priority -50 ######################################################################### # Python helper code # ######################################################################### global !p import vim import os.path def get_module_namespace_and_basename(): """This function will try to guess the current class or define name you are trying to create. Note that for this to work you should be using the module structure as per the style guide. Examples inputs and it's output * /home/nikolavp/puppet/modules/collectd/manifests/init.pp -> collectd * /home/nikolavp/puppet/modules/collectd/manfistes/mysql.pp -> collectd::mysql """ first_time = True current_file_path_without_ext = vim.eval('expand("%:p:r")') or "" if not current_file_path_without_ext: return "name" parts = os.path.split(current_file_path_without_ext) namespace = '' while parts[0] and parts[0] != '/': if parts[1] == 'init' and first_time and not namespace: first_time = False parts = os.path.split(parts[0]) continue if parts[1] == 'manifests': return os.path.split(parts[0])[1] + ('::' + namespace).rstrip(':') else: namespace = parts[1] + '::' + namespace parts = os.path.split(parts[0]) # couldn't guess the namespace. The user is editing a raw file in no module like the site.pp file return "name" endglobal ############################################################################### # Puppet Language Constructs # # See # ############################################################################### snippet class "Class declaration" b class ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_module_namespace_and_basename()`} { ${0:# body} } endsnippet snippet define "Definition" b define ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_module_namespace_and_basename()`} { ${0:# body} } endsnippet ################################################################# # Puppet Types # # See # ################################################################# snippet cron "Cron resource type" b cron { '${1:name}': user => ${2:user}, command => '${3:command}', minute => ${3:minute}, hour => ${4:hour}, } endsnippet snippet exec "Exec resource type" b exec { '${1:command}': refreshonly => true, } endsnippet snippet file "File resource type" b file { '${1:name}': source => "puppet://${2:path}", mode => ${3:mode}, endsnippet snippet File "Defaults for file" b File { owner => ${1:username}, group => ${2:groupname}, } endsnippet snippet group "Group resource type" b group { '${1:groupname}': ensure => ${3:present}, gid => ${2:gid}, endsnippet snippet mount "Mount resource type" b mount { '${1:path}': device => '${2:/dev}', fstype => '${3:filesystem}', ensure => mounted, options => 'rw,errors=remount-ro', } endsnippet snippet package "Package resource type" b package { '${1:name}': ensure => ${2:installed}, } endsnippet snippet user "user resource type" b user { '${1:username}': ensure => ${2:present}, uid => ${3:uid}, gid => ${4:gid}, comment => ${5:gecos}, home => ${6:homedirectory}, managehome => false, require => Group['${7:group'}], endsnippet snippet service "Service resource type" b service { '${1:name}': hasstatus => true, enable => true, ensure => running, } endsnippet ######################################################################## # Puppet Functions # # See # ######################################################################## snippet alert "Alert Function" b alert("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet crit "Crit Function" b crit("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet debug "Debug Function" b debug("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet defined "Defined Function" b defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"])${0} endsnippet snippet emerg "Emerg Function" b emerg("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet extlookup "Simple Extlookup" b $${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}")${0} endsnippet snippet extlookup "Extlookup with defaults" b $${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0} endsnippet snippet extlookup "Extlookup with defaults and custom data file" b $${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Data Source})${0} endsnippet snippet fail "Fail Function" b fail("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet hiera "Hiera Function" b $${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}")${0} endsnippet snippet hiera "Hiera with defaults" b $${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0} endsnippet snippet hiera "Hiera with defaults and override" b $${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Override})${0} endsnippet snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash Function" b $${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}")${0} endsnippet snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash with defaults" b $${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0} endsnippet snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash with defaults and override" b $${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Override})${0} endsnippet snippet hiera_include "Hiera Include Function" b hiera_include("${1:Lookup}")${0} endsnippet snippet include "Include Function" b include ${1:classname}${0} endsnippet snippet info "Info Function" b info("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet inline_template "Inline Template Function" b inline_template("<%= ${1:template} %>")${0} endsnippet snippet notice "Notice Function" b notice("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet snippet realize "Realize Function" b realize(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"])${0} endsnippet snippet regsubst "Regsubst Function" b regsubst($${1:Target}, '${2:regexp}', '${3:replacement}')${0} endsnippet snippet split "Split Function" b $${1:Variable} = split($${1:Target}, '${2:regexp}')${0} endsnippet snippet versioncmp "Version Compare Function" b $${1:Variable} = versioncmp('${1:version}', '${2:version}')${0} endsnippet snippet warning "Warning Function" b warning("${1:message}")${0} endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: