*tsuquyomi* is a Vim plugin for TypeScript. Version: 0.6.0 Author : Quramy License: MIT license {{{ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }}} CONTENTS *tsuquyomi-contents* Introduction |tsuquyomi-introduction| Install |tsuquyomi-install| Interface |tsuquyomi-interface| Commands |tsuquyomi-commands| Variables |tsuquyomi-variables| Key Mappings |tsuquyomi-key-mappings| Functions |tsuquyomi-functions| Examples |tsuquyomi-examples| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *tsuquyomi-introduction* Tsuquyomi works as a client for TSServer(which is an editor service bundled into TypeScript). This plugin provides the following functions: + Functions to fetch information of your source codes from TSServer. (compeletions, locations of definition or references, error, etc...) + Functions to start or stop the TSServer process. ============================================================================== INSTALL *tsuquyomi-install* Tsuquyomi requires the following: * Vim (v.7.4.0 or later) * Shougo/vimproc.vim (https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim) (Not required if you use vim8 or later) * Node.js and TypeScript (v.1.5.0 or later) First of all, if you haven't installed |vimproc|, please install it. (Please see https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim) Secondly, install the latest version of TypeScript. Prompt: > $ npm -g install typescript < Thirdly, locate Tsuquyomi to your Vim plugin directory. If you use |NeoBundle| for plugin management, append the following to `.vimrc` . > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { \ 'build' : { \ 'windows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw', \ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', \ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', \ 'linux' : 'make', \ 'unix' : 'gmake', \ }, \ } NeoBundle 'Quramy/tsuquyomi' > And execute the Ex command |:NeoBundleInstall| . Also, Tsuquyomi is an extension of |unite-outline|. If you have installed |unite| and |unite-outline| , you can get the outline of the current buffer calling ':Unite outline'. ============================================================================== INTERFACE *tsuquyomi-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS *tsuquyomi-commands* *:TsuquyomiStartServer* *:TsuStartServer* :TsuquyomiStartServer Start TSServer process. If the process is already running, this command doesn't do anything. *:TsuquyomiStopServer* *:TsuStopServer* :TsuquyomiStopServer Stop TSServer process if it exists. *:TsuquyomiStatusServer* *:TsuStatusServer* :TsuquyomiStatusServer Show TSServer status. When TSServer is running, the message "reading" will be displayed. *:TsuquyomiOpen* *:TsuOpen* :TsuquyomiOpen [{file} ...] Let TSServer open {file}s. Once TSServer opens files, you can start a variety of operations on them. If you omit the argument {file}, TSServer opens the current buffer. By default, |g:tsuquyomi_auto_open| is enabled, so usually users don't need to exec this command manually. *:TsuquyomiClose* *:TsuClose* :TsuquyomiClose [{file} ...] Let TSServer release opened {file}s. If you omit the argument {file}, TSServer closes the file related to the current buffer. *:TsuquyomiReload* *:TsuReload* :TsuquyomiReload [{file} ...] Let TSServer reload files. If you omit the argument {file}, TSServer reloads the current buffer. *:TsuquyomiDump* *:TsuDump* :TsuquyomiDump [{file} ...] Save TSServer's buffer to files. This command can be executed only for debugging purposes. If you omit the argument {file}, TSServer saves the file related to the current buffer. Note: Dumped filename is `originalFileName` + `'.dump'` . *:TsuquyomiDefinition* *:TsuDefinition* :TsuquyomiDefinition Navigate to the location where the symbol is defined. *:TsuquyomiSplitDefinition* *:TsuSplitDefinition* :TsuquyomiSplitDefinition Split current window in two. Navigate to the location where the symbol is defined. *:TsuquyomiTypeDefinition* *:TsuTypeDefinition* :TsuquyomiTypeDefinition Navigate to the location where the type of the symbol is defined. *:TsuquyomiGoBack* *:TsuGoBack* :TsuquyomiGoBack Move the cursor position to the location where the last |:TsuquyomiDefinition| or |:TsuquyomiTypeDefinition| was called. *:TsuquyomiImplementation* *:TsuImplementation* :TsuquyomiImplementation Navigate to the locations where an interface is implemented. The result is loaded into the |location-list| . *:TsuquyomiReferences* *:TsuReferences* :TsuquyomiReferences Navigate to the locations where the symbol is referenced. The result is loaded into the |location-list| . *:TsuquyomiRenameSymbol* *:TsuRenameSymbol* :TsuquyomiRenameSymbol Rename the identifier under the cursor to a new name. If the identifier is referenced by other .ts files, you should open them before executing this command. *:TsuquyomiRenameSymbolC* *:TsuRenameSymbolC* :TsuquyomiRenameSymbolC Rename the identifier under the cursor to a new name. This command renames the identifiers including comments. *:TsuquyomiReloadProject* *:TsuReloadProject* :TsuquyomiReloadProject Close and re-open all files opened by |:TsuquyomiOpen|. If you change your `tsconfig.json` after opening any `*.ts` files, you should execute this command so the changes of `tsconfig.json` are reflected in the TSServer. *:TsuquyomiGeterr* *:TsuGeterr* :TsuquyomiGeterr Show compilation errors of current buffer in QuickFix window. *:TsuquyomiAsynGeterr* *:TsuAsyncGeterr* :TsuquyomiAsyncGeterr Show compilation errors of current buffer in QuickFix window asynchronous. *:TsuquyomiGeterrProject* *:TsuGeterrProject* :TsuquyomiGeterrProject Show all compilation errors of your project in QuickFix window. This command requires TypeScript@v1.6.0 or later. *:TsuquyomiSeaarch* *:TsuSearch* :TsuquyomiSearch {keyword} Search locations which contain {keyword} from project. *:TsuquyomiQuickFix* *:TsuQuickFix* :TsuquyomiQuickFix If the cursor is over an error and there is a quick fix is for it, apply it. This command requires TypeScript@v2.1.0 or later. *:TsuquyomiSignatureHelp* *:TsuSignatureHelp* :TsuquyomiSignatureHelp Display signature help for the method signature the cursor is currently inside, and display the output in the preview window. If there are multiple, overloads they will be displayed along with any documentation. Note that the cursor must be between the method parentheses, or at least after the opening parenthesis of a partially written method call. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *tsuquyomi-variables* *g:tsuquyomi_auto_open* g:tsuquyomi_auto_open (default 1) Whether TSServer automatically opens the file of the current buffer when the buffer is opened in Vim. If you set this option to 0, you should manually exec the |:TsuquyomiOpen| command after opening buffers. *g:tsuquyomi_use_local_typescript* g:tsuquyomi_use_local_typescript (default 1) Whether to use `tsserver.js`that was installed for project locally. * 0: Tsuquyomi does not search `tsserver.js`. * 1: Tsuquyomi searches the root directory(which has `package.json`) of the project from the current directory. Then, it searches `node_modules/typescript/bin/tsserver.js` from the project root. If not hit, Tsuquyomi determines `tsserver.js` path from |g:tsuquyomi_use_dev_node_module| option. *g:tsuquyomi_use_dev_node_module* g:tsuquyomi_use_dev_node_module (default 0) Whether to use `tsserver.js` that was installed manually. * 0: Tsuquyomi uses global installed `tsserver` command(default). * 1: Tsuquyomi uses `tsuquyomi/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsserver.js` . If you use this mode, exec the following: > :cd ~/.vim/bundle/tsuquyomi :!npm install < * 2: Tsuquyomi uses `tsserver.js` whose path is |g:tsuquyomi_tsserver_path| . *g:tsuquyomi_tsserver_path* g:tsuquyomi_tsserver_path (default `''`) If |g:tsuquyomi_use_dev_node_module| equals `2`, user should set path of `tsserver.js` to this variable. For example, > let g:tsuquyomi_use_dev_node_module = 2 let g:tsuquyomi_tsserver_path = \ '~/typescript/built/local/tsserver.js' < *g:tsuquyomi_nodejs_path* g:tsuquyomi_nodejs_path (default "node") A path to Node.js. *g:tsuquyomi_definition_split* g:tsuquyomi_definition_split (default 0) A way to open a target file when navigating with |:TsuquyomiDefinition| or |:TsuquyomiTypeDefinition|. * 0: |:edit| * 1: |:split| * 2: |:vsplit| * 3: |:tabedit| *g:tsuquyomi_completion_detail* g:tsuquyomi_completion_detail (default 0) Whether to show details of complete menu when |tsuquyomi#complete|. This option makes sense when 'completeopt' includes "menu". NOTE: If it's set, completions get slow. *g:tsuquyomi_completion_case_sensitive* g:tsuquyomi_completion_case_sensitive (default 0) Whether to search completion case-sensitively when |tsuquyomi#complete|. *g:tsuquyomi_case_sensitive_imports* g:tsuquyomi_case_sensitive_imports (default 0) Whether to search imports case-sensitively when |tsuquyomi#es6import#complete|. *g:tsuquyomi_completion_preview* g:tsuquyomi_completion_preview (default 0) Whether to show signature in preview when |tsuquyomi#complete|. This option makes sense when 'completeopt' includes "menu" and "preview". NOTE: If it's set, completions get a little slow. *g:tsuquyomi_disable_default_mappings* g:tsuquyomi_disable_default_mappings (default 0) If set no keys are mapped. *g:tsuquyomi_disable_quickfix* g:tsuquyomi_disable_quickfix (default 0) If set, |:TsuquyomiGeterr| isn't called when you save buffers. *g:tsuquyomi_save_onrename* g:tsuquyomi_save_onrename (default 0) If set, Tsuquyomi automatically saves files in which symbols are replaced when |:TsuquyomiRenameSymbol| is used. If not set, Tsuquyomi shows replaced files with |:split|. You can save them with |:wa| after your review changes. *g:tsuquyomi_single_quote_import* g:tsuquyomi_single_quote_import (default 0) If set, Tsuquyomi generates import blocks using single quotes instead of double quotes when |:TsuquyomiImport|. *g:tsuquyomi_semicolon_import* g:tsuquyomi_semicolon_import (default 1) If set, Tsuquyomi generates import block using a semicolon at the end when |:TsuquyomiImport|. *g:tsuquyomi_baseurl_import_path* g:tsuquyomi_baseurl_import_path (default 0) If set, |:TsuquyomiImport| will use module paths relative to `baseUrl` setting in tsconfig.json. *g:tsuquyomi_javascript_support* g:tsuquyomi_javascript_support (default 0) If set, Tsuquyomi will also be enabled for JavaScript files. You can further configure tsserver's behavior using tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json in your project. *g:tsuquyomi_ignore_missing_modules* g:tsuquyomi_ignore_missing_modules (default 0) If set, Tsuquyomi will ignore any error that starts with "Cannot find module". Useful when you don't have type definitions for all of your imports. *g:tsuquyomi_use_vimproc* g:tsuquyomi_use_vimproc (default 0) If set, Tsuquyomi will use |vimproc| instead of vim8 default jobs. *g:tsuquyomi_locale* g:tsuquyomi_locale (default "en") LCID for deagonistics localization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY MAPPINGS *tsuquyomi-key-mappings* Normal mode key mappings. *(TsuquyomiDefinition)* (TsuquyomiDefinition) Navigate to the location where the symbol under the cursor is defined. See |:TsuquyomiDefinition|. *(TsuquyomiSplitDefinition)* (TsuquyomiSplitDefinition) Split current window in two. Navigate to the location where the symbol under the cursor is defined. See |:TsuquyomiSplitDefinition|. *(TsuquyomiTypeDefinition)* (TsuquyomiTypeDefinition) Navigate to the location where the type of the symbol under the cursor is defined. See |:TsuquyomiTypeDefinition|. (TsuquyomiGoBack) *(TsuquyomiGoBack)* See |:TsuquyomiGoBack|. *(TsuquyomiImplementation)* (TsuquyomiImplementation) Show a list of locations where the interface under the cursor is implemented. See |:TsuquyomiImplementation|. *(TsuquyomiReferences)* (TsuquyomiReferences) Show a list of locations where the symbol under the cursor is referenced. See |:TsuquyomiReferences|. *(TsuquyomiRenameSymbol)* (TsuquyomiRenameSymbol) Rename the identifier under the cursor to a new name. See |:TsuquyomiRenameSymbol|. *(TsuquyomiRenameSymbolC)* (TsuquyomiRenameSymbolC) Rename the identifier under the cursor to a new name. See |:TsuquyomiRenameSymbolC|. *(TsuquyomiQuickFix)* (TsuquyomiQuickFix) Apply quick fix under the cursor if it's available. See |:TsuquyomiQuickFix|. *(TsuquyomiImport)* (TsuquyomiImport) Generate ES6 import declaration whose alias is under the cursor. See |:TsuquyomiImport|. *(TsuquyomiSignatureHelp)* (TsuquyomiSignatureHelp) Display signature help for the method arguments under the cursor. See |:TsuquyomiSignatureHelp|. The following keymappings are default keymappings. Normal mode default mappings. {lhs} {rhs} -------- ----------------------------- (TsuquyomiDefinition) ] (TsuquyomiSplitDefinition) (TsuquyomiSplitDefinition) (TsuquyomiGoBack) (TsuquyomiReferences) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *tsuquyomi-functions* tsuquyomi#complete *tsuquyomi#complete* It's applicable for the 'completefunc' or 'omnifunc' option. By default, Tsuquyomi sets this function to the 'omnifunc' option. If you want to customize completions, see |tsuquyomi-examples-complete|. tsuquyomi#balloonexpr *tsuquyomi#balloonexpr* Returns information about the symbol under the mouse cursor for tooltip popover window. This is used as the rhs for 'balloonexpr'. For example, > set ballooneval autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ts \ setlocal balloonexpr=tsuquyomi#balloonexpr() < Note: This function works only if your Vim is compiled with |+balloon_eval|. tsuquyomi#hint *tsuquyomi#hint* Returns information about the symbol under the cursor. This function is similar to |tsuquyomi#balloonexpr|, but works not only in GVim but also in terminal Vim. For example, > autocmd FileType typescript nmap t : \ echo tsuquyomi#hint() < tsuquyomi#getSupportedCodeFixes *tsuquyomi#getSupportedCodeFixes* Returns a list of all code quick fixes available. An error whose code is in this list can be fixed via |:TsuquyomiQuickFix| command. Todo ============================================================================== EXAMPLES *tsuquyomi-examples* *tsuquyomi-examples-complete* You can configure tsuquyomi completion, using 'completeopt' . When completion in call of some method, show the method signature to the preview window. > autocmd FileType typescript setlocal completeopt+=preview < When completion, don't show the popup menu of completions. > autocmd FileType typescript setlocal completeopt-=menu < Show compile errors to QuickFix window asynchronous by Vim8's Job/Channel feature. > autocmd InsertLeave,BufWritePost *.ts,*.tsx call tsuquyomi#asyncGeterr() < ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: