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183 lines
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183 lines
10 KiB
11 years ago
" Vim syntax file
" Language: SCSS (Sassy CSS)
" Author: Daniel Hofstetter (
" URL:
" Last Change: 2013-12-26
" Inspired by the syntax files for sass and css. Thanks to the authors of
" those files!
if !exists("main_syntax")
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'scss'
runtime! syntax/css.vim
runtime! syntax/css/*.vim
syn case ignore
" XXX fix for #20, can be removed once the patch is in vim's css.vim
syn match cssSpecialCharQQ +\\\\\|\\"+ contained
syn match cssSpecialCharQ +\\\\\|\\'+ contained
syn region scssDefinition matchgroup=cssBraces start='{' end='}' contains=cssComment,cssInclude,scssComment,scssDefinition,scssProperty,scssSelector,scssVariable,scssImport,scssExtend,scssInclude,@scssControl,scssWarn containedin=cssMediaBlock
syn match scssSelector "^\s*\zs\([^:@]\|:[^ ]\)\+{\@=" contained contains=@scssSelectors
syn match scssSelector "^\s*\zs\([^:@{]\|:[^ ]\)\+\_$" contained contains=@scssSelectors
syn cluster scssSelectors contains=cssTagName,cssPseudoClass,cssAttributeSelector,scssSelectorChar,scssAmpersand,scssInterpolation
syn match scssProperty "\([[:alnum:]-]\)\+\s*\(: \)\@=" contained contains=css.*Prop,cssVendor containedin=cssMediaBlock nextgroup=scssAttribute,scssAttributeWithNestedDefinition
syn match scssAttribute ":[^;]*;" contained contains=css.*Attr,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssFunction,cssString.*,cssURL,scssFunction,scssInterpolation,scssVariable
syn match scssAttributeWithNestedDefinition ": [^#]*{\@=" nextgroup=scssNestedDefinition contained contains=cssValue.*,scssVariable
syn region scssNestedDefinition matchgroup=cssBraces start="{" end="}" contained contains=cssComment,scssComment,scssProperty,scssNestedProperty
" CSS properties from
" align
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained content items self nextgroup=scssAttribute
" animation
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained delay direction duration fill-mode iteration-count name play-state timing-function nextgroup=scssAttribute
" background
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained attachment clip color image origin position repeat size nextgroup=scssAttribute
" border
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained bottom bottom-color bottom-left-radius bottom-right-radius bottom-style bottom-width nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained collapse color nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained image image-outset image-repeat image-slice image-source image-width nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained left left-color left-style left-width nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained radius nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained right right-color right-style right-width nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained spacing style nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained top top-color top-left-radius top-right-radius top-style top-width nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained width nextgroup=scssAttribute
" box
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained decoration-break shadow sizing nextgroup=scssAttribute
" break
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained after before inside nextgroup=scssAttribute
" column
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained count fill gap rule rule-color rule-style rule-width span width nextgroup=scssAttribute
" counter
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained increment reset nextgroup=scssAttribute
" flex
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained basis direction flow grow shrink wrap nextgroup=scssAttribute
" font
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained family feature-settings kerning language-override size size-adjust stretch style synthesis nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained variant variant-alternates variant-caps variant-east-asian variant-ligatures variant-numeric variant-position nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained weight nextgroup=scssAttribute
" image
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained rendering resolution orientation nextgroup=scssAttribute
" list
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained style style-image style-position style-type nextgroup=scssAttribute
" margin/padding
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained bottom left right top nextgroup=scssAttribute
" max/min
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained height width nextgroup=scssAttribute
" nav
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained down index left right up nextgroup=scssAttribute
" object
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained fit position nextgroup=scssAttribute
" outline
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained color offset style width nextgroup=scssAttribute
" overflow
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained wrap x y nextgroup=scssAttribute
" page
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained break-after break-before break-inside nextgroup=scssAttribute
" text
