# routing-buddy Yet another routing library in JavaScript. This project was created after looking at and trying several JavaScript routing libraries out there and not finding one that really worked that way I wanted it to work. I wanted a library that could be used both on the client and server side without feeling like it was designed for one side with the other bolted on like it was an afterthought. I also wanted a library that gave more flexibility for defining routes. ## Status **NOTE**: This is currently a Work in progress. I'm not yet sure if this will be the routing library I want. ## Design The main class exported in this library is `Router`. `Router` is a wrapper around `RouteNode`. A `RouteNode` is a tree structure to define all routes. ## For development To run unit tests: ```bash $ # run unit tests and lint $ npm test $ # run unit tests only $ mocha $ # run linter only $ eslint ``` See unit tests for more details. ### Usage: ```javascript var Router = require('routing-buddy') var router = new Router() // Define a handler to be called when routed to the url router.add('/some/path/here', function () { // do something for '/some/path/here' }) // Get the handler for '/some/path/here' and call it. // Call the callback after finding the route router.route('/some/path/here', function (err, maybeResults) { // `err` will be either null or Error. // null: everything was fine // Error: missing route or any other error that might happen // maybeResults: The return value from the hander from add }) // add routes with regex router.add(['/by/regex', /(\d+)/g], function (one, two, three) { // one === '1', two === '2', three === '3' }) router.route('/by/regex/1-2-3') function toInt(part) { var results = /^(\d+)$/.exec(part) return results ? parseInt(results[0], 10) : null } // add routes with function var router = new Router() router.add(['by', 'func', toInt], function (val) { // val === 123 }) router.route('/by/func/123') // Can check for not found route router.route('/unknown/route', function (err) { // Router.isNotFound(err) === true }) // Can pass arguments to route handler router.add(['/with/args', toInt], function (someObj, param) { // someObj = {some: 'obj'} // param === 123 }) router.route('/with/args/123', {args: [{some: 'obj'}]}) ```