From ec5347c8aa028aa09f19263a61510e2fe6429bef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Buddy Sandidge Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 16:47:46 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Squashed 'vim/bundle/flex-4/' content from commit 638c8c37b git-subtree-dir: vim/bundle/flex-4 git-subtree-split: 638c8c37bf176c08dc2716ab4a22b696cd0eb10f --- README | 9 + syntax/actionscript.vim | 167 +++++++++++++++++ syntax/mxml.vim | 407 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 583 insertions(+) create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 syntax/actionscript.vim create mode 100644 syntax/mxml.vim diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e209024 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +This is a mirror of + +Syntax highlighting for Adobe Flex 4 - mxml, actionscript 3 programming languages. +(Modified version 1.1) + +Thanks to previous authors: +Johannes Zellner +Paul Siegmann +Abdul Qabiz diff --git a/syntax/actionscript.vim b/syntax/actionscript.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc39149 --- /dev/null +++ b/syntax/actionscript.vim @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +" Vim syntax file +" Language: actionScript +" Maintainer: Abdul Qabiz (mail at +" Author and previous maintainer: +" Igor Dvorsky +" URL: +" Original URL: +" Last Change: 2006 Jun 20 +" Updated to support AS 2.0 2004 Mar 12 by Richard Leider ( +" Updated to support new AS 2.0 Flash 8 Language Elements 2005 September 29 ( +" Updated to support new AS 3.0 Language Elements 2006 June 20 by Abdul Qabiz (mail at + + +" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items +" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded +if !exists("main_syntax") + if version < 600 + syntax clear + elseif exists("b:current_syntax") + finish +endif + let main_syntax = 'actionscript' +endif + +" based on "JavaScript" VIM syntax by Claudio Fleiner + +syn case ignore +syn match actionScriptLineComment "\/\/.*$" +syn match actionScriptCommentSkip "^[ \t]*\*\($\|[ \t]\+\)" +syn region actionScriptCommentString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=actionScriptSpecial,actionScriptCommentSkip,@htmlPreproc +syn region actionScriptComment2String start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+$\|"+ contains=actionScriptSpecial,@htmlPreproc +syn region actionScriptComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=actionScriptCommentString,actionScriptCharacter,actionScriptNumber +syn match actionScriptSpecial "\\\d\d\d\|\\." +syn region actionScriptStringD start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=actionScriptSpecial,@htmlPreproc +syn region actionScriptStringS start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=actionScriptSpecial,@htmlPreproc +syn match actionScriptSpecialCharacter "'\\.'" +syn match actionScriptNumber "-\=\<\d\+L\=\>\|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>" +syn keyword actionScriptConditional if else and or not +syn keyword actionScriptRepeat do while for in +syn keyword actionScriptCase break continue switch case default +syn keyword actionScriptConstructor new +syn keyword actionScriptObjects arguments Array Boolean Date _global Math Number Object String super var this Accessibility Color Key _level Mouse _root Selection Sound Stage System TextFormat LoadVars XML XMLSocket XMLNode LoadVars Button TextField TextSnapshot CustomActions Error ContextMenu ContextMenuItem NetConnection NetStream Video PrintJob MovieClipLoader StyleSheet Camera LocalConnection Microphone SharedObject MovieClip +syn keyword actionScriptStatement return with +syn keyword actionScriptFunction function on onClipEvent +syn keyword actionScriptValue true false undefined null NaN void +syn keyword actionScriptArray concat join length pop push reverse shift slice sort sortOn splice toString unshift +syn keyword actionScriptDate getDate getDay getFullYear getHours getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset getUTCDate getUTCDay getUTCFullYear getUTCHours getUTCMilliseconds getUTCMinutes getUTCMonth getUTCSeconds getYear setDate setFullYear setHours setMilliseconds setMinutes setMonth setSeconds setTime setUTCDate setUTCFullYear setUTCHours setUTCMilliseconds setUTCMinutes setUTCMonth setUTCSeconds setYear UTC +syn keyword actionScriptMath abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos E exp floor log LOG2E LOG10E LN2 LN10 max min PI pow random round sin sqrt SQRT1_2 SQRT2 tan -Infinity Infinity +syn keyword actionScriptNumberObj MAX_VALUE MIN_VALUE NaN NEGATIVE_INFINITY POSITIVE_INFINITY valueOf +syn keyword actionScriptObject addProperty __proto__ registerClass toString unwatch valueOf watch +syn keyword actionScriptString charAt charCodeAt concat fromCharCode indexOf lastIndexOf length slice split substr substring toLowerCase toUpperCase add le lt gt ge eq ne chr mbchr mblength mbord mbsubstring ord +syn keyword actionScriptColor getRGB getTransform setRGB setTransform +syn keyword actionScriptKey addListener BACKSPACE CAPSLOCK CONTROL DELETEKEY DOWN END ENTER ESCAPE getAscii getCode HOME INSERT isDown isToggled LEFT onKeyDown onKeyUp PGDN PGUP removeListener RIGHT SHIFT SPACE TAB UP ALT +syn keyword actionScriptMouse hide onMouseDown onMouseUp onMouseMove show onMouseWheel +syn keyword actionScriptSelection getBeginIndex getCaretIndex getEndIndex getFocus setFocus setSelection +syn keyword actionScriptSound attachSound duration getBytesLoaded getBytesTotal getPan getTransform getVolume loadSound onLoad onSoundComplete position setPan setTransform setVolume start stop onID3 +syn keyword actionScriptStage align height onResize scaleMode width +syn keyword actionScriptSystem capabilities hasAudioEncoder hasAccessibility hasAudio hasMP3 language manufacturer os pixelAspectRatio screenColor screenDPI screenResolution.x screenResolution.y version hasVideoEncoder security useCodepage exactSettings hasEmbeddedVideo screenResolutionX screenResolutionY input isDebugger serverString hasPrinting playertype hasStreamingAudio hasScreenBroadcast hasScreenPlayback hasStreamingVideo avHardwareDisable localFileReadDisable windowlesDisable +syn keyword actionScriptTextFormat align blockIndent bold bullet color font getTextExtent indent italic leading leftMargin rightMargin size tabStops target underline url +syn keyword actionScriptCommunication contentType getBytesLoaded getBytesTotal load loaded onLoad send sendAndLoad toString addRequestHeader fscommand MMExecute +syn keyword actionScriptXMLSocket close connect onClose onConnect onData onXML +syn keyword actionScriptTextField autoSize background backgroundColor border borderColor bottomScroll embedFonts _focusrect getDepth getFontList getNewTextFormat getTextFormat hscroll html htmlText maxChars maxhscroll maxscroll multiline onChanged onScroller onSetFocus _parent password _quality removeTextField replaceSel replaceText restrict selectable setNewTextFormat setTextFormat text textColor textHeight textWidth type variable wordWrap condenseWhite mouseWheelEnabled textFieldHeight textFieldWidth ascent descent +syn keyword actionScriptMethods callee caller _alpha attachMovie beginFill beginGradientFill clear createEmptyMovieClip createTextField _currentframe curveTo _droptarget duplicateMovieClip enabled endFill focusEnabled _framesloaded getBounds globalToLocal gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop _height _highquality hitArea hitTest lineStyle lineTo loadMovie loadMovieNum loadVariables loadVariablesNum localToGlobal moveTo _name nextFrame onDragOut onDragOver onEnterFrame onKeyDown onKeyUp onKillFocus onMouseDown onMouseMove onMouseUp onPress onRelease onReleaseOutside onRollOut onRollOver onUnload play prevFrame removeMovieClip _rotation setMask _soundbuftime startDrag stopDrag swapDepths tabChildren tabIndex _target _totalframes trackAsMenu unloadMovie unloadMovieNum updateAfterEvent _url useHandCursor _visible _width _x _xmouse _xscale _y _ymouse _yscale tabEnabled asfunction call setInterval clearInterval setProperty stopAllSounds #initclip #endinitclip delete unescape escape eval apply prototype getProperty getTimer getURL getVersion ifFrameLoaded #include instanceof int new nextScene parseFloat parseInt prevScene print printAsBitmap printAsBitmapNum printNum scroll set targetPath tellTarget toggleHighQuality trace typeof isActive getInstanceAtDepth getNextHighestDepth getNextDepth getSWFVersion getTextSnapshot isFinite isNAN updateProperties _lockroot get install list uninstall showMenu onSelect builtInItems save zoom quality loop rewind forward_back customItems caption separatorBefore visible attachVideo bufferLength bufferTime currentFps onStatus pause seek setBuffertime smoothing time bytesLoaded bytesTotal addPage paperWidth paperHeight pageWidth pageHeight orientation loadClip unloadClip getProgress onLoadStart onLoadProgress onLoadComplete onLoadInit onLoadError styleSheet copy hideBuiltInItem transform activityLevel allowDomain allowInsecureDomain attachAudio bandwidth deblocking domain flush fps gain getLocal getRemote getSize index isConnected keyFrameInterval liveDelay loopback motionLevel motionTimeOut menu muted names onActivity onSync publish rate receiveAudio receiveVideo setFps setGain setKeyFrameInterval setLoopback setMode setMotionLevel setQuality setRate setSilenceLevel setUseEchoSuppression showSettings setClipboard silenceLevel silenceTimeOut useEchoSuppression +syn match actionScriptBraces "([{}])" +syn keyword actionScriptException try catch finally throw name message +syn keyword actionScriptXML attributes childNodes cloneNode createElement createTextNode docTypeDecl status firstChild hasChildNodes lastChild insertBefore nextSibling nodeName nodeType nodeValue parentNode parseXML previousSibling removeNode xmlDecl ignoreWhite +syn keyword actionScriptArrayConstant CASEINSENSITIVE DESCENDING UNIQUESORT RETURNINDEXEDARRAY NUMERIC +syn keyword actionScriptStringConstant newline +syn keyword actionScriptEventConstant press release releaseOutside rollOver rollOut dragOver dragOut enterFrame unload mouseMove mouseDown mouseUp keyDown keyUp data +syn keyword actionScriptTextSnapshot getCount setSelected getSelected getText getSelectedText hitTestTextNearPos findText setSelectColor +syn keyword actionScriptID3 id3 artist album songtitle year genre track comment COMM TALB TBPM TCOM TCON TCOP TDAT TDLY TENC TEXT TFLT TIME TIT1 TIT2 TIT3 TKEY TLAN TLEN TMED TOAL TOFN TOLY TOPE TORY TOWN TPE1 TPE2 TPE3 TPE4 TPOS TPUB TRCK TRDA TRSN TRSO TSIZ TSRX TSSE TYER WXXX +syn keyword actionScriptAS2 class extends public private static interface implements import dynamic +syn keyword actionScriptStyleSheet parse parseCSS getStyle setStyle getStyleNames +syn keyword flash8Functions onMetaData onCuePoint flashdisplay flashexternal flashfilters flashgeom flashnet flashtext addCallback applyFilter browse cancel clone colorTransform containsPoint containsRectangle copyChannel copyPixels createBox createGradientBox deltaTransformPoint dispose download draw equals fillRect floodFill generateFilterRect getColorBoundsRect getPixel getPixel32 identity inflate inflatePoint interpolate intersection intersects invert isEmpty loadBitmap merge noise normalize offsetPoint paletteMap perlinNoise pixelDissolve polar rotate scale setAdvancedAntialiasingTable setEmpty setPixel setPixel32 subtract threshold transformPoint translate union upload +syn keyword flash8Constants ALPHANUMERIC_FULL ALPHANUMERIC_HALF CHINESE JAPANESE_HIRAGANA JAPANESE_KATAKANA_FULL JAPANESE_KATAKANA_HALF KOREAN UNKNOWN +syn keyword flash8Properties appendChild cacheAsBitmap opaqueBackground scrollRect keyPress #initclip #endinitclip kerning letterSpacing onHTTPStatus lineGradientStyle IME windowlessDisable hasIME hideBuiltInItems onIMEComposition getEnabled setEnabled getConversionMode setConversionMode setCompositionString doConversion idMap antiAliasType available bottom bottomRight concatenatedColorTransform concatenatedMatrix creationDate creator fileList maxLevel modificationDate pixelBounds rectangle rgb top topLeft attachBitmap beginBitmapFill blendMode filters getRect scale9Grid gridFitType sharpness thickness +syn keyword flash8Classes BevelFilter BitmapData BitmapFilter BlurFilter ColorMatrixFilter ColorTransform ConvolutionFilter DisplacementMapFilter DropShadowFilter ExternalInterface FileReference FileReferenceList GlowFilter GradientBevelFilter GradientGlowFilter Matrix Point Rectangle TextRenderer +syn keyword actionScriptInclude #include #initClip #endInitClip include +syn keyword actionScriptAS3 class extends public private static interface implements import dynamic protected +syn keyword flash9Constants Infinity -Infinity NaN undefined +syn keyword flash9Functions Array Boolean decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent escape int isFinite isNaN isXMLName Number Object parseFloat parseInt String trace uint unescape XML XMLList +syn keyword flash9Classes AbstractEvent AbstractInvoker AbstractMessage AbstractOperation AbstractService AbstractTarget Accessibility AccessibilityProperties AccessPrivileges AccessPrivilegesPrivilege Accordion AccordionHeader AccordionHeaderSkin AcknowledgeMessage ActionEffectInstance ActionScriptVersion ActivatorSkin ActivityEvent AddChild AddChildAction AddChildActionInstance Alert AMFChannel AnimateProperty AnimatePropertyInstance AntiAliasType Application ApplicationControlBar ApplicationDomain AreaChart AreaRenderer AreaSeries AreaSeriesItem AreaSeriesRenderData AreaSet ArgumentError arguments Array ArrayCollection ArrayUtil AssociationDefinition AsyncMessage AsyncRequest AsyncToken AVM1Movie AxisBase AxisLabel AxisLabelSet AxisRenderer Back BarChart BarSeries BarSeriesItem BarSeriesRenderData BarSet BaseListData BevelFilter BindingUtils Bitmap BitmapAsset BitmapData BitmapDataChannel BitmapFill BitmapFilter BitmapFilterQuality BitmapFilterType BlendMode Blur BlurFilter BlurInstance Boolean Border Bounce BoundedValue Box BoxDirection BoxItemRenderer BubbleChart BubbleSeries BubbleSeriesItem BubbleSeriesRenderData Button ButtonAsset ButtonBar ButtonBarButtonSkin ButtonLabelPlacement ButtonSkin ByteArray CalendarLayoutChangeEvent Camera CandlestickChart CandlestickItemRenderer CandlestickSeries Canvas Capabilities CapsStyle CartesianChart CartesianTransform CategoryAxis ChangeWatcher Channel ChannelError ChannelEvent ChannelFaultEvent ChannelSet ChartBase ChartElement ChartItem ChartItemEvent ChartLabel ChartState CheckBox CheckBoxIcon ChildExistenceChangedEvent CircleItemRenderer Circular Class ClassFactory ClientInputError CloseEvent CollectionEvent CollectionEventKind CollectionViewError ColorMatrixFilter ColorPicker ColorPickerEvent ColorPickerSkin ColorTransform ColorUtil ColumnChart ColumnSeries ColumnSeriesItem ColumnSeriesRenderData ColumnSet ComboBase ComboBox ComboBoxArrowSkin CommandMessage ComponentDescriptor CompositeEffect CompositeEffectInstance ConcreteDataService Conflict ConflictDetector Conflicts Consumer Container ContainerCreationPolicy ContextMenu ContextMenuBuiltInItems ContextMenuEvent ContextMenuItem ControlBar ConvolutionFilter CreditCardValidator CreditCardValidatorCardType CrossItemRenderer CSMSettings CSSStyleDeclaration Cubic CuePointEvent CuePointManager CurrencyFormatter CurrencyValidator CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol CursorBookmark CursorError CursorEvent CursorManager CursorManagerPriority DataAssociationMessage DataConflictEvent DataConsumer DataDescription DataErrorMessage DataEvent DataGrid DataGridBase DataGridColumn DataGridColumnDropIndicator DataGridColumnResizeSkin DataGridDragProxy DataGridEvent DataGridEventReason DataGridHeaderSeparator DataGridItemRenderer DataGridListData DataGridSortArrow DataList DataListError DataService DataServiceError DataServiceFaultEvent DataStore DataTip DataTransform Date DateBase DateChooser DateChooserEvent DateChooserEventDetail DateChooserIndicator DateChooserMonthArrowSkin DateChooserYearArrowSkin DateField DateFormatter DateTimeAxis DateValidator DefaultDataDescriptor DeferredInstanceFromClass DeferredInstanceFromFunction DefinitionError DiamondItemRenderer Dictionary DirectHTTPChannel DisplacementMapFilter DisplacementMapFilterMode DisplayObject DisplayObjectContainer Dissolve DissolveInstance DividedBox DividerEvent DownloadProgressBar DragEvent DragManager DragSource DropdownEvent DropShadowFilter DualStyleObject DynamicEvent EdgeMetrics Effect EffectEvent EffectInstance EffectManager EffectTargetFilter Elastic EmailValidator EncodingError Endian EOFError Error ErrorEvent ErrorMessage EvalError Event EventDispatcher EventPhase EventPriority Exponential ExternalInterface Fade FadeInstance Fault FaultEvent FileFilter FileReference FileReferenceList FlexBitmap FlexEvent FlexMovieClip FlexPrintJob FlexPrintJobScaleType FlexShape FlexSimpleButton FlexSprite FlexTextField FocusEvent FocusManager Font FontStyle FontType Form Formatter FormHeading FormItem FormItemDirection FormItemLabel FrameLabel Function Glow GlowFilter GlowInstance GradientBase GradientBevelFilter GradientEntry GradientGlowFilter GradientType Graphics Grid GridFitType GridItem GridLines GridRow HaloBorder HaloColors HaloFocusRect HBox HDividedBox HeaderEvent HistoryManager HitData HLOCChart HLOCItemRenderer HLOCSeries HLOCSeriesBase HLOCSeriesItem HLOCSeriesRenderData HorizontalList HRule HScrollBar HSlider HTTPChannel HTTPRequestMessage HTTPService HTTPService HTTPStatusEvent IAccessPrivileges IAutomationObject IAutomationObjectContainer IAxis IBar IBitmapDrawable IChangeObject IChartElement IChildList ICollectionView IColumn IContainer ID3Info IDataInput IDataOutput