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained align align-last combine-horizontal nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained decoration decoration-color decoration-line decoration-style nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained indent orientation overflow rendering shadow transform underline-position nextgroup=scssAttribute
" transform
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained origin style nextgroup=scssAttribute
" transition
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained delay duration property timing-function nextgroup=scssAttribute
" unicode
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained bidi range nextgroup=scssAttribute
" word
syn keyword scssNestedProperty contained break spacing wrap nextgroup=scssAttribute
syn region scssInterpolation matchgroup=scssInterpolationDelimiter start="#{" end="}" contains=cssValue.*,cssColor,cssString.*,scssFunction,scssVariable containedin=cssString.*,cssURL,scssFunction
" ignores the url() function so it can be handled by css.vim
syn region scssFunction contained matchgroup=scssFunctionName start="\<\(url(\)\@!\([[:alnum:]-]\)\+\s*(" end=")" oneline keepend extend containedin=cssMediaType
syn match scssParameterList ".*" contained containedin=cssFunction,scssFunction contains=css.*Attr,cssColor,cssString.*,cssValue.*,scssFunction,scssVariable
syn match scssVariable "$[[:alnum:]_-]\+" containedin=cssFunction,scssFunction,cssMediaType nextgroup=scssVariableAssignment skipwhite
syn match scssVariableAssignment ":" contained nextgroup=scssVariableValue skipwhite
syn match scssVariableValue "[^;)]\+[;)]\@=" contained contains=css.*Attr,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssFunction,cssString.*,cssURL,scssDefault,scssFunction,scssInterpolation,scssNull,scssVariable
syn keyword scssNull null contained;
syn match scssMixin "^@mixin" nextgroup=scssMixinName skipwhite
syn match scssMixinName "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained nextgroup=scssDefinition,scssMixinParams
syn region scssMixinParams contained contains=cssColor,cssValue.*,cssString.*,scssVariable,scssFunction start="(" end=")" oneline extend
syn match scssInclude "@include" nextgroup=scssMixinName skipwhite containedin=cssMediaBlock
syn match scssContent "@content" contained containedin=scssDefinition
syn match scssFunctionDefinition "^@function" nextgroup=scssFunctionName skipwhite
syn match scssFunctionName "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained nextgroup=scssFunctionParams
syn region scssFunctionParams contained start="(" end=")" nextgroup=scssFunctionBody contains=scssVariable skipwhite
syn region scssFunctionBody contained matchgroup=cssBraces start="{" end="}" contains=cssString.*,cssValue.*,scssVariable,scssReturn,scssFunction
syn match scssReturn "@return" contained
syn match scssExtend "@extend" nextgroup=scssExtendedSelector skipwhite containedin=cssMediaBlock
syn match scssExtendedSelector "[^ ;]\+" contained contains=cssTagName,cssPseudoClass,scssSelectorChar nextgroup=scssOptional skipwhite
syn match scssOptional "!optional" contained
syn match scssImport "@import" nextgroup=scssImportList
syn match scssImportList "[^;]\+" contained contains=cssString.*,cssMediaType,cssURL
syn match scssSelectorChar "\(#\|\.\|%\)\([[:alnum:]_-]\|#{.*}\)\@=" nextgroup=scssSelectorName containedin=cssMediaBlock
syn match scssSelectorName "\([[:alnum:]_-]\|#{[^}]*}\)\+" contained contains=scssInterpolation
syn match scssAmpersand "&" nextgroup=cssPseudoClass
syn match scssDebug "@debug" nextgroup=scssOutput
syn match scssWarn "@warn" nextgroup=scssOutput
syn match scssOutput "[^;]\+" contained contains=cssValue.*,cssString.*,scssFunction,scssVariable
syn match scssDefault "!default" contained
syn match scssIf "@\=if" nextgroup=scssCondition
syn match scssCondition "[^{]\+" contained contains=cssValue.*,cssString.*,scssFunction,scssNull,scssVariable
syn match scssElse "@else" nextgroup=scssIf
syn match scssElse "@else\(\s*\({\|$\)\)\@="
syn match scssWhile "@while" nextgroup=scssCondition
syn match scssFor "@for\s\+.*from\s\+.*\(to\|through\)\s\+[^{ ]\+" contains=cssValueNumber,scssFunction,scssVariable,scssForKeyword
syn match scssForKeyword "@for\|from\|to\|through" contained
syn region scssEach matchgroup=scssEachKeyword start="@each" end="in" contains=scssVariable nextgroup=scssList
syn match scssList "[^{]\+" contained contains=scssFunction,scssVariable
syn cluster scssControl contains=scssIf,scssElse,scssWhile,scssFor,scssEach
syn match scssComment "//.*$" contains=@Spell
syn keyword scssTodo TODO FIXME NOTE OPTIMIZE XXX contained containedin=cssComment,scssComment
hi def link scssNestedProperty cssProp
hi def link scssVariable Identifier
hi def link scssNull Constant
hi def link scssMixin PreProc
hi def link scssMixinName Function
hi def link scssContent PreProc
hi def link scssFunctionDefinition PreProc
hi def link scssFunctionName Function
hi def link scssReturn Statement
hi def link scssInclude PreProc
hi def link scssExtend PreProc
hi def link scssOptional Special
hi def link scssComment Comment
hi def link scssSelectorChar Special
hi def link scssSelectorName Identifier
hi def link scssAmpersand Character
hi def link scssDebug Debug
hi def link scssWarn Debug
hi def link scssDefault Special
hi def link scssIf Conditional
hi def link scssElse Conditional
hi def link scssWhile Repeat
hi def link scssForKeyword Repeat
hi def link scssEachKeyword Repeat
hi def link scssInterpolationDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link scssImport Include
hi def link scssTodo Todo
let b:current_syntax = "scss"
if main_syntax == 'scss'
unlet main_syntax