mustache and handlebars mode for vim ==================================== **Note**: This repo is deprecated, active development moved to [mustache/vim-mode]( A vim plugin for working with [mustache][mustache] and [handlebars][handlebars] templates. It has: - syntax highlighting - matchit support - mustache abbreviations (optional) - section movement mappings `[[` and `]]` ### Install for pathogen cd ~/.vim/ git submodule add git:// bundle/mustache vim bundle/mustache/example.mustache Get [pathogen][pathogen]. ### Manually Install cd ~/.local/src git clone git:// mustache.vim cp -R mustache.vim/syntax/* ~/.vim/syntax/ cp -R mustache.vim/ftdetect/* ~/.vim/ftdetect/ cp -R mustache.vim/ftplugin/* ~/.vim/ftplugin/ vim mustache.vim/example.mustache ### Mustache Abbreviations You can activate mustache abbreviations by putting this line in your `.vimrc`: `let g:mustache_abbreviations = 1` Now you get a set of convenient abbreviations. Underscore `_` indicates where your cursor ends up after typing an abbreviation: - `{{` => `{{_}}` - `{{{` => `{{{_}}}` - `{{!` => `{{!_}}` - `{{>` => `{{>_}}` - `{{<` => `{{<_}}` - `{{#` produces ``` {{# _}} {{/}} ``` - `{{if` produces ``` {{#if _}} {{/if}} ``` - `{{ife` produces ``` {{#if _}} {{else}} {{/if}} ``` ### Section movement mappings Following the vim convention of jumping from section to section, `[[` and `]]` mappings are implemented for easier movement between mustache tags. - `]]` jumps to the first following tag - `[[` jumps to the first previous tag Count with section movements is supported: - `2]]` jumps to the second next tag ## Maintainers * [Bruno Michel]( * [Bruno Sutic]( * [Juvenn Woo]( This is combined work from [juvenn/mustache.vim]( and [nono/vim-handlebars]( ---- Thanks [@5long]( for adding matchit support. You're encouraged to propose ideas or have discussions via github issues. [mustache]: [handlebars]: [pathogen]: