" checksyntax.vim -- Check syntax when saving a file (php, ruby, tex ...) " @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com) " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 04-Mai-2005. " @Last Change: 2012-08-28. " GetLatestVimScripts: 1431 0 :AutoInstall: checksyntax.vim " @Revision: 429 if exists('g:loaded_checksyntax') finish endif let g:loaded_checksyntax = 300 if !exists('g:checksyntax') let g:checksyntax = {} endif " :display: CheckSyntax[!] [NAME] " Check the current buffer's syntax (type defaults to &filetype). " Or use NAME instead of &filetype. " " With the bang !, run all alternatives (see " |g:checksyntax#run_alternatives|). command! -bang -nargs=? CheckSyntax call checksyntax#Check(1, "", ) " @TPluginInclude if !exists('g:checksyntax_key_single') " Map for running the preferred syntax checkers on the current " buffer. let g:checksyntax_key_single = '' "{{{2 endif " @TPluginInclude if !exists('g:checksyntax_key_all') " Map for running all suitable syntax checkers on the current " buffer. let g:checksyntax_key_all = '' "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:checksyntax_auto') " If 1, enable automatic syntax checks after saving a file. " If 2, enable automatic syntax checks when saving and loading a " file. " NOTE: This variable must be customized in vimrc before loading " this plugin. " " See also |g:checksyntax|, |g:checksyntax#auto_enable_rx| and " |g:checksyntax#auto_disable_rx|. let g:checksyntax_auto = 1 "{{{2 endif " @TPluginInclude augroup CheckSyntax autocmd! if !exists('g:checksyntax_auto') || g:checksyntax_auto >= 1 autocmd BufWritePost * call checksyntax#Check(0) endif if exists('g:checksyntax_auto') && g:checksyntax_auto >= 2 autocmd BufEnter * if !exists('b:checksyntax_runs') \ | call checksyntax#Check(0, 0, &ft, 1) \ | endif endif augroup END " @TPluginInclude if !hasmapto(':CheckSyntax') if empty(maparg(g:checksyntax_key_single, 'n')) exec 'noremap' g:checksyntax_key_single ':CheckSyntax' endif if empty(maparg(g:checksyntax_key_single, 'i')) exec 'inoremap' g:checksyntax_key_single ':CheckSyntax' endif if empty(maparg(g:checksyntax_key_all, 'n')) exec 'noremap' g:checksyntax_key_all ':CheckSyntax!' endif if empty(maparg(g:checksyntax_key_all, 'i')) exec 'inoremap' g:checksyntax_key_all ':CheckSyntax!' endif endif