" Use pathogen to use search for plug-ins call pathogen#infect() " Basics set t_Co=256 " Use 256 colors set encoding=utf8 " Use utf-8 encoding set nocompatible " Get out of vi-compatible mode set background=dark " I am using a dark background syntax on " Syntax highlighting on " General colorscheme wombat " setlocal spell spelllang=en_us set fileformats=unix,dos,mac " support all three, in this order set nostartofline " leave my cursor where it was set history=1000 set autoread " Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside set autochdir " Change current directory to be directory of current file set colorcolumn=80 if $TMUX == '' set clipboard+=unnamed endif set backspace=start,eol,indent set whichwrap+=<,>,[,] set magic "Set magic on, for regular expressions " Turn on omni completion. Must have `filetype plugin on` to use. " To use, in insert mode press ctrl+x ctrl+o set ofu=syntaxcomplete#Complete " Mappings let mapleader="," let g:mapleader="," map rc :source $MYVIMRC map nt :NERDTreeToggle map ss :setlocal spell! map ct :TlistToggle " taglist shortcut map ts :%s/\s\s*$//g " trim trailing whitespace if bufwinnr(1) map + < map - > endif map ggVGg? " apply rot13 for people snooping over shoulder, good fun " snipMate Settings let g:snips_author = "Buddy Sandidge " " Nerdtree settings let NERDTreeDirArrows=1 " Prep some variables for use with syntastic syntax checker let g:syntastic_phpcs_disable=1 let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1 let g:syntastic_stl_format = '[%E{Err: %fe #%e}%B{, }%W{Warn: %fw #%w}]' let g:syntastic_javascript_checker = "jshint" let g:syntastic_jslint_conf = "~/.jshintrc" let g:syntastic_json_checker = "jsonlint" " Close all open buffers on entering a window if the only " buffer that's left is the NERDTree buffer function s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft() if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") if bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1 if winnr("$") == 1 q endif endif endif endfunction " Vim Tabs map tt :tabnew map te :tabedit map tc :tabclose map to :tabonly map tn :tabNext map tp :tabprevious map tf :tabfirst map tl :tablast map ', go to 4, not 5 filetype plugin on " load filetype plug-ins and indent settings filetype indent on " load filetype plug-ins and indent settings " UI set showcmd " show the command being typed set ruler " Always show current positions along the bottom set relativenumber " Use relative line numbers set numberwidth=4 " If we have over 9999 lines set hidden " you can change buffer without saving "set mouse=a " use mouse everywhere " No sound on errors set noerrorbells " don't make noise set novisualbell " don't blink set t_vb= set tm=500 " Visual Cues set showmatch " show matching brackets set matchtime=2 " how many tenths of a second to blink matching brackets for set nohlsearch " do not highlight searched for phrases set incsearch " BUT do highlight as you type you search phrase set scrolloff=5 " Keep 5 lines (top/bottom) for scope set sidescrolloff=5 " Keep 5 lines at the size set list " we do what to show tabs, to ensure we get them out of my files set listchars=tab:𝅔\ ,trail:… " show tabs and trailing whitespace " ~\file[+] [type] [line,column] [number of lines] set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [%Y]\ [%03l,%03v]\ [%L] "set statusline+=%#warningmsg# "set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()} "set statusline+=%* set laststatus=2 " always show the status line " Text Formatting/Layout set nowrap " do not wrap line set ignorecase " case insensitive by default set smartcase " if there are caps, go case-sensitive set completeopt=menu,longest,preview " improve the way autocomplete works autocmd WinEnter * call s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft() autocmd FileType go autocmd BufWritePre Fmt augroup jade au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.jade set syntax=jade augroup END augroup styl au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.styl set syntax=stylus augroup END augroup conkyrc au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.conkyrc set syntax=conkyrc augroup END augroup vcl au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.vcl set filetype=vcl augroup END augroup mustache au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.mustache set filetype=mustache au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.mu set filetype=mustache au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.hjs set filetype=mustache augroup END augroup coffee au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.coffee set filetype=coffee augroup END augroup COMMIT_EDITMSG au! BufRead,BufNewFile COMMIT_EDITMSG set filetype=gitcommit augroup END autocmd FileType go autocmd BufWritePre Fmt