scriptencoding utf-8 Context let s:V = vital#of('tsuquyomi') let s:Filepath = s:V.import('System.Filepath') let s:script_dir = tsuquyomi#rootDir() let s:ver = tsuquyomi#config#getVersion() It checks interface of responce of 'navbar' command. if s:ver.major == 3 && s:ver.minor == 2 echo "This test is pending on TypeScript 3.2. Please fix this test case!" else let file = substitute(s:Filepath.join(s:script_dir, 'test/tsClient/vest/resources/SimpleModule.ts'), '\\', '/', 'g') call tsuquyomi#tsClient#tsOpen(file) let res_list = tsuquyomi#tsClient#tsNavto(file, 'encodeURIComponent', 100) " echo res_list Should len(res_list) > 0 Should has_key(res_list[0], 'file') Should has_key(res_list[0], 'name') Should res_list[0].name == 'encodeURIComponent' Should has_key(res_list[0], 'kind') Should res_list[0].kind == 'function' Should has_key(res_list[0], 'matchKind') Should res_list[0].matchKind == 'exact' call tsuquyomi#tsClient#stopTssSync() endif End End Fin