diff --git a/vim/bundle/cute-python/README.markdown b/vim/bundle/cute-python/README.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9940c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/cute-python/README.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+This syntax file displays unicode characters for some Python operators and
+built-in functions, turning the following:
+ map (lambda x: x, [1,2,3])
+ def foo(e, a):
+ if e in [1,2,3] and not a:
+ return math.sqrt(math.pi)
+ else:
+ return sum([1,2,3])
+ map (λ x: x, [1,2,3])
+ def foo(e, a):
+ if e ∈ [1,2,3] ∧ ¬a:
+ return √(π)
+ else:
+ return ∑([1,2,3])
+*This does not – at any point – alter your source code*. It simply uses Vim's
+"conceal" feature to “hide” `in` behind `∈`, etc. Whenever the cursor is at
+a line with concealed text, the text will be expanded.
+To install, simply put `python.vim` in `~/.vim/after/syntax` or use something
+like [Pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) (recommended).
+Vim ≥ 7.3 is required.
+The branch `moresymbols` includes commits from various people that add even more
+conceal replacements. I try to maintain a healthy balance in the `master`
+branch, but if you like to conceal even more operators or don't mind slight
+inaccuracies in what mathematical symbols are used to represent, you should have
+a look at the extra symbols in the `moresymbols` branch.
+This plug-in is very much inspired by
diff --git a/vim/bundle/cute-python/after/syntax/python.vim b/vim/bundle/cute-python/after/syntax/python.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5c6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/cute-python/after/syntax/python.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+" we need the conceal feature (vim ≥ 7.3)
+if !has('conceal')
+ finish
+" remove the keywords. we'll re-add them below
+syntax clear pythonOperator
+syntax match pythonOperator "\"
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∈
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∨
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∧
+" include the space after “not” – if present – so that “not a” becomes “¬a”.
+" also, don't hide “not” behind ‘¬’ if it is after “is ”.
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "\%(is \)\@\)" conceal cchar=¬
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∉
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "<=" conceal cchar=≤
+syntax match pyNiceOperator ">=" conceal cchar=≥
+" only conceal “==” if alone, to avoid concealing SCM conflict markers
+syntax match pyNiceOperator "=\@" conceal cchar=√
+syntax match pyNiceKeyword "\<\%(math\.\)\?pi\>" conceal cchar=π
+syntax keyword pyNiceStatement lambda conceal cchar=λ
+hi link pyNiceOperator Operator
+hi link pyNiceStatement Statement
+hi link pyNiceKeyword Keyword
+hi! link Conceal Operator
+setlocal conceallevel=1
diff --git a/vim/bundle/cute-python/conceal-test.py b/vim/bundle/cute-python/conceal-test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9c744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/cute-python/conceal-test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# conceal test -- lines should match
+if a is not None: pass """
+if a is not None: pass
+if b is None: pass """
+if b is None: pass
+if 3 ∈ [1,2,3]: pass """
+if 3 in [1,2,3]: pass
+if 4 ∉ [1,2,3]: pass """
+if 4 not in [1,2,3]: pass
+if a ≡ b: pass """
+if a == b: pass
+√(7) """
+π """
+map (λ x: x, [1,2,3]) """
+map (lambda x: x, [1,2,3])
+a ∧ b """
+a and b
+a ∨ b """
+a or b
+∑([1,2,3]) """
+if a ≢ b: pass """
+if a != b: pass
+if a ≥ b: pass """
+if a >= b: pass
+if a ≤ b: pass """
+if a <= b: pass
+if e ∈ [1,2,3] ∧ ¬a: """
+if e in [1,2,3] and not a: