priority -50 extends javascript priority -49 # JavaScript versions -- from the TextMate bundle + some additions # for jasmine-jquery matchers # snippet des "Describe (js)" b describe('${1:description}', function() { $0 }); endsnippet snippet it "it (js)" b it('${1:description}', function() { $0 }); endsnippet snippet bef "before each (js)" b beforeEach(function() { $0 }); endsnippet snippet aft "after each (js)" b afterEach(function() { $0 }); endsnippet snippet any "any (js)" b jasmine.any($1) endsnippet snippet ru "runs (js)" b runs(function() { $0 }); endsnippet snippet wa "waits (js)" b waits($1); endsnippet snippet ex "expect (js)" b expect(${1:target})$0; endsnippet snippet ee "expect to equal (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toEqual(${2:value}); endsnippet snippet em "expect to match (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toMatch(${2:pattern}); endsnippet snippet eha "expect to have attribute (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'}); endsnippet snippet et "expect to be truthy (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toBeTruthy(); endsnippet snippet ef "expect to be falsy (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toBeFalsy(); endsnippet snippet ed "expect to be defined (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toBeDefined(); endsnippet snippet en "expect to be null (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toBeNull(); endsnippet snippet ec "expect to contain (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toContain(${2:value}); endsnippet snippet ev "expect to be visible (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toBeVisible(); endsnippet snippet eh "expect to be hidden (js)" b expect(${1:target}).toBeHidden(); endsnippet snippet notx "expect not (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not$0; endsnippet snippet note "expect not to equal (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toEqual(${2:value}); endsnippet snippet notm "expect not to match (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toMatch(${2:pattern}); endsnippet snippet notha "expect to not have attribute (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'}); endsnippet snippet nott "expect not to be truthy (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toBeTruthy(); endsnippet snippet notf "expect not to be falsy (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toBeFalsy(); endsnippet snippet notd "expect not to be defined (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toBeDefined(); endsnippet snippet notn "expect not to be null (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toBeNull(); endsnippet snippet notc "expect not to contain (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toContain(${2:value}); endsnippet snippet notv "expect not to be visible (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toBeVisible(); endsnippet snippet noth "expect not to be hidden (js)" b expect(${1:target}).not.toBeHidden(); endsnippet snippet s "spy on (js)" b spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}')$0; endsnippet snippet sr "spy on and return (js)" b spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').andReturn(${3:arguments}); endsnippet snippet st "spy on and throw (js)" b spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').andThrow(${3:exception}); endsnippet snippet sct "spy on and call through (js)" b spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').andCallThrough(); endsnippet snippet scf "spy on and call fake (js)" b spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').andCallFake(${3:function}); endsnippet snippet esc "expect was called (js)" b expect(${1:target}).wasCalled(); endsnippet snippet escw "expect was called with (js)" b expect(${1:target}).wasCalledWith(${2:arguments}); endsnippet snippet notsc "expect was not called (js)" b expect(${1:target}).wasNotCalled(); endsnippet snippet noscw "expect was not called with (js)" b expect(${1:target}).wasNotCalledWith(${2:arguments}); endsnippet