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dot-files/nvm/test/slow/nvm exec/Running "nvm exec 0.x" shou...

16 lines
497 B

die () { echo $@ ; exit 1; }
. ../../../
nvm use 0.10
NPM_VERSION_TEN="$(npm --version)"
TEST_STRING="foo bar"
nvm use 0.11.7 && [ "$(node --version)" = "v0.11.7" ] || die "\`nvm use\` failed!"
[ "$(nvm exec 0.10 npm --version | tail -1)" = "$NPM_VERSION_TEN" ] || die "`nvm exec` failed to run with the correct version"
[ "$(nvm exec 0.10 bash -c "printf '$TEST_STRING'" | tail -1)" = "$TEST_STRING" ] || die "`nvm exec` failed to run with the command include white-spaces"