IDataRenderer IDeferredInstance IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent IDropInListItemRenderer IDynamicPropertyOutput IDynamicPropertyWriter IEventDispatcher IExternalizable IFactory IFill IFlexAsset IFlexDisplayObject IFocusManager IFocusManagerComponent IFocusManagerContainer IFocusManagerGroup IHistoryManagerClient IIMESupport IInvalidating ILayoutManagerClient IList IListItemRenderer IllegalOperationError ILogger ILoggingTarget Image IManaged IME IMEConversionMode IMEEvent IMenuDataDescriptor IMenuItemRenderer IMessage IMXMLObject IMXMLSupport IndexChangedEvent InstanceCache int InteractiveObject InterpolationMethod InvalidCategoryError InvalidChannelError InvalidDestinationError InvalidFilterError InvalidSWFError IOError IOErrorEvent IOverride IPreloaderDisplay IPropertyChangeNotifier IRawChildrenContainer IRepeater IRepeaterClient IResponder Iris IrisInstance ISimpleStyleClient IStackable IStroke IStyleClient ISystemManager ItemClickEvent ItemPendingError ItemResponder IToolTip IToolTipManagerClient ITreeDataDescriptor IUIComponent IUID IViewCursor JointStyle Keyboard KeyboardEvent KeyLocation Label LayoutManager Legend LegendData LegendItem LegendMouseEvent Linear LinearAxis LinearGradient LinearGradientStroke LineChart LineFormattedTarget LineRenderer LineScaleMode LineSeries LineSeriesItem LineSeriesRenderData LineSeriesSegment LinkBar LinkButton LinkButtonSkin LinkSeparator List ListBase ListBaseSeekPending ListBaseSelectionData ListCollectionView ListData ListDropIndicator ListEvent ListEventReason ListItemDragProxy ListItemRenderer ListItemSelectEvent ListRowInfo Loader LoaderConfig LoaderContext LoaderInfo LoadEvent LocalConnection Locale Log LogAxis LogEvent LogEventLevel LogLogger MaskEffect MaskEffectInstance Math Matrix MBeanAttributeInfo MBeanFeatureInfo MBeanInfo MBeanOperationInfo MBeanParameterInfo MemoryError Menu MenuBar MenuBarBackgroundSkin MenuBarItem MenuEvent MenuItemRenderer MessageAckEvent MessageAgent MessageCacheItem MessageEvent MessageFaultEvent MessagePersister MessagePersisterEvent MessageResponder MessageSerializationError MessageStore MessageStoreEvent MessagingError Metadata MetadataEvent Microphone MiniDebugTarget MorphShape Mouse MouseEvent Move MoveEvent MoveInstance MovieClip MovieClipAsset MovieClipLoaderAsset Namespace NavBar NetConnection NetConnectionChannel NetStatusEvent NetStream NoChannelAvailableError NoDataAvailableError NoSuchChannelError Number NumberBase NumberBaseRoundType NumberFormatter NumberValidator NumericAxis NumericStepper NumericStepperDownSkin NumericStepperEvent NumericStepperUpSkin Object ObjectEncoding ObjectName ObjectProxy ObjectUtil Operation Operation Operation Operation PagedMessage Panel Parallel ParallelInstance Pause PauseInstance PhoneFormatter PhoneNumberValidator PieChart PieSeries PieSeriesItem PieSeriesRenderData PixelSnapping PlotChart PlotSeries PlotSeriesItem PlotSeriesRenderData Point PolarChart PolarTransform PollingChannel PopUpButton PopUpButtonSkin PopUpIcon PopUpManager PopUpManagerChildList PopUpMenuButton PopUpMenuIcon Preloader PrintDataGrid PrintJob PrintJobOptions PrintJobOrientation PriorityQueue Producer ProgrammaticSkin ProgressBar ProgressBarDirection ProgressBarLabelPlacement ProgressBarMode ProgressBarSkin ProgressEvent ProgressIndeterminateSkin ProgressTrackSkin PropertyChangeEvent PropertyChangeEventKind PropertyChanges Proxy QName Quadratic Quartic Quintic RadialGradient RadioButton RadioButtonGroup RadioButtonIcon RangeError Rectangle RectangularBorder RectangularDropShadow ReferenceError RegExp RegExpValidationResult RegExpValidator RemoteObject RemoteObject RemotingMessage RemoveChild RemoveChildAction RemoveChildActionInstance RenderData Repeater Resize ResizeEvent ResizeInstance ResourceBundle Responder ResultEvent RichTextEditor Rotate RotateInstance RoundedRectangle RPCMessage RSLEvent RTMPChannel Scene ScriptTimeoutError ScrollArrowSkin ScrollBar ScrollBarDirection ScrollControlBase ScrollEvent ScrollEventDetail ScrollEventDirection ScrollPolicy ScrollThumb ScrollThumbSkin ScrollTrackSkin SecureAMFChannel Security SecurityDomain SecurityError SecurityErrorEvent SecurityPanel Sequence SequencedMessage SequenceInstance Series SeriesEffect SeriesEffectInstance SeriesInterpolate SeriesInterpolateInstance SeriesSlide SeriesSlideInstance SeriesZoom SeriesZoomInstance SetEventHandler SetProperty SetPropertyAction