You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
295 lines
11 KiB
295 lines
11 KiB
11 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
"""Wrapper functionality around the functions we need from Vim."""
import re
import vim # pylint:disable=import-error
from vim import error # pylint:disable=import-error,unused-import
from UltiSnips.compatibility import col2byte, byte2col, \
as_unicode, as_vimencoding
from UltiSnips.position import Position
class VimBuffer(object):
"""Wrapper around the current Vim buffer."""
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if isinstance(idx, slice): # Py3
return self.__getslice__(idx.start, idx.stop)
rv = vim.current.buffer[idx]
return as_unicode(rv)
def __getslice__(self, i, j): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
rv = vim.current.buffer[i:j]
return [as_unicode(l) for l in rv]
def __setitem__(self, idx, text):
if isinstance(idx, slice): # Py3
return self.__setslice__(idx.start, idx.stop, text)
vim.current.buffer[idx] = as_vimencoding(text)
def __setslice__(self, i, j, text): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
vim.current.buffer[i:j] = [as_vimencoding(l) for l in text]
def __len__(self):
return len(vim.current.buffer)
def line_till_cursor(self): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
"""Returns the text before the cursor."""
# Note: we want byte position here
_, col = vim.current.window.cursor
line = vim.current.line
before = as_unicode(line[:col])
return before
def number(self): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
"""The bufnr() of this buffer."""
return int(eval("bufnr('%')"))
def cursor(self): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
The current windows cursor. Note that this is 0 based in col and 0
based in line which is different from Vim's cursor.
line, nbyte = vim.current.window.cursor
col = byte2col(line, nbyte)
return Position(line - 1, col)
def cursor(self, pos): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
"""See getter."""
nbyte = col2byte(pos.line + 1, pos.col)
vim.current.window.cursor = pos.line + 1, nbyte
buf = VimBuffer() # pylint:disable=invalid-name
def escape(inp):
"""Creates a vim-friendly string from a group of
dicts, lists and strings."""
def conv(obj):
"""Convert obj."""
if isinstance(obj, list):
rv = as_unicode('[' + ','.join(conv(o) for o in obj) + ']')
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
rv = as_unicode('{' + ','.join([
"%s:%s" % (conv(key), conv(value))
for key, value in obj.iteritems()]) + '}')
rv = as_unicode('"%s"') % as_unicode(obj).replace('"', '\\"')
return rv
return conv(inp)
def command(cmd):
"""Wraps vim.command."""
return as_unicode(vim.command(as_vimencoding(cmd)))
def eval(text):
"""Wraps vim.eval."""
rv = vim.eval(as_vimencoding(text))
if not isinstance(rv, (dict, list)):
return as_unicode(rv)
return rv
def feedkeys(keys, mode='n'):
"""Wrapper around vim's feedkeys function. Mainly for convenience."""
command(as_unicode(r'call feedkeys("%s", "%s")') % (keys, mode))
def new_scratch_buffer(text):
"""Create a new scratch buffer with the text given"""
vim.command("botright new")
vim.command("set ft=")
vim.command("set buftype=nofile")
vim.current.buffer[:] = text.splitlines()
def select(start, end):
"""Select the span in Select mode"""
delta = end - start
lineno, col = start.line, start.col
col = col2byte(lineno + 1, col)
vim.current.window.cursor = lineno + 1, col
move_cmd = ""
if eval("mode()") != 'n':
move_cmd += r"\<Esc>"
# Case 1: Zero Length Tabstops
if delta.line == delta.col == 0:
if col == 0 or eval("mode()") not in 'i' and \
col < len(buf[lineno]):
move_cmd += "i"
move_cmd += "a"
# Case 2a: Non zero length
# If a tabstop immediately starts with a newline, the selection must
# start after the last character in the current line. But if we are in
# insert mode and <Esc> out of it, we cannot go past the last character
# with move_one_right and therefore cannot visual-select this newline.
# We have to hack around this by adding an extra space which we can
# select. Note that this problem could be circumvent by selecting the
# tab backwards (that is starting at the end); one would not need to
# modify the line for this. This creates other trouble though
if col >= len(buf[lineno]):
buf[lineno] += " "
if delta.line:
move_lines = "%ij" % delta.line
move_lines = ""
# Depending on the current mode and position, we
# might need to move escape out of the mode and this
# will move our cursor one left
if col != 0 and eval("mode()") == 'i':
move_one_right = "l"
move_one_right = ""
# After moving to the correct line, we go back to column 0
# and select right from there. Note that the we have to select
# one column less since Vim's visual selection is including the
# ending while Python slicing is excluding the ending.
inclusive = "inclusive" in eval("&selection")
if end.col == 0:
# Selecting should end at beginning of line -> Select the
# previous line till its end
do_select = "k$"
if not inclusive:
do_select += "j0"
elif end.col > 1:
do_select = "0%il" % (end.col-1 if inclusive else end.col)
do_select = "0" if inclusive else "0l"
move_cmd += _LangMapTranslator().translate(
r"%sv%s%s\<c-g>" % (move_one_right, move_lines, do_select)
def _unmap_select_mode_mapping():
"""This function unmaps select mode mappings if so wished by the user.
Removes select mode mappings that can actually be typed by the user
(ie, ignores things like <Plug>).
if int(eval("g:UltiSnipsRemoveSelectModeMappings")):
ignores = eval("g:UltiSnipsMappingsToIgnore") + ['UltiSnips']
for option in ("<buffer>", ""):
# Put all smaps into a var, and then read the var
command(r"redir => _tmp_smaps | silent smap %s " % option +
"| redir END")
# Check if any mappings where found
all_maps = list(filter(len, eval(r"_tmp_smaps").splitlines()))
if len(all_maps) == 1 and all_maps[0][0] not in " sv":
# "No maps found". String could be localized. Hopefully
# it doesn't start with any of these letters in any
# language
# Only keep mappings that should not be ignored
maps = [m for m in all_maps if
not any(i in m for i in ignores) and len(m.strip())]
for map in maps:
# The first three chars are the modes, that might be listed.
# We are not interested in them here.
trig = map[3:].split()[0] if len(map[3:].split()) != 0 else None
if trig is None:
# The bar separates commands
if trig[-1] == "|":
trig = trig[:-1] + "<Bar>"
# Special ones
if trig[0] == "<":
add = False
# Only allow these
for valid in ["Tab", "NL", "CR", "C-Tab", "BS"]:
if trig == "<%s>" % valid:
add = True
if not add:
# UltiSnips remaps <BS>. Keep this around.
if trig == "<BS>":
# Actually unmap it
command("silent! sunmap %s %s" % (option, trig))
except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
# Bug 908139: ignore unmaps that fail because of
# unprintable characters. This is not ideal because we
# will not be able to unmap lhs with any unprintable
# character. If the lhs stats with a printable
# character this will leak to the user when he tries to
# type this character as a first in a selected tabstop.
# This case should be rare enough to not bother us
# though.
class _RealLangMapTranslator(object):
"""This cares for the Vim langmap option and basically reverses the
mappings. This was the only solution to get UltiSnips to work nicely with
langmap; other stuff I tried was using inoremap movement commands and
caching and restoring the langmap option.
Note that this will not work if the langmap overwrites a character
completely, for example if 'j' is remapped, but nothing is mapped back to
'j', then moving one line down is no longer possible and UltiSnips will
_maps = {}
_SEMICOLONS = re.compile(r"(?<!\\);")
_COMMA = re.compile(r"(?<!\\),")
def _create_translation(self, langmap):
"""Create the reverse mapping from 'langmap'."""
from_chars, to_chars = "", ""
for char in self._COMMA.split(langmap):
char = char.replace("\\,", ",")
res = self._SEMICOLONS.split(char)
if len(res) > 1:
from_char, to_char = [a.replace("\\;", ";") for a in res]
from_chars += from_char
to_chars += to_char
from_chars += char[::2]
to_chars += char[1::2]
self._maps[langmap] = (from_chars, to_chars)
def translate(self, text):
"""Inverse map 'text' through langmap."""
langmap = eval("&langmap").strip()
if langmap == "":
return text
text = as_unicode(text)
if langmap not in self._maps:
for before, after in zip(*self._maps[langmap]):
text = text.replace(before, after)
return text
class _DummyLangMapTranslator(object):
"""If vim hasn't got the langmap compiled in, we never have to do anything.
Then this class is used. """
translate = lambda self, s: s
_LangMapTranslator = _RealLangMapTranslator
if not int(eval('has("langmap")')):
_LangMapTranslator = _DummyLangMapTranslator