vim-instant-markdown ==================== Want to instantly preview finnicky markdown files, but don't want to leave your favorite editor, or have to do it in some crappy browser textarea? **vim-instant-markdown** is your friend! When you open a markdown file in vim, a browser window will open which shows the compiled markdown in real-time, and closes once you close the file in vim. As a bonus, [github-flavored-markdown][gfm] is supported, and styles used while previewing are the same as those github uses! [![Screenshot][ss]][ssbig] Installation ------------ You first need to have Ruby with RubyGems, and node.js with npm installed. (In the future there might be a version which won't require node.js at all, making installation easier) - `[sudo] gem install pygments.rb` - If you're using Ruby 1.9.2 or later, `[sudo] gem install redcarpet`. Otherwise, `[sudo] gem install redcarpet -v 2.3.0` - `[sudo] npm -g install instant-markdown-d` - If you're on Linux, the `xdg-utils` package needs to be installed (is installed by default on Ubuntu). - Copy the `after/ftplugin/markdown/instant-markdown.vim` file from this repo into your `~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown/` (creating directories as necessary), or use pathogen. - Ensure you have the line `filetype plugin on` in your `.vimrc` - Open a markdown file in vim and enjoy! Configuration ------------- ### g:instant_markdown_slow By default, vim-instant-markdown will update the display in realtime. If that taxes your system too much, you can specify ``` let g:instant_markdown_slow = 1 ``` before loading the plugin (for example place that in your `~/.vimrc`). This will cause vim-instant-markdown to only refresh on the following events: - No keys have been pressed for a while - A while after you leave insert mode - You save the file being edited ### g:instant_markdown_autostart By default, vim-instant-markdown will automatically launch the preview window when you open a markdown file. If you want to manually control this behavior, you can specify ``` let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 0 ``` in your .vimrc. You can then manually trigger preview via the command ```:InstantMarkdownPreview```. This command is only available inside markdown buffers and when the autostart option is turned off. Supported Platforms ------------------- OSX and Unix/Linuxes*. *: One annoyance in Linux is that there's no way to reliably open a browser page in the background, so you'll likely have to manually refocus your vim session everytime you open a Markdown file. If you have ideas on how to address this I'd love to know! FAQ --- > Why don't my `.md` files trigger this plugin? By default, vim (7.3 and above) only recognizes files ending with `.markdown`, `.mdown`, and `` as markdown files. If you want `.md` to be recognized, I recommend installing one of many markdown plugins available, such as [this one][tpope-markdown]. > It's not working! - Make sure all the dependencies are installed... - Make sure `instant-markdown-d` was installed as a global module (e.g. using `npm -g install`) - Make sure the ruby gems were installed under your default Ruby (i.e. if you're using RVM, use `gem install` and NOT `sudo gem install` as that might cause the gems to be installed under a non-RVM Ruby) - If you're on OSX, and are using zsh and rbenv/rvm... - Make sure that Vim is using the correct version of ruby. From vim, if ```:!which ruby``` returns an unexpected ruby, then see here for a solution: - Another thing to try would be to add `set shell=bash\ -i` in your `.vimrc` to set interactive bash as the default vim shell. (See [this issue]( etc. --- If you're curious, the code for the mini-server component for this plugin can be found at A plugin can easily be written for any editor to interface with the server to get the same functionality found here. [ss]: "Click for bigger preview" [ssbig]: [gfm]: [tpope-markdown]: