YAJS: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax =================================== Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim. Key differences: * Use 'javascript' as group name's prefix, not 'javaScript' nor 'JavaScript'. Works great with [SyntaxComplete](https://github.com/vim-scripts/SyntaxComplete). * Recognize Web API and DOM keywords. Keep increase. * Works perfect with [javascript-libraries-syntax.vim](https://github.com/othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim) * Remove old, unused syntax definitions. * Support ES6 new syntax, ex: arrow function `=>`. ### Differences from jelera/vim-javascript-syntax I start a new project instead of send PR to jelera is because: jelera/vim-javascript-syntax is not so active. And I want to do lots of changes, including ES6 and other not confirmed standard support. Also, one of my goal is produce 100% correct syntax. But it hurt performance, so I prefer to create a new one instead of merge back. Credits ------- - Jose Elera, [Enhanced Javascript syntax](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3425) - Zhao Yi, Claudio Fleiner, Scott Shattuck (This file is based on their hard work) - gumnos (From the #vim IRC Channel in Freenode) (Who helped me figured out the crazy Vim Regexes) Report Issue ------------ Please send issue report to [github](https://github.com/othree/yajs.vim/issues). Provde sample code to help me debug. Changes ------- ### Version 1.5 - Lots of bug Fix - Support semantic highlight ### Version 1.4 - Better Array Comprehesion support - Better Template highlight - AngularJS JSDoc module - Fix object literal syntax - Don't break vim-jsx License ------- The same as Vim