" Setting nocompatible here because this setting can effect other settings. " The vim help suggests this as the first setting because of the side effects. set nocompatible " Load from init.d instead of plugin directory. This is done so a leader key " can be set before loading plugin settings. This allows the plugin setting " files to set mappings with leader keys for f in split(glob($XDG_CONFIG_HOME.'/vim/init.d/*.vim'), '\n') execute 'source '.fnameescape(f) endfor " The plugged plugin manager function calls need to be called between the " plug#begin and plug#end. Because of that, using the normal plugin directory " loading won't work. call plug#begin($XDG_DATA_HOME.'/vim/plugged') for f in split(glob($XDG_CONFIG_HOME.'/vim/plug.d/*.vim'), '\n') execute 'source '.fnameescape(f) endfor call plug#end()