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163 lines
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163 lines
5.3 KiB
10 years ago
" Language: Rust
" Description: Vim syntax file for Rust
" Maintainer: Chris Morgan <>
" Maintainer: Kevin Ballard <>
" Last Change: January 29, 2015
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Variables {{{1
" The rust source code at present seems to typically omit a leader on /*!
" comments, so we'll use that as our default, but make it easy to switch.
" This does not affect indentation at all (I tested it with and without
" leader), merely whether a leader is inserted by default or not.
if exists("g:rust_bang_comment_leader") && g:rust_bang_comment_leader == 1
" Why is the `,s0:/*,mb:\ ,ex:*/` there, you ask? I don't understand why,
" but without it, */ gets indented one space even if there were no
" leaders. I'm fairly sure that's a Vim bug.
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,s0:/*,mb:\ ,ex:*/,:///,://!,://
setlocal comments=s0:/*!,m:\ ,ex:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,:///,://!,://
setlocal commentstring=//%s
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croqnl
" j was only added in 7.3.541, so stop complaints about its nonexistence
silent! setlocal formatoptions+=j
" smartindent will be overridden by indentexpr if filetype indent is on, but
" otherwise it's better than nothing.
setlocal smartindent nocindent
if !exists("g:rust_recommended_style") || g:rust_recommended_style == 1
setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab
setlocal textwidth=99
" This includeexpr isn't perfect, but it's a good start
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'::','/','g')
" NOT adding .rc as it's being phased out (0.7)
if exists("g:ftplugin_rust_source_path")
let &l:path=g:ftplugin_rust_source_path . ',' . &l:path
if exists("g:loaded_delimitMate")
if exists("b:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
let b:rust_original_delimitMate_excluded_regions = b:delimitMate_excluded_regions
let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions = delimitMate#Get("excluded_regions") . ',rustLifetimeCandidate,rustGenericLifetimeCandidate'
if has("folding") && exists('g:rust_fold') && g:rust_fold != 0
let b:rust_set_foldmethod=1
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
if g:rust_fold == 2
setlocal foldlevel<
setlocal foldlevel=99
if has('conceal') && exists('g:rust_conceal')
let b:rust_set_conceallevel=1
setlocal conceallevel=2
" Motion Commands {{{1
" Bind motion commands to support hanging indents
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :call rust#Jump('n', 'Back')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call rust#Jump('n', 'Forward')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :call rust#Jump('v', 'Back')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call rust#Jump('v', 'Forward')<CR>
onoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :call rust#Jump('o', 'Back')<CR>
onoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call rust#Jump('o', 'Forward')<CR>
" %-matching. <:> is handy for generics.
set matchpairs+=<:>
" There are two minor issues with it; (a) comparison operators in expressions,
" where a less-than may match a greater-than later on—this is deemed a trivial
" issue—and (b) `Fn() -> X` syntax. This latter issue is irremediable from the
" highlighting perspective (built into Vim), but the actual % functionality
" can be fixed by this use of matchit.vim.
let b:match_skip = 's:comment\|string\|rustArrow'
source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim
" Commands {{{1
" See |:RustRun| for docs
command! -nargs=* -complete=file -bang -buffer RustRun call rust#Run(<bang>0, <q-args>)
" See |:RustExpand| for docs
command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,rust#CompleteExpand -bang -buffer RustExpand call rust#Expand(<bang>0, <q-args>)
" See |:RustEmitIr| for docs
command! -nargs=* -buffer RustEmitIr call rust#Emit("llvm-ir", <q-args>)
" See |:RustEmitAsm| for docs
command! -nargs=* -buffer RustEmitAsm call rust#Emit("asm", <q-args>)
" Mappings {{{1
" Bind ⌘R in MacVim to :RustRun
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <D-r> :RustRun<CR>
" Bind ⌘⇧R in MacVim to :RustRun! pre-filled with the last args
nnoremap <buffer> <D-R> :RustRun! <C-r>=join(b:rust_last_rustc_args)<CR><C-\>erust#AppendCmdLine(' -- ' . join(b:rust_last_args))<CR>
if !exists("b:rust_last_rustc_args") || !exists("b:rust_last_args")
let b:rust_last_rustc_args = []
let b:rust_last_args = []
" Cleanup {{{1
let b:undo_ftplugin = "
\ setlocal formatoptions< comments< commentstring< includeexpr< suffixesadd<
\|setlocal tabstop< shiftwidth< softtabstop< expandtab< textwidth<
\|if exists('b:rust_original_delimitMate_excluded_regions')
\|let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions = b:rust_original_delimitMate_excluded_regions
\|unlet b:rust_original_delimitMate_excluded_regions
\|unlet! b:delimitMate_excluded_regions
\|if exists('b:rust_set_foldmethod')
\|setlocal foldmethod< foldlevel<
\|unlet b:rust_set_foldmethod
\|if exists('b:rust_set_conceallevel')
\|setlocal conceallevel<
\|unlet b:rust_set_conceallevel
\|unlet! b:rust_last_rustc_args b:rust_last_args
\|delcommand RustRun
\|delcommand RustExpand
\|delcommand RustEmitIr
\|delcommand RustEmitAsm
\|nunmap <buffer> <D-r>
\|nunmap <buffer> <D-R>
\|nunmap <buffer> [[
\|nunmap <buffer> ]]
\|xunmap <buffer> [[
\|xunmap <buffer> ]]
\|ounmap <buffer> [[
\|ounmap <buffer> ]]
\|set matchpairs-=<:>
\|unlet b:match_skip
" }}}1
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: