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75 lines
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75 lines
3.4 KiB
9 years ago
cleanup () {
alias nvm_has='\nvm_has'
alias npm='\npm'
unset -f nvm_has npm
die () { echo $@ ; exit 1; }
. ../../../
OUTPUT="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT="First argument \"delete the prefix\" must be zero or one"
EXIT_CODE="$(nvm_die_on_prefix >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix' did not error with '$EXPECTED_OUTPUT'; got '$OUTPUT'"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_1" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix' did not exit with 1; got "$EXIT_CODE""
OUTPUT="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 2 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT="First argument \"delete the prefix\" must be zero or one"
EXIT_CODE="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 2 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix 2' did not error with '$EXPECTED_OUTPUT'; got '$OUTPUT'"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_1" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix' did not exit with 1; got "$EXIT_CODE""
OUTPUT="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 0 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT="Second argument \"nvm command\" must be nonempty"
EXIT_CODE="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 0 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix 0' did not error with '$EXPECTED_OUTPUT'; got '$OUTPUT'"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_2" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix 0' did not exit with 2; got '$EXIT_CODE'"
nvm_has() { return 1; } # ie, npm is not installed
OUTPUT="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo 2>&1)"
[ -z "$OUTPUT" ] || die "nvm_die_on_prefix was not a noop when nvm_has returns 1, got '$OUTPUT'"
nvm_has() { return 0; }
npm() {
local args
if [ "_$args" = "_config get prefix" ]; then
echo "$(nvm_version_dir new)/good prefix"
OUTPUT="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo 2>&1)"
[ -z "$OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix' was not a noop when prefix is good; got '$OUTPUT'"
OUTPUT="$(PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT='nvm is not compatible with the "PREFIX" environment variable: currently set to "bar"
Run `unset PREFIX` to unset it.'
EXIT_CODE="$(PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo' did not error with '$EXPECTED_OUTPUT'; got '$OUTPUT'"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_3" ] || die "'PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo' did not exit with 3; got '$EXIT_CODE'"
OUTPUT="$(NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT='nvm is not compatible with the "NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX" environment variable: currently set to "bar"
Run `unset NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX` to unset it.'
EXIT_CODE="$(NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo' did not error with '$EXPECTED_OUTPUT'; got '$OUTPUT'"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_4" ] || die "'NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=bar nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo' did not exit with 4; got '$EXIT_CODE'"
npm() {
local args
if [ "_$args" = "_config get prefix" ]; then
echo "./bad prefix"
OUTPUT="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT="nvm is not compatible with the npm config \"prefix\" option: currently set to \"./bad prefix\"
Run \`npm config delete prefix\` or \`foo\` to unset it."
EXIT_CODE="$(nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo' did not error with '$EXPECTED_OUTPUT' with bad prefix set; got '$OUTPUT'"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_10" ] || die "'nvm_die_on_prefix 0 foo' did not exit with 10 with bad prefix set; got '$EXIT_CODE'"