# chezmoi:template:left-delimiter="{{ "{{- /* vim: set filetype=vim: */ -}} set visualbell set noerrorbells set relativenumber set number " Mappings let mapleader="," let g:mapleader="," map rl :source $MYVIMRC map ss :setlocal spell! map ts :%s/\s\s*$//g nnoremap rc :split $MYVIMRC nnoremap p :set paste nnoremap np :set nopaste nnoremap nn :set nonumber norelativenumber nnoremap rn :set number relativenumber " Vim Tabs map tt :tabnew map te :tabedit map tc :tabclose map to :tabonly map tn :tabNext map tp :tabprevious map tf :tabfirst map tl :tablast map tm :tabmove #execute 'source '.fnameescape(f$XDG_CONFIG_HOME.'/vim/init.d/mappings.vim') #execute 'source '.fnameescape(f$XDG_CONFIG_HOME.'/vim/init.d/xdg.vim') # Include {{ }} if has('syntax') && !exists('g:syntax_on') syntax enable endif if has('autocmd') filetype plugin on filetype indent on endif " Tabs set complete-=i set autoindent set backspace=indent,eol,start set smarttab set noexpandtab set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set tabstop=4 set nrformats-=octal set incsearch " Use to clear the highlighting of :set hlsearch. if maparg('', 'n') ==# '' nnoremap :nohlsearch=has('diff')?'diffupdate':'' endif set laststatus=2 set ruler set wildmenu " Status " ~/file [type] [line,column] [number of lines] "set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [%Y]\ [%03l,%03v]\ [%L] if !&scrolloff set scrolloff=1 endif if !&sidescrolloff set sidescrolloff=5 endif set display+=lastline if &encoding ==# 'latin1' && has('gui_running') set encoding=utf-8 endif if &listchars ==# 'eol:$' set listchars=tab:\⇥\ ,trail:…,extends:→,precedes:←,nbsp:+ endif if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has("patch541") set formatoptions+=j " Delete comment character when joining commented lines endif if has('path_extra') setglobal tags-=./tags tags-=./tags; tags^=./tags; endif set autoread if &history < 10000 set history=10000 endif if &tabpagemax < 50 set tabpagemax=50 endif if !empty(&viminfo) set viminfo^=! endif set sessionoptions-=options set viewoptions-=options if empty(mapcheck('', 'i')) inoremap u endif if empty(mapcheck('', 'i')) inoremap u endif " Basics set encoding=utf-8 " General " setlocal spell spelllang=en_us set fileformats=unix,dos,mac set nostartofline set autochdir set colorcolumn=81 " Have tab complete work more like bash set wildmode=list:longest set whichwrap+=<,>,[,] set magic " Turn on omni completion. Must have `filetype plugin on` to use. " To use, in insert mode press ctrl+x ctrl+o set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete set completeopt=menu,longest,preview " Indent set smartindent set copyindent set preserveindent set shiftround " Text Formatting/Layout set nowrap set ignorecase set smartcase set list " UI set showcmd set number relativenumber set numberwidth=4 set hidden " Cues set showmatch set matchtime=2 set hlsearch set noerrorbells set novisualbell set t_vb= set timeoutlen=500