227 lines
9.6 KiB
227 lines
9.6 KiB
8 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
"""Commands to compare text objects and to guess how to transform from one to
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
from UltiSnips import _vim
from UltiSnips.position import Position
def is_complete_edit(initial_line, original, wanted, cmds):
"""Returns true if 'original' is changed to 'wanted' with the edit commands
in 'cmds'.
Initial line is to change the line numbers in 'cmds'.
buf = original[:]
for cmd in cmds:
ctype, line, col, char = cmd
line -= initial_line
if ctype == 'D':
if char != '\n':
buf[line] = buf[line][:col] + buf[line][col + len(char):]
if line + 1 < len(buf):
buf[line] = buf[line] + buf[line + 1]
del buf[line + 1]
del buf[line]
elif ctype == 'I':
buf[line] = buf[line][:col] + char + buf[line][col:]
buf = '\n'.join(buf).split('\n')
return (len(buf) == len(wanted) and
all(j == k for j, k in zip(buf, wanted)))
def guess_edit(initial_line, last_text, current_text, vim_state):
"""Try to guess what the user might have done by heuristically looking at
cursor movement, number of changed lines and if they got longer or shorter.
This will detect most simple movements like insertion, deletion of a line
or carriage return. 'initial_text' is the index of where the comparison
starts, 'last_text' is the last text of the snippet, 'current_text' is the
current text of the snippet and 'vim_state' is the cached vim state.
Returns (True, edit_cmds) when the edit could be guessed, (False,
None) otherwise.
if not len(last_text) and not len(current_text):
return True, ()
pos = vim_state.pos
ppos = vim_state.ppos
# All text deleted?
if (len(last_text) and
(not current_text or
(len(current_text) == 1 and not current_text[0]))
es = []
if not current_text:
current_text = ['']
for i in last_text:
es.append(('D', initial_line, 0, i))
es.append(('D', initial_line, 0, '\n'))
es.pop() # Remove final \n because it is not really removed
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text, current_text, es):
return True, es
if ppos.mode == 'v': # Maybe selectmode?
sv = list(map(int, _vim.eval("""getpos("'<")""")))
sv = Position(sv[1] - 1, sv[2] - 1)
ev = list(map(int, _vim.eval("""getpos("'>")""")))
ev = Position(ev[1] - 1, ev[2] - 1)
if 'exclusive' in _vim.eval('&selection'):
ppos.col -= 1 # We want to be inclusive, sorry.
ev.col -= 1
es = []
if sv.line == ev.line:
es.append(('D', sv.line, sv.col,
last_text[sv.line - initial_line][sv.col:ev.col + 1]))
if sv != pos and sv.line == pos.line:
es.append(('I', sv.line, sv.col,
current_text[sv.line - initial_line][sv.col:pos.col + 1]))
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text, current_text, es):
return True, es
if pos.line == ppos.line:
if len(last_text) == len(current_text): # Movement only in one line
llen = len(last_text[ppos.line - initial_line])
clen = len(current_text[pos.line - initial_line])
if ppos < pos and clen > llen: # maybe only chars have been added
es = (
('I', ppos.line, ppos.col,
current_text[ppos.line - initial_line]
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text, current_text, es):
return True, es
if clen < llen:
if ppos == pos: # 'x' or DEL or dt or something
es = (
('D', pos.line, pos.col,
last_text[ppos.line - initial_line]
[ppos.col:ppos.col + (llen - clen)]),
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text,
current_text, es):
return True, es
if pos < ppos: # Backspacing or dT dF?
es = (
('D', pos.line, pos.col,
last_text[pos.line - initial_line]
[pos.col:pos.col + llen - clen]),
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text,
current_text, es):
return True, es
elif len(current_text) < len(last_text):
# where some lines deleted? (dd or so)
es = []
for i in range(len(last_text) - len(current_text)):
es.append(('D', pos.line, 0,
last_text[pos.line - initial_line + i]))
es.append(('D', pos.line, 0, '\n'))
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text,
current_text, es):
return True, es
# Movement in more than one line
if ppos.line + 1 == pos.line and pos.col == 0: # Carriage return?
es = (('I', ppos.line, ppos.col, '\n'),)
if is_complete_edit(initial_line, last_text,
current_text, es):
return True, es
return False, None
def diff(a, b, sline=0):
Return a list of deletions and insertions that will turn 'a' into 'b'. This
is done by traversing an implicit edit graph and searching for the shortest
route. The basic idea is as follows:
- Matching a character is free as long as there was no
deletion/insertion before. Then, matching will be seen as delete +
insert [1].
- Deleting one character has the same cost everywhere. Each additional
character costs only have of the first deletion.
- Insertion is cheaper the earlier it happens. The first character is
more expensive that any later [2].
[1] This is that world -> aolsa will be "D" world + "I" aolsa instead of
"D" w , "D" rld, "I" a, "I" lsa
[2] This is that "hello\n\n" -> "hello\n\n\n" will insert a newline after
hello and not after \n
d = defaultdict(list) # pylint:disable=invalid-name
seen = defaultdict(lambda: sys.maxsize)
d[0] = [(0, 0, sline, 0, ())]
cost = 0
deletion_cost = len(a) + len(b)
insertion_cost = len(a) + len(b)
while True:
while len(d[cost]):
x, y, line, col, what = d[cost].pop()
if a[x:] == b[y:]:
return what
if x < len(a) and y < len(b) and a[x] == b[y]:
ncol = col + 1
nline = line
if a[x] == '\n':
ncol = 0
nline += 1
lcost = cost + 1
if (what and what[-1][0] == 'D' and what[-1][1] == line and
what[-1][2] == col and a[x] != '\n'):
# Matching directly after a deletion should be as costly as
# DELETE + INSERT + a bit
lcost = (deletion_cost + insertion_cost) * 1.5
if seen[x + 1, y + 1] > lcost:
d[lcost].append((x + 1, y + 1, nline, ncol, what))
seen[x + 1, y + 1] = lcost
if y < len(b): # INSERT
ncol = col + 1
nline = line
if b[y] == '\n':
ncol = 0
nline += 1
if (what and what[-1][0] == 'I' and what[-1][1] == nline and
what[-1][2] + len(what[-1][-1]) == col and b[y] != '\n' and
seen[x, y + 1] > cost + (insertion_cost + ncol) // 2
seen[x, y + 1] = cost + (insertion_cost + ncol) // 2
d[cost + (insertion_cost + ncol) // 2].append(
(x, y + 1, line, ncol, what[:-1] + (
('I', what[-1][1], what[-1][2],
what[-1][-1] + b[y]),)
elif seen[x, y + 1] > cost + insertion_cost + ncol:
seen[x, y + 1] = cost + insertion_cost + ncol
d[cost + ncol + insertion_cost].append((x, y + 1, nline, ncol,
what + (('I', line, col, b[y]),))
if x < len(a): # DELETE
if (what and what[-1][0] == 'D' and what[-1][1] == line and
what[-1][2] == col and a[x] != '\n' and
what[-1][-1] != '\n' and
seen[x + 1, y] > cost + deletion_cost // 2
seen[x + 1, y] = cost + deletion_cost // 2
d[cost + deletion_cost // 2].append(
(x + 1, y, line, col, what[:-1] + (
('D', line, col, what[-1][-1] + a[x]),))
elif seen[x + 1, y] > cost + deletion_cost:
seen[x + 1, y] = cost + deletion_cost
d[cost + deletion_cost].append((x + 1, y, line, col, what +
(('D', line, col, a[x]),))
cost += 1