SetPropertyActionInstance SetStyle SetStyleAction SetStyleActionInstance ShadowBoxItemRenderer ShadowLineRenderer Shape SharedObject SharedObjectFlushStatus SimpleButton SimpleXMLDecoder SimpleXMLEncoder Sine Slider SliderDataTip SliderDirection SliderEvent SliderEventClickTarget SliderHighlightSkin SliderLabel SliderThumb SliderThumbSkin SliderTrackSkin SOAPHeader SOAPMessage SocialSecurityValidator Socket SolidColor Sort SortError SortField Sound SoundAsset SoundChannel SoundEffect SoundEffectInstance SoundLoaderContext SoundMixer SoundTransform Spacer SpreadMethod Sprite SpriteAsset StackedSeries StackOverflowError Stage StageAlign StageQuality StageScaleMode State StateChangeEvent StaticText StatusEvent String StringUtil StringValidator Stroke StyleManager StyleSheet SwatchPanelSkin SwatchSkin SWFLoader SWFVersion SwitchSymbolFormatter SyncEvent SyntaxError System SystemManager TabBar TabNavigator TabSkin Text TextArea TextColorType TextDisplayMode TextEvent TextField TextFieldAsset TextFieldAutoSize TextFieldType TextFormat TextFormatAlign TextInput TextLineMetrics TextRange TextRenderer TextSnapshot Tile TileBase TileBaseDirection TileDirection TileListItemRenderer Timer TimerEvent TitleBackground TitleWindow ToggleButtonBar ToolTip ToolTipBorder ToolTipManager TraceTarget Transform Transition Tree TreeEvent TreeItemRenderer TreeListData TriangleItemRenderer Tween TweenEffect TweenEffectInstance TweenEvent TypeError UIComponent UIComponentCachePolicy UIComponentDescriptor UIDUtil uint UITextField UITextFormat UnresolvedConflictsError UnresolvedConflictsEvent UpdateCollectionMessage UpdateCollectionRange URIError URLLoader URLLoaderDataFormat URLRequest URLRequestHeader URLRequestMethod URLStream URLUtil URLVariables ValidationResult ValidationResultEvent Validator VBox VDividedBox VerifyError Video VideoDisplay VideoError VideoEvent ViewStack VRule VScrollBar VSlider WeakFunctionClosure WeakMethodClosure WebService WebService WedgeItemRenderer WipeDown WipeDownInstance WipeLeft WipeLeftInstance WipeRight WipeRightInstance WipeUp WipeUpInstance WSDLError XML XMLDocument XMLList XMLListCollection XMLNode XMLNodeType XMLUtil ZipCodeFormatter ZipCodeValidatorDomainType Zoom ZoomInstance + +" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis +syn match actionScriptInParen contained "[{}]" +syn region actionScriptParen transparent start="(" end=")" contains=actionScriptParen,actionScript.* +syn match actionScrParenError ")" + +if main_syntax == "actionscript" + syn sync ccomment actionScriptComment +endif + +" Define the default highlighting. +" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already +" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet +if version >= 508 || !exists("did_actionscript_syn_inits") + if version < 508 + let did_actionscript_syn_inits = 1 + command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link + else + command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link + endif + HiLink actionScriptComment Comment + HiLink actionScriptLineComment Comment + HiLink actionScriptSpecial Special + HiLink actionScriptStringS String + HiLink actionScriptStringD String + HiLink actionScriptCharacter Character + HiLink actionScriptSpecialCharacter actionScriptSpecial + HiLink actionScriptNumber actionScriptValue + HiLink actionScriptBraces Function + HiLink actionScriptError Error + HiLink actionScrParenError actionScriptError + HiLink actionScriptInParen actionScriptError + HiLink actionScriptConditional Conditional + HiLink actionScriptRepeat Repeat + HiLink actionScriptCase Label + HiLink actionScriptConstructor Operator + HiLink actionScriptObjects Operator + HiLink actionScriptStatement Statement + HiLink actionScriptFunction Function + HiLink actionScriptValue Boolean + HiLink actionScriptArray Type + HiLink actionScriptDate Type + HiLink actionScriptMath Type + HiLink actionScriptNumberObj Type + HiLink actionScriptObject Function + HiLink actionScriptString Type + HiLink actionScriptColor Type + HiLink actionScriptKey Type + HiLink actionScriptMouse Type + HiLink actionScriptSelection Type + HiLink actionScriptSound Type + HiLink actionScriptStage Type + HiLink actionScriptSystem Type + HiLink actionScriptTextFormat Type + HiLink actionScriptCommunication Type + HiLink actionScriptXMLSocket Type + HiLink actionScriptTextField Type + HiLink actionScriptMethods Statement + HiLink actionScriptException Exception + HiLink actionScriptXML Type + HiLink actionScriptArrayConstant Constant + HiLink actionScriptStringConstant Constant + HiLink actionScriptEventConstant Constant + HiLink actionScriptTextSnapshot Type + HiLink actionScriptID3 Type + HiLink actionScriptAS2 Function + HiLink actionScriptStyleSheet Type + HiLink flash8Constants Constant + HiLink flash8Functions Function + HiLink flash8Properties Type + HiLink flash8Classes Type + HiLink actionScriptInclude Include + HiLink flash9Classes Type + HiLink flash9Constants Function + HiLink flash9Functions Function + HiLink actionscriptAS3 Function + delcommand HiLink +endif + +let b:current_syntax = "actionscript" +if main_syntax == 'actionscript' + unlet main_syntax +endif + +" vim: ts=8 diff --git a/syntax/mxml.vim b/syntax/mxml.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df5c392 --- /dev/null +++ b/syntax/mxml.vim @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +" Vim syntax file +" Language: MXML (Adobe Flex 4) +" Maintainer: Abdul Qabiz +" Modified: Jaseem V V +" URL: +" Author and previous maintainer: +" Johannes Zellner +" Paul Siegmann +" Last Change: Monday, August 30, 2010 05:54 AM IST +" Filenames: *.mxml +" $Id: mxml.vim,v 1.1 2010/08/30 05:54 jaseemvv Exp $ + +" CHANGE LOG: +" Added support for highlighting Adobe Flex 4 +" +" USAGE: +" Open your _vimrc file and add the below three lines: +" autocmd BufRead *.as set filetype=actionscript +" autocmd BufRead *.mxml set filetype=mxml +" syntax on +" +" CONFIGURATION: +" syntax folding can be turned on by +" +" let g:mxml_syntax_folding = 1 +" +" before the syntax file gets loaded (e.g. in ~/.vimrc). +" This might slow down syntax highlighting significantly, +" especially for large files. +" +" CREDITS: +" The original version was derived by Johannes Zellner from +" Paul Siegmann's xml.vim. +" I have modified the file which inturn was modified by Abdul Quabiz. +" +" REFERENCES: +" [1] +" [2] +" +" +" 2.3 Common Syntactic Constructs +" [4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender +" [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)* +" +" NOTE: +" 1) empty tag delimiters "/>" inside attribute values (strings) +" confuse syntax highlighting. +" 2) for large files, folding can be pretty slow, especially when +" loading a file the first time and viewoptions contains 'folds' +" so that folds of previous sessions are applied. +" Don't use 'foldmethod=syntax' in this case. + + +" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded + +if !exists("main_syntax") + if version < 600 + syntax clear + elseif exists("b:current_syntax") + finish + endif + let main_syntax = 'mxml' +endif + +" don't use standard HiLink, it will not work with included syntax files +if version < 508 + command! -nargs=+ MXMLHiLink hi link +else + command! -nargs=+ MXMLHiLink hi def link +endif + +let s:mxml_cpo_save = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +syn case match + +" mark illegal characters +syn match xmlError "[<&]" + +" strings (inside tags) aka VALUES +" +" EXAMPLE: +" +" +" ^^^^^^^ +syn region xmlString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=xmlEntity display +syn region xmlString contained start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=xmlEntity display + + +" punctuation (within attributes) e.g. +" ^ ^ +" syn match xmlAttribPunct +[-:._]+ contained display +syn match xmlAttribPunct +[:.]+ contained display + +" no highlighting for xmlEqual (xmlEqual has no highlighting group) +syn match xmlEqual +=+ display + + +" attribute, everything before the '=' +" +" PROVIDES: @xmlAttribHook +" +" EXAMPLE: +" +" +" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +" +syn match xmlAttrib + \ +[-'"<]\@\(['">]\@!\|$\)+ + \ contained + \ contains=xmlAttribPunct,@xmlAttribHook + \ display + + +" namespace spec +" +" PROVIDES: @xmlNamespaceHook +" +" EXAMPLE: +" +" +" ^^^ +" +if exists("g:mxml_namespace_transparent") +syn match xmlNamespace + \ +\(<\|"':]\+[:]\@=+ + \ contained + \ contains=@xmlNamespaceHook + \ transparent + \ display +else +syn match xmlNamespace + \ +\(<\|"':]\+[:]\@=+ + \ contained + \ contains=@xmlNamespaceHook + \ display +endif + + +" tag name +" +" PROVIDES: @xmlTagHook +" +" EXAMPLE: +" +" +" ^^^ +" +syn match xmlTagName + \ +[<]\@<=[^ /!?<>"']\++ + \ contained + \ contains=xmlNamespace,xmlAttribPunct,@xmlTagHook + \ display + + +if exists('g:mxml_syntax_folding') + + " start tag + " use matchgroup=xmlTag to skip over the leading '<' + " + " PROVIDES: @xmlStartTagHook + " + " EXAMPLE: + " + " + " s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^e + " + syn region xmlTag + \ matchgroup=xmlTag start=+<[^ /!?<>"']\@=+ + \ matchgroup=xmlTag end=+>+ + \ contained + \ contains=xmlError,xmlTagName,xmlAttrib,xmlEqual,xmlString,@xmlStartTagHook + + + " highlight the end tag + " + " PROVIDES: @xmlTagHook + " (should we provide a separate @xmlEndTagHook ?) + " + " EXAMPLE: + " + " + " ^^^^^^ + " + syn match xmlEndTag + \ +"']\+>+ + \ contained + \ contains=xmlNamespace,xmlAttribPunct,@xmlTagHook + + + " tag elements with syntax-folding. + " NOTE: NO HIGHLIGHTING -- highlighting is done by contained elements + " + " PROVIDES: @xmlRegionHook + " + " EXAMPLE: + " + " + " + " + " + " some data + " + " + syn region xmlRegion + \ start=+<\z([^ /!?<>"']\+\)+ + \ skip=++ + \ end=++ + \ matchgroup=xmlEndTag end=+/>+ + \ fold + \ contains=xmlTag,xmlEndTag,xmlCdata,xmlRegion,xmlComment,xmlEntity,xmlProcessing,@xmlRegionHook + \ keepend + \ extend + +else + + " no syntax folding: + " - contained attribute removed + " - xmlRegion not defined + " + syn region xmlTag + \ matchgroup=xmlTag start=+<[^ /!?<>"']\@=+ + \ matchgroup=xmlTag end=+>+ + \ contains=xmlError,xmlTagName,xmlAttrib,xmlEqual,xmlString,@xmlStartTagHook + + syn match xmlEndTag + \ +"']\+>+ + \ contains=xmlNamespace,xmlAttribPunct,@xmlTagHook + +endif + + +" &entities; compare with dtd +syn match xmlEntity "&[^; \t]*;" contains=xmlEntityPunct +syn match xmlEntityPunct contained "[&.;]" + +if exists('g:mxml_syntax_folding') + + " The real comments (this implements the comments as defined by xml, + " but not all xml pages actually conform to it. Errors are flagged. + syn region xmlComment + \ start=++ + \ contains=xmlCommentPart,xmlCommentError + \ extend + \ fold + +else + + " no syntax folding: + " - fold attribute removed + " + syn region xmlComment + \ start=++ + \ contains=xmlCommentPart,xmlCommentError + \ extend + +endif + +syn keyword xmlTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX +syn match xmlCommentError contained "[^>+ + \ contains=xmlCdataStart,xmlCdataEnd,@xmlCdataHook + \ keepend + \ extend + +" using the following line instead leads to corrupt folding at CDATA regions +" syn match xmlCdata ++ contains=xmlCdataStart,xmlCdataEnd,@xmlCdataHook +syn match xmlCdataStart ++ contained + + +" Processing instructions +" This allows "?>" inside strings -- good idea? +syn region xmlProcessing matchgroup=xmlProcessingDelim start="" contains=xmlAttrib,xmlEqual,xmlString + + +if exists('g:mxml_syntax_folding') + + " DTD -- we use dtd.vim here + syn region xmlDocType matchgroup=xmlDocTypeDecl + \ start="" + \ fold + \ contains=xmlDocTypeKeyword,xmlInlineDTD,xmlString +else + + " no syntax folding: + " - fold attribute removed + " + syn region xmlDocType matchgroup=xmlDocTypeDecl + \ start="" + \ contains=xmlDocTypeKeyword,xmlInlineDTD,xmlString + +endif + +syn keyword xmlDocTypeKeyword contained DOCTYPE PUBLIC SYSTEM +syn region xmlInlineDTD contained matchgroup=xmlDocTypeDecl start="\[" end="]" contains=@xmlDTD +syn include @xmlDTD :p:h/dtd.vim +unlet b:current_syntax + + +" synchronizing +" TODO !!! to be improved !!! + +syn sync match xmlSyncDT grouphere xmlDocType +\_.\(+ + +if exists('g:mxml_syntax_folding') + syn sync match xmlSync grouphere xmlRegion +\_.\(<[^ /!?<>"']\+\)\@=+ + " syn sync match xmlSync grouphere xmlRegion "<[^ /!?<>"']*>" + syn sync match xmlSync groupthere xmlRegion +"']\+>+ +endif + +syn keyword mxmlSpecialTagName contained fx:Script fx:Style mx:Script mx:Style +if main_syntax != 'actionscript' || exists("actionscript") + " JAVA SCRIPT + syn include @mxmlScript syntax/actionscript.vim + unlet b:current_syntax + syn region Script start=+]*>+ keepend end=++me=s-1 contains=@mxmlScript,mxmlCssStyleComment,mxmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc + syn region mxmlScriptTag contained start=++ contains=htmlTagN,htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent + syn region Script start=+]*>+ keepend end=++me=s-1 contains=@mxmlScript,mxmlCssStyleComment,mxmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc + syn region mxmlScriptTag contained start=++ contains=htmlTagN,htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent + MXMLHiLink mxmlScriptTag xmlTag + + syn region mxmlEvent contained start=+\