var expect = require('expect'); var utils = require('../lib/utils'); var assign = utils.assign; var forEach = utils.forEach; var isArray = utils.isArray; var isFunction = utils.isFunction; var isRegExp = utils.isRegExp; var isString = utils.isString; var noop = utils.noop; function SomeClass (foo) { = foo; } = 'asdf'; describe('utils', function () { it('→ exists', function () { expect(utils).toBeDefined(); }); describe('→ noop', function () { it('→ is a function', function () { expect(noop).toBeInstanceOf(Function); }); }); describe('→ isString', function () { it('→ true for strings', function () { expect(isString('is string')).toBe(true); }); it('→ false for not strings', function () { expect(isString(/is string/)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('→ isRegExp', function () { it('→ true for regex', function () { expect(isRegExp(/some regex/)).toBe(true); }); it('→ false for strings', function () { expect(isRegExp('some string')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('→ isArray', function () { it('→ true for array', function () { expect(isArray([])).toBe(true); }); it('→ false for regex', function () { expect(isArray(/some regex/)).toBe(false); }); it('→ false for strings', function () { expect(isArray('some string')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('→ isFunction', function () { it('→ true for function', function () { expect(isFunction(function () {})).toBe(true); }); it('→ false for array', function () { expect(isFunction([])).toBe(false); }); it('→ false for regex', function () { expect(isFunction(/some regex/)).toBe(false); }); it('→ false for strings', function () { expect(isFunction('some string')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('→ forEach', function () { it('→ does not call properties on prototype', function () { var count = 0; forEach(new SomeClass(123), function (key, value) { count += 1; expect(key).toBe('foo'); expect(value).toBe(123); }); expect(count).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('→ assign', function () { it('→ adds properties to dest', function () { var dest = {}; var src = {foo: 123, bar: 'asdf'}; assign(dest, src); expect(dest).toEqual({foo: 123, bar: 'asdf'}); }); it('→ overrides properties to dest', function () { var dest = {foo: 456, bar: 'qwerty', blah: /foo/}; var src = {foo: 123, bar: 'asdf'}; assign(dest, src); expect(dest).toEqual({foo: 123, bar: 'asdf', blah: /foo/}); }); it('→ does not overrides properties on prototype', function () { var dest = {foo: 456, bar: 'qwerty', blah: /foo/}; assign(dest, new SomeClass(123)); expect(dest).toEqual({foo: 123, bar: 'qwerty', blah: /foo/}); }); }); });