clone --quiet "$SRC_REPO" "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" 2> /dev/null || display_error "Failed to clone from $SRC_REPO into $GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" else if [[ $GVM_DEST == *"$GIT_ROOT"* ]] then ln -s "$GIT_ROOT" "$GVM_DEST" else cp -r "$GIT_ROOT" "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" fi fi # GVM_DEST may be a non-relative path # i.e: gvm-installer master foo pushd . > /dev/null cd "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" && git checkout --quiet "$BRANCH" 2> /dev/null || display_error "Failed to checkout $BRANCH branch" popd > /dev/null [ -z "$GVM_NO_GIT_BAK" ] && mv "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/.git" "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/git.bak" source_line="[[ -s \"${GVM_DEST}/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm\" ]] && source \"${GVM_DEST}/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm\"" source_file="${GVM_DEST}/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm" if [ -z "$GVM_NO_UPDATE_PROFILE" ] ; then if [ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ]; then update_profile "$HOME/.zshrc" elif [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then update_profile "$HOME/.bashrc" || update_profile "$HOME/.bash_profile" elif [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then update_profile "$HOME/.profile" || update_profile "$HOME/.bash_profile" fi fi if [ -z "$GVM_NO_UPDATE_PROFILE" ] && [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Unable to locate profile settings file(Something like $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.bash_profile)" echo echo " You will have to manually add the following line:" echo echo " $source_line" echo fi echo "export GVM_ROOT=$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME" > "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm" echo ". \$GVM_ROOT/scripts/gvm-default" >> "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm" check_existing_go [[ -s "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "$GVM_DEST/$GVM_NAME/scripts/gvm" echo "Installed GVM v${GVM_VERSION}" echo echo "Please restart your terminal session or to get started right away run" echo " \`source ${source_file}\`